this image contains text
WBT Jan 1995 NFO File
Hey, okay, this is White Insanity writin the first part of this nfo filethat well, its kind of mandatory in all packs . Ok this has been built over
the past 3 months, Wild Buffalo Tamerz is not your ordinary group, you probably
noticed that from our name. Were different, youll see now and in the future.
We arent here to compete with ACiD yet we are here to show we arenot your average group of people, we have inspirations, alternative inspiration
we are wanting to see the scene from all views and not just 1 boxed view.
This pack has only been possible by the hard work of all the members in
WBT, we have re arranged the member status cleared out the junk and we are look-in pretty good. We have 2 great founders which are probably 2 of the best Ive
worked under in my time in the scene, probably because of no pressure and no
stress which I have enough of.
I this month left Mistigris for WBT, I hope all the Mist guys the best
of luck, I was on ansi this morning and me and Nitnatsnoc got WiND sites, me
the CHQ yep, another affil for my board which opens Jan 7th yee and Nit
got a distro site.
Another issue I would like to talk about is the shift in WHQ, I personal-ly think my board opening Jan 7th would be a better choice for a WHQ as it
is an art oriented board, which is only up for art and messages. Our current WHQis open to all files shareware too so this making it particularily hard to geton due to people who only want shareware and not art are always on, so thats whyI recommend the switch in gears. The Cave current WHQ would remain the Net HQ
and be put as a Member board, as the NetHQ is local to all of the lower mainlandLower Part of British Columbia, Canada where 90 of WBT members are located,
its only logical dont you think? So maybe my board will end up being the WBT
WHQ, I hope so, but its Sparks and Surreal Logics desicion, well ill wrap upmy part of this NFO file and send it over to sL. just some greets now
- Personal Greets
Nivenh - Spiff Impulse up and id love to run it, but for now
its Charisma...
iP - We would like you as a courier, just call The Cave or my board
Morpheus - your a neat coder
Red Lightning - A bunch of girlies phoned me up lookin for you! Ya know the
ones that love to annoy you
Kokane - 25 Liner for the next pack
Asphixia - 25 Liner for you too
Cardiac - RoW 95!
Eerie - Get your INet account back
WintaRose - Hihihihihihihihihihihi.
- Group Greets
UNiON - I Idolize All Of Your Fontists
Mistigris - best of luck guys
WBT - we roq P
Ansi - we count as a group i guess
ACiD - wewp.
iCE - wewp.
CiA - wewp de doo P.
DaRK - neat.
w00w00! Hey, I guess its my turn, eh? Well, I have LOTS of things to
say, so I guess Ill start with the recent history of WBT ...
WBT began in err .. August? as a cool coding group this was before I
learned how to draw : .. Spark and I Surreal Logic thought that maybe if we
added art to the group description wed maybe get more members. Thats when WBT
really began taking off tho slowly at first :. I began advertising WBT on the
local nets and on our local ACiD site .. which incidentally has been down for amonth or two now, never to pop up again Destructive Revolution. WBT began grow-ing, getting some artists whose talents hadnt been discovered yet. I think thatthe relaxed atmosphere in WBT is what really draws new members to us. We try to
never pressure our artists, and they end up producing a lot more this way than
if we had pressured them into working. Surprisingly enough, after a couple of
months WBT had enough members to set a date for our premiere pack, January 1st.
Today. We actually had to reject some applicants, which really surprised me as
I never thought WBT would be able to do such a horrible? thing : Now we have
some great artists in different fields, and after some major rushing at the lastminute on my part our pack is finally almost? ready .. watch out for some
big changes in WBT in the next few months, and watch for us to make some big
improvements too ...
One more important thing this month ... I left MiSTiGRiS .. well, not
a big loss for a group as talented as MiST, but it helps WBT as now I can be
completely dedicated to my work for WBT. Id like to say hey to all the MiST
crew and a big thanx to Nit Cthulu for making my time there so goddamn enjoy-
Oh, and about the shift in WHQ for WBT ... my idea would be to have two
WHQs, which kinda defies the meaning of a WHQ, but what the heck : So, this wayWhite Insanitys board could be a WHQ and so could The Cave .. until my board
goes up, one day in the near future ...
On a personal note, Id like to day sorry to some of the guy in 6o4 ...
sorry, but I only had time to do two pics, guys .. :
BTW, our viewer in this pack is a BETA VERSION .. so dont complain,
cuz Spark spent a lotta time trying to get the damned thing right .. half the
ansis in the pack dont show up correctly in the viewer, but the next version
of the viewer see next months pack : should work fine .. what can I say?
We were rushed ..
Finally, from the WBT Crew, have a Happy New Year everyone! Watch for
some great WBT stuff in 1995!
- Personal Greetz
Nit Cthulu - Sorry for leaving MiST guys, but I hope MiST has a good 95!
Eerie - Argh! I cant call LD to your board! :
Young - Wheres my font?
Darkforce - Awesome work in the Integrity pack ...
Morpheus - Got anyone in your AC for WBT?
Diamond Trav. - Your ansi will be in the next pack .. sorry dude :
Spark - Lazy ass ..
- Group Greetz
MiSTiGRiS - You guys rock .. sorry to have left :
Integrity - Cant wait to see the pack .. will it really be ACiD-quality?
Blade - You guys are really improving .. if I werent in WBT, Id
apply ..
UNiON - One day soon you guys will be 1
ACiD - Awesome. Thassall ..
RECOiL - Are we gonna release one day soon? :
CiA - You guys need a good 6o4 courier ..
iCE - 3? Aww ..
WBT - We rule! Greetz to everyone!
