this image contains text
Ec-Lghmt.Ans 10/20/1994
hey d00dz.. this comicrip of
Grifter of Wildc.a.t.s. was
donefor a great renegadeboard
called LaughterMeditationac:
803.. give it a ringsometime!
ice-7. asylum.liquidvision.
leonard0.mucurochrome. phaser-
x desolated dreams.liquid motion
trident. frostbyte. and allthe
ciacrew! acid-ice-unionshiver
crewsare phunkilygreeted too!
- and da cheesy old stale wanna be new phont-
laughter meditation
okay... heres laughters phat stats and all the affils and dat
: 1-803-539-5008
Running Latest Renegade at 14.4
SysOp: Liquid Motion Relic .. Featuring megs and megs of
CoSysOp: Nivenh Shiver .. art, demos, and mags
Relic Member Board .. No WaReZ or K/RDS!
Shiver Member Board! .. No NUP, or NUV Voting
Corruption Member Board! .. Artists Strongly Welcomed
-ansi by eternal chaos cia! grifter is a copywrong of wildc.a.t.s..-
WiND 95 ANSi by Eternal Chaos
hey d00dz.. this comicrip of
Grifter of Wildc.a.t.s. was
donefor a great renegadeboard
called LaughterMeditationac:
803.. give it a ringsometime!
ice-7. asylum.liquidvision.
leonard0.mucurochrome. phaser-
x desolated dreams.liquid motion
trident. frostbyte. and allthe
ciacrew! acid-ice-unionshiver
crewsare phunkilygreeted too!
- and da cheesy old stale wanna be new phont-
laughter meditation
okay... heres laughters phat stats and all the affils and dat
: 1-803-539-5008
Running Latest Renegade at 14.4
SysOp: Liquid Motion Relic .. Featuring megs and megs of
CoSysOp: Nivenh Shiver .. art, demos, and mags
Relic Member Board .. No WaReZ or K/RDS!
Shiver Member Board! .. No NUP, or NUV Voting
Corruption Member Board! .. Artists Strongly Welcomed
-ansi by eternal chaos cia! grifter is a copywrong of wildc.a.t.s..-
WiND 95 ANSi by Eternal Chaos
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