this image contains text
:: phunk ascii!
called :
// I am Happy Only When It Rains
/ /l / / . /
./ / . / / // // / / / l/ l
/ / / / / Arl / / /
l // / / / . . /
im only happy when it rains.
my only comfort is the night gone black.
im riding upon a deep depression.
im only happy when it rains.
only happy when it rains / garbage
/ xCz
./l l
/ / / / / l/
/ T
/ well another wicked colly done. volatile -
/ some new styles. the man..
/ anyway i got alot better i think speaking.
/ changed my style completly, i draw
/ less now thought, you can reach me .
for requests in volatile@main.aquanet
.co.il, this colly dedicated to my fav
band garbage, enjoy.
/ dZ / / / /
im lost so im cruel but id be love and sweetness if i had you.
i, waiting.... im waiting for you.
milk / garbage
01 abduction
Vol . /l / ./ //
/ l / // / / / /
/ l/ l/ / / / /
Vol l l ./ / ./ /l
/ / l / l l / / / /
/ dZ / / / /
nothing said could change me fact, my trust was blind, you broke the
fact, if gods my witness, god must be blind, choke on guilt thats far
too good for you, say one word i laugh and bury you and leave you in the
place you left me.
as haven is wide / garbage
02 abstract hallucinaios
l ./ /l /. / /l
/ / l / l l
? command ? command ? command ? command ? command
? command ? command ? command ? command ? command
? command ? command ? command ? command ? command :
? command ? command ? command ? command ? command
/command/ ... ....... .......
. / // /l // / : : : :.:
/ / / l / / ..
H A L L U C I N A I O S :.: :.:.:.: :.:.:.:
/ dZ / / / /
come down my house and stick a stone in your mouth, you can allways pull
out if you like it too much, make a whole new religion: a falling star
that you cannot live without and ill feed your obsessions, there will
be nothing but this thing that you will never doubt, this thing youll
never doubt.
supervixen / garbage
03 aerosouls
vola /.
/ l l / / l/ l
A E R O S O U L S /
add stuph here....
/ dZ / / / /
a stroke of luck or gift from god ?
the end of fate or devils claws ?
from below or the saints above ?
you come to me now.
a stroke of luck / garbage
04 bettah ask somebody
// / // / l
l/ /
/ /vol
/ / . /. / /l / . . /. / /
/ l / / l l /
/ / l/ / /
/:. b e t t a h a s k s o m e b o d y .:
/ dZ / / / /
steel ?
we have no butter, but i ask you whould you rather have butter OR guns ?
shall we import lard or steel ?
preparedness makes us powerful.
butter merely makes us fat.
lard ?
the fat of the land / prodigy
05 black death
B l a c K
/ l / /
/------- --/vol
D e a t H
/ dZ / / / /
if you understand or if you dont
if you belive or if you doubt
theres a universal justice
and the eyes of truth are allways watching you.
the cross of changes / enigma
06 daeron
/ d A E R O n
. // l / /.
/ / / / l/
a proud member of
tropic ascii
/ dZ / / / /
07 last call
/ . / /l ./ . / /
/ / // / / / / vol / l/ / / l/
/ dZ / / / /
08 narkkari
/ / l l / / / l / l l / / /
/ dZ / / / /
09 new user
l / ./ /l /./ /l /
/ / l / / /
/ dZ / / / /
10 save our souls
/ / l/ /
/ dZ / / / /
11 stridh
./ /l /, . l
/ l l
of vol
NDV //
/ dZ / / / /
12 whodini r.i.p
wU-TRANk - rMRs
. l . . . / . . /
/ l / l l / l / l /
lEADEr volatilephunk
much respects to whodini a real cool artist that left the scene
/ dZ / / / /
13 love poem + ascii
/ / l / l / l
:: L O V E ::: : : :
:: a strange feeling, starts in the stomack:: :
::: ends in the heart, make you feel high and : ::
.:::: hot, one look over there and she : :::
::: will be in your head, you found yourself : ::::
:: blocked, without it you just have a houl,:: :
: yes in your soul fool, so cut the act, try your.::
: best, be yourself and face the match. .:::
: wu-phunk klan : :::::::::
/ dZ / / / /
14 acorn
/ l l / / / /
/ l/ / / / /
// vol
.--Im Only Happy When It--//.
l: / / /
/ t: ------ lp!