WBT Jan 1995 NFO File
Hey, okay, this is White Insanity writin the first part of this nfo filethat well, its kind of mandatory in all packs . Ok this has been built over
the past 3 months, Wild Buffalo Tamerz is not your ordinary group, you probably
noticed that from our name. Were different, youll see now and in the future.
We arent here to compete with ACiD yet we are here to show we arenot your average group of people, we have inspirations, alternative inspiration
we are wanting to see the scene from all views and not just 1 boxed view.
This pack has only been possible by the hard work of all the members in
WBT, we have re arranged the member status cleared out the junk and we are look-in pretty good. We have 2 great founders which are probably 2 of the best Ive
worked under in my time in the scene, probably because of no pressure and no
stress which I have enough of.
I this month left Mistigris for WBT, I hope all the Mist guys the best
of luck, I was on ansi this morning and me and Nitnatsnoc got WiND sites, me
the CHQ yep, another affil for my board which opens Jan 7th yee and Nit
got a distro site.
Another issue I would like to talk about is the shift in WHQ, I personal-ly think my board opening Jan 7th would be a better choice for a WHQ as it
is an art oriented board, which is only up for art and messages. Our current WHQis open to all files shareware too so this making it particularily hard to geton due to people who only want shareware and not art are always on, so thats whyI recommend the switch in gears. The Cave current WHQ would remain the Net HQ
and be put as a Member board, as the NetHQ is local to all of the lower mainlandLower Part of British Columbia, Canada where 90 of WBT members are located,
its only logical dont you think? So maybe my board will end up being the WBT
WHQ, I hope so, but its Sparks and Surreal Logics desicion, well ill wrap upmy part of this NFO file and send it over to sL. just some greets now
- Personal Greets
Nivenh - Spiff Impulse up and id love to run it, but for now
its Charisma...
iP - We would like you as a courier, just call The Cave or my board
Morpheus - your a neat coder
Red Lightning - A bunch of girlies phoned me up lookin for you! Ya know the
ones that love to annoy you
Kokane - 25 Liner for the next pack
Asphixia - 25 Liner for you too
Cardiac - RoW 95!
Eerie - Get your INet account back
WintaRose - Hihihihihihihihihihihi.
- Group Greets
UNiON - I Idolize All Of Your Fontists
Mistigris - best of luck guys
WBT - we roq P
Ansi - we count as a group i guess
ACiD - wewp.
iCE - wewp.
CiA - wewp de doo P.
DaRK - neat.
w00w00! Hey, I guess its my turn, eh? Well, I have LOTS of things to
say, so I guess Ill start with the recent history of WBT ...
WBT began in err .. August? as a cool coding group this was before I
learned how to draw : .. Spark and I Surreal Logic thought that maybe if we
added art to the group description wed maybe get more members. Thats when WBT
really began taking off tho slowly at first :. I began advertising WBT on the
local nets and on our local ACiD site .. which incidentally has been down for amonth or two now, never to pop up again Destructive Revolution. WBT began grow-ing, getting some artists whose talents hadnt been discovered yet. I think thatthe relaxed atmosphere in WBT is what really draws new members to us. We try to
never pressure our artists, and they end up producing a lot more this way than
if we had pressured them into working. Surprisingly enough, after a couple of
months WBT had enough members to set a date for our premiere pack, January 1st.
Today. We actually had to reject some applicants, which really surprised me as
I never thought WBT would be able to do such a horrible? thing : Now we have
some great artists in different fields, and after some major rushing at the lastminute on my part our pack is finally almost? ready .. watch out for some
big changes in WBT in the next few months, and watch for us to make some big
improvements too ...
One more important thing this month ... I left MiSTiGRiS .. well, not
a big loss for a group as talented as MiST, but it helps WBT as now I can be
completely dedicated to my work for WBT. Id like to say hey to all the MiST
crew and a big thanx to Nit Cthulu for making my time there so goddamn enjoy-
Oh, and about the shift in WHQ for WBT ... my idea would be to have two
WHQs, which kinda defies the meaning of a WHQ, but what the heck : So, this wayWhite Insanitys board could be a WHQ and so could The Cave .. until my board
goes up, one day in the near future ...
On a personal note, Id like to day sorry to some of the guy in 6o4 ...
sorry, but I only had time to do two pics, guys .. :
BTW, our viewer in this pack is a BETA VERSION .. so dont complain,
cuz Spark spent a lotta time trying to get the damned thing right .. half the
ansis in the pack dont show up correctly in the viewer, but the next version
of the viewer see next months pack : should work fine .. what can I say?
We were rushed ..
Finally, from the WBT Crew, have a Happy New Year everyone! Watch for
some great WBT stuff in 1995!
- Personal Greetz
Nit Cthulu - Sorry for leaving MiST guys, but I hope MiST has a good 95!
Eerie - Argh! I cant call LD to your board! :
Young - Wheres my font?
Darkforce - Awesome work in the Integrity pack ...
Morpheus - Got anyone in your AC for WBT?
Diamond Trav. - Your ansi will be in the next pack .. sorry dude :
Spark - Lazy ass ..
- Group Greetz
MiSTiGRiS - You guys rock .. sorry to have left :
Integrity - Cant wait to see the pack .. will it really be ACiD-quality?
Blade - You guys are really improving .. if I werent in WBT, Id
apply ..
UNiON - One day soon you guys will be 1
ACiD - Awesome. Thassall ..
RECOiL - Are we gonna release one day soon? :
CiA - You guys need a good 6o4 courier ..
iCE - 3? Aww ..
WBT - We rule! Greetz to everyone!
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