this image contains text
WiCKED PAK 6 * AMAZiNG APRiL * 04/08/95
...We Are Wicked...
DaWizz DWZ, Trinitron TT!, Red Mist RM, Black Viper BV, ScareCrow SC
Illuzionary IZ, Lope Hs LHS FireBird FB, Casper CS
Virtual Damage VD, Crypt Keeper CK, Zinxs ZX, Kurse KS
Crimson Death CD, Mr.Clean MCL
Dr. Dre DD, Soey SO, DeathWish DW, Oscar OC
Deathwish DW, Needlehair NH, Red Mist RM, Virtual Damage VD
Illuzionary IZ, Black Viper BV, CryptMaster CM, ConWay CW
Avatar AV, Fiddler FL
Spliff SP, Deathwish DW, Dr Dre DD, Black Viper BV, Crypt Keeper CK
The Enter Key
Evil Ernie, Jester King, Phoenix, Lars, Zinxs, Caligula, Bionic
BBS Name Phone Number SysOp Status Nup
Disembodied Voices 718-279-2766 Fatal Sacrilege World HQ NONE...
Stairway To Heaven +45-747-263-03 Bionic Euro HQ NONE...
Atomic Delusions 903-561-5409 Nuclear Dreamer Southern HQ NONE...
Evil Intentions 408-251-6220 Betrayer Western HQ NONE...
The Next Dimension 718-761-7461 BitStream Member NONE...
The Future Link 505-327-6299 Phoenix Member NONE...
Fatal Error 914-344-3830 Evil Ernie Member NONE...
Deadly Dreams 718-651-0518 DeathWish Member NONE...
The Phunhouse 407-968-8561 Desperado Member NONE...
Mixmastas Mansion 718-372-7043 DR. DRE Distro NONE...
Where Shadows Wait 405-354-9857 The Stranger Distro NONE...
We are still looking for Coders, Artists, Couriers, and SiTEs...
Please Contact one of the Senior Members on any of the above boards
and leave him samples and/or demos of your work along with the
application you filled out in this pack
-- The Group is developing nicely, and has gained some great new members. --
-- We are still looking for more distro sites. This is WiCKEDs sixth --
-- release and the admiration of WiCKED has begun! --
Final Note : If you have any requests for ASCiis/ANSis/VGAs or any type
of art please leave a message to your favorite artist on one
of the above boards.
...We Are Wicked...
DaWizz DWZ, Trinitron TT!, Red Mist RM, Black Viper BV, ScareCrow SC
Illuzionary IZ, Lope Hs LHS FireBird FB, Casper CS
Virtual Damage VD, Crypt Keeper CK, Zinxs ZX, Kurse KS
Crimson Death CD, Mr.Clean MCL
Dr. Dre DD, Soey SO, DeathWish DW, Oscar OC
Deathwish DW, Needlehair NH, Red Mist RM, Virtual Damage VD
Illuzionary IZ, Black Viper BV, CryptMaster CM, ConWay CW
Avatar AV, Fiddler FL
Spliff SP, Deathwish DW, Dr Dre DD, Black Viper BV, Crypt Keeper CK
The Enter Key
Evil Ernie, Jester King, Phoenix, Lars, Zinxs, Caligula, Bionic
BBS Name Phone Number SysOp Status Nup
Disembodied Voices 718-279-2766 Fatal Sacrilege World HQ NONE...
Stairway To Heaven +45-747-263-03 Bionic Euro HQ NONE...
Atomic Delusions 903-561-5409 Nuclear Dreamer Southern HQ NONE...
Evil Intentions 408-251-6220 Betrayer Western HQ NONE...
The Next Dimension 718-761-7461 BitStream Member NONE...
The Future Link 505-327-6299 Phoenix Member NONE...
Fatal Error 914-344-3830 Evil Ernie Member NONE...
Deadly Dreams 718-651-0518 DeathWish Member NONE...
The Phunhouse 407-968-8561 Desperado Member NONE...
Mixmastas Mansion 718-372-7043 DR. DRE Distro NONE...
Where Shadows Wait 405-354-9857 The Stranger Distro NONE...
We are still looking for Coders, Artists, Couriers, and SiTEs...
Please Contact one of the Senior Members on any of the above boards
and leave him samples and/or demos of your work along with the
application you filled out in this pack
-- The Group is developing nicely, and has gained some great new members. --
-- We are still looking for more distro sites. This is WiCKEDs sixth --
-- release and the admiration of WiCKED has begun! --
Final Note : If you have any requests for ASCiis/ANSis/VGAs or any type
of art please leave a message to your favorite artist on one
of the above boards.
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