//: / l/ :
: ---------- Rains --------:
i choosen that name only becouse it reflect my mood latly
also i like garbage very much, this colly is mini colly more then a colly
but i dont draw so much, im lazy also my dr. told me to fucken stay away
from the computer coz the radiation gimme horrible headacks, hope you liked
this colly its very diffrent from my other ones.
now the credits...
/ l l / l l l
tango - volatile
arlequin - only happy when it rains, phunk diz.
trivial - only happy when it rains.
xcz - intro.
dezibel - garbage divider.
horizon - phunk ascii
blue - phunk ascii
cybergod - mjay what the hell
around the world - joule
d2mac - big volatile logo...
.:::::::::::.. l /.
G R E E T S... d
to anyone i know... ! :
R E S P E C T S..... /
tango : love ya you are one of the most l
nice guys around also very telented
arlequin : my pow you allways supported my
art and you have a wicked style. :
horizon : a great mate, you are inspiring
and you allways feedbacked me. /
squish : you may not know this but i respect
you alot we been friends for ever
and its allways fun to talk ta ya
necromancer : your a great artist and you
allways been opened minded
about my art, you saw it seens /
i started. /
martz : your wicked, and you kinda helped
me since the start.
sargon : even thought i dont like ya much
you gave me a chance do improve
you feedbacked me even thought ya . l
actually hated me. /
l /
natali : my girlfriend.
all of my staff in phunk. :
rad : my music group guiter player
gilad : my mate. /
contect me :
in irc : in efnet as volatile
or vola. . /
in stealth as
in email :
requests only thru email. . /
l /
p H U N K A S C I I
dezibel - tim drake - arlequin - aneurysm - volatile
.artist... .colly name .fileaname.. .
arlequin t... city pnk-tc.txt
volatile newbie ego pnk-ne.txt
volatile d2mac colly pnk-d2.txt
volatile tha mc is.. pnk-tmc.txt
volatile only happy. pnk-or.txt
// // cG/
. eD
well i wont use my whole colly for dissing and bitching this is as far as i
get, anyway cybergod just made the ascii it dosnt reflect his opiniun i think
so, anyway here 2 qoutes about mjay first about his art second about himself..
enjoy :
2FAST Of Jedi Art
2fast recived in mail : rips like hell! FUCK IT!
FATAL The Leader Of Epsilon Design
Fatal vol : well he got an attitude probelm thats for sure...
thats about it, not much insulting but i have no power for this games, mjay
find someone else to play with...
coming up soon....
: /. : /. Y /: /. :
........ Y - Y Y ! Y Y /
: l/l/l l
l :
: !Y /. /. : /. : :
----- Y Y - Y / Y / :
:.. l/ll/l :
ju.. ... .. . x x . .. ... ...- around the world -.:
/. Arl
25 / 09 / 97
:: phunk ascii!
called :
// I am Happy Only When It Rains
/ /l / / . /
./ / . / / // // / / / l/ l
/ / / / / Arl / / /
l // / / / . . /
im only happy when it rains.
my only comfort is the night gone black.
im riding upon a deep depression.
im only happy when it rains.
only happy when it rains / garbage
/ xCz
./l l
/ / / / / l/
/ T
/ well another wicked colly done. volatile -
/ some new styles. the man..
/ anyway i got alot better i think speaking.
/ changed my style completly, i draw
/ less now thought, you can reach me .
for requests in volatile@main.aquanet
.co.il, this colly dedicated to my fav
band garbage, enjoy.
/ dZ / / / /
im lost so im cruel but id be love and sweetness if i had you.
i, waiting.... im waiting for you.
milk / garbage
01 abduction
Vol . /l / ./ //
/ l / // / / / /
/ l/ l/ / / / /
Vol l l ./ / ./ /l
/ / l / l l / / / /
/ dZ / / / /
nothing said could change me fact, my trust was blind, you broke the
fact, if gods my witness, god must be blind, choke on guilt thats far
too good for you, say one word i laugh and bury you and leave you in the
place you left me.
as haven is wide / garbage
02 abstract hallucinaios
l ./ /l /. / /l
/ / l / l l
? command ? command ? command ? command ? command
? command ? command ? command ? command ? command
? command ? command ? command ? command ? command :
? command ? command ? command ? command ? command
/command/ ... ....... .......
. / // /l // / : : : :.:
/ / / l / / ..
H A L L U C I N A I O S :.: :.:.:.: :.:.:.:
/ dZ / / / /
come down my house and stick a stone in your mouth, you can allways pull
out if you like it too much, make a whole new religion: a falling star
that you cannot live without and ill feed your obsessions, there will
be nothing but this thing that you will never doubt, this thing youll
never doubt.
supervixen / garbage
03 aerosouls
vola /.
