this image contains text
this phont
is kickin li
HL bettah make
me one.
Sup. Well, we are late with the pack, as most groups
are. Anyone mad can eat a dick. Basically be
cause wBALLS dont follow no rules. Fresh.2
. Anyways, now that we got that out of da way, i woul
d just like to inform yall that the nfo fil
e is dedicated to that font you see at the top. It
like kicks ass. I almost changed the mane of my board
to EL3 because of it.2. Eat a
dick. No reason. I just felt like telling you that.
3. As it is plain to see, the big balls ha
ve grown since last month quite a
lot. You see, when I released last months pack, I had
no idea what kind of
response I was going to get. But I didnt really give
a shit. Cool enough,
people fell in love with wBALLS and like a million pe
ople joined. If you
would like to get in, I can be reached on my board, r
ev9, or on irc. We
should also have an app gen by next month.
4. Last month, in one of Urge Overkills ansis, D
evils Spawns voice number,
c 305-570-6386, was displayed. DS approached me
with this, and told me he did
a not like 305-570-6386 displayed because if peo
ple called 305-570-6386 late
l at night and asked for him nick, his mother
would get very angry and yell
l at him because nobody is supposed to call 305-
570-6386 late at night and ask
i for Nick. I expressed my appoligies for my foo
lishness in letting 305-570-
t 6386 get in the pack and promised him that 305
-570-6386, DevilS Spawns
n Nick voice number would never be in another
wBALLS pack. I greatly
o appologize for 305-570-6386 gettin in the pack
and I hope nobody called 305-
w 570-6386 late at night and asked for Nick, bec
ause he would get in trouble.
call it now! call it now! call it now! call it now! call
it now! call it now
4. Eat meat, its neat.
5. Oh yeah, wBALLS dosent stand for anything. Wh
oever said that wBALLS means
with balls is a dumbass bacause it never meant anyt
hing of the sort. It
simply is W BaLLS. Get over it. If it meant ANYTHIN
G, i would make sure
it was Wilemenas BALLS, but until then, its just p
lain old wBALLS.
6. We fucked around with the sites also this mont
h. We now have State Sacks,
which are right now only for members, but are opening
it up to everyone.
Call rev9 if you want one or wait till the app gen co
mes out, even though
you will still have to call rev9 to upload it. Fuck y
6. Go out and buy the Collapsing Lungs EP. It kicks ass
7. I am sad to say that after this pack goes out,
wBALLS will not be as easy
to get in as it used to be. This is because I am look
ing only for people
who are going to produce every month, and agter this
sudden spurt of
members this month, it is kinda hard to keep up with
everyone myself. No
need to fret, you can still get in, just not EVERYONE
7. We at wBALLS would like to thank the ASCii fo
r providing a necessary means
to help overcome racial segregation and promote unity by creati
ng the
and characters. This shows that even ASCii charact
ers of different
colors can live in perfect harmony.
8. We are looking for couriers, i think. If you w
ant to be a wBALLS courier,
contact me either on rev9 or irc.
9. Thats about it. This pack is dedicated to LSD,
the coolest thing ever
invented. pEAz.
PiroManiak - You trippin wit me dis weekend?
Your Mom - kcasllab ym skcil supmeT.
tAFKASK - Prince ass bitch. :
The Guardian - Lemme snag WHQ. :
proZe - proZe mOnEE iN dA pHUNKEE hAUZE in nINE
Hannibal Lecter - Me and G are comin to San Jos
e dis summer.
Urge Overkill - Dude, when it smells that bad,
dont eat it.
Khyron - That is the phattest mod i have ever h
eard in my life.
Every Ansi artist in the scene - Make Rev9 an a
nsi. now
Maestro - I swear I wont scan those pictures o
f your mom giving me slow head.
Everyone else that i cant greet cause G is tel
lin me to send him to shit to
zip - prOpZ.
is kickin li
HL bettah make
me one.
Sup. Well, we are late with the pack, as most groups
are. Anyone mad can eat a dick. Basically be
cause wBALLS dont follow no rules. Fresh.2
. Anyways, now that we got that out of da way, i woul
d just like to inform yall that the nfo fil
e is dedicated to that font you see at the top. It
like kicks ass. I almost changed the mane of my board
to EL3 because of it.2. Eat a
dick. No reason. I just felt like telling you that.
3. As it is plain to see, the big balls ha
ve grown since last month quite a
lot. You see, when I released last months pack, I had
no idea what kind of
response I was going to get. But I didnt really give
a shit. Cool enough,
people fell in love with wBALLS and like a million pe
ople joined. If you
would like to get in, I can be reached on my board, r
ev9, or on irc. We
should also have an app gen by next month.
4. Last month, in one of Urge Overkills ansis, D
evils Spawns voice number,
c 305-570-6386, was displayed. DS approached me
with this, and told me he did
a not like 305-570-6386 displayed because if peo
ple called 305-570-6386 late
l at night and asked for him nick, his mother
would get very angry and yell
l at him because nobody is supposed to call 305-
570-6386 late at night and ask
i for Nick. I expressed my appoligies for my foo
lishness in letting 305-570-
t 6386 get in the pack and promised him that 305
-570-6386, DevilS Spawns
n Nick voice number would never be in another
wBALLS pack. I greatly
o appologize for 305-570-6386 gettin in the pack
and I hope nobody called 305-
w 570-6386 late at night and asked for Nick, bec
ause he would get in trouble.
call it now! call it now! call it now! call it now! call
it now! call it now
4. Eat meat, its neat.
5. Oh yeah, wBALLS dosent stand for anything. Wh
oever said that wBALLS means
with balls is a dumbass bacause it never meant anyt
hing of the sort. It
simply is W BaLLS. Get over it. If it meant ANYTHIN
G, i would make sure
it was Wilemenas BALLS, but until then, its just p
lain old wBALLS.
6. We fucked around with the sites also this mont
h. We now have State Sacks,
which are right now only for members, but are opening
it up to everyone.
Call rev9 if you want one or wait till the app gen co
mes out, even though
you will still have to call rev9 to upload it. Fuck y
6. Go out and buy the Collapsing Lungs EP. It kicks ass
7. I am sad to say that after this pack goes out,
wBALLS will not be as easy
to get in as it used to be. This is because I am look
ing only for people
who are going to produce every month, and agter this
sudden spurt of
members this month, it is kinda hard to keep up with
everyone myself. No
need to fret, you can still get in, just not EVERYONE
7. We at wBALLS would like to thank the ASCii fo
r providing a necessary means
to help overcome racial segregation and promote unity by creati
ng the
and characters. This shows that even ASCii charact
ers of different
colors can live in perfect harmony.
8. We are looking for couriers, i think. If you w
ant to be a wBALLS courier,
contact me either on rev9 or irc.
9. Thats about it. This pack is dedicated to LSD,
the coolest thing ever
invented. pEAz.
PiroManiak - You trippin wit me dis weekend?
Your Mom - kcasllab ym skcil supmeT.
tAFKASK - Prince ass bitch. :
The Guardian - Lemme snag WHQ. :
proZe - proZe mOnEE iN dA pHUNKEE hAUZE in nINE
Hannibal Lecter - Me and G are comin to San Jos
e dis summer.
Urge Overkill - Dude, when it smells that bad,
dont eat it.
Khyron - That is the phattest mod i have ever h
eard in my life.
Every Ansi artist in the scene - Make Rev9 an a
nsi. now
Maestro - I swear I wont scan those pictures o
f your mom giving me slow head.
Everyone else that i cant greet cause G is tel
lin me to send him to shit to
zip - prOpZ.
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