/ l l / / l/ l
A E R O S O U L S /
add stuph here....
/ dZ / / / /
a stroke of luck or gift from god ?
the end of fate or devils claws ?
from below or the saints above ?
you come to me now.
a stroke of luck / garbage
04 bettah ask somebody
// / // / l
l/ /
/ /vol
/ / . /. / /l / . . /. / /
/ l / / l l /
/ / l/ / /
/:. b e t t a h a s k s o m e b o d y .:
/ dZ / / / /
steel ?
we have no butter, but i ask you whould you rather have butter OR guns ?
shall we import lard or steel ?
preparedness makes us powerful.
butter merely makes us fat.
lard ?
the fat of the land / prodigy
05 black death
B l a c K
/ l / /
/------- --/vol
D e a t H
/ dZ / / / /
if you understand or if you dont
if you belive or if you doubt
theres a universal justice
and the eyes of truth are allways watching you.
the cross of changes / enigma
06 daeron
/ d A E R O n
. // l / /.
/ / / / l/
a proud member of
tropic ascii
/ dZ / / / /
07 last call
/ . / /l ./ . / /
/ / // / / / / vol / l/ / / l/
/ dZ / / / /
08 narkkari
/ / l l / / / l / l l / / /
/ dZ / / / /
09 new user
l / ./ /l /./ /l /
/ / l / / /
/ dZ / / / /
10 save our souls
/ / l/ /
/ dZ / / / /
11 stridh
./ /l /, . l
/ l l
of vol
NDV //
/ dZ / / / /
12 whodini r.i.p
wU-TRANk - rMRs
. l . . . / . . /
/ l / l l / l / l /
lEADEr volatilephunk
much respects to whodini a real cool artist that left the scene
/ dZ / / / /
13 love poem + ascii
/ / l / l / l
:: L O V E ::: : : :
:: a strange feeling, starts in the stomack:: :
::: ends in the heart, make you feel high and : ::
.:::: hot, one look over there and she : :::
::: will be in your head, you found yourself : ::::
:: blocked, without it you just have a houl,:: :
: yes in your soul fool, so cut the act, try your.::
: best, be yourself and face the match. .:::
: wu-phunk klan : :::::::::
/ dZ / / / /
14 acorn
/ l l / / / /
/ l/ / / / /
// vol
.--Im Only Happy When It--//.
l: / / /
/ t: ------ lp!
//: / l/ :
: ---------- Rains --------:
i choosen that name only becouse it reflect my mood latly
also i like garbage very much, this colly is mini colly more then a colly
but i dont draw so much, im lazy also my dr. told me to fucken stay away
from the computer coz the radiation gimme horrible headacks, hope you liked
this colly its very diffrent from my other ones.
now the credits...
/ l l / l l l
tango - volatile
arlequin - only happy when it rains, phunk diz.
trivial - only happy when it rains.
xcz - intro.
dezibel - garbage divider.
horizon - phunk ascii
blue - phunk ascii
cybergod - mjay what the hell
around the world - joule
d2mac - big volatile logo...
.:::::::::::.. l /.
G R E E T S... d
to anyone i know... ! :
R E S P E C T S..... /
tango : love ya you are one of the most l
nice guys around also very telented
arlequin : my pow you allways supported my
art and you have a wicked style. :
horizon : a great mate, you are inspiring
and you allways feedbacked me. /
squish : you may not know this but i respect
you alot we been friends for ever
and its allways fun to talk ta ya
necromancer : your a great artist and you
allways been opened minded
about my art, you saw it seens /
i started. /
martz : your wicked, and you kinda helped
me since the start.
sargon : even thought i dont like ya much
you gave me a chance do improve
you feedbacked me even thought ya . l
actually hated me. /
l /
natali : my girlfriend.
all of my staff in phunk. :
rad : my music group guiter player
gilad : my mate. /
contect me :
in irc : in efnet as volatile
or vola. . /
in stealth as
in email :
requests only thru email. . /
l /
p H U N K A S C I I
dezibel - tim drake - arlequin - aneurysm - volatile
.artist... .colly name .fileaname.. .
arlequin t... city pnk-tc.txt
volatile newbie ego pnk-ne.txt
volatile d2mac colly pnk-d2.txt
volatile tha mc is.. pnk-tmc.txt
volatile only happy. pnk-or.txt
// // cG/
. eD
well i wont use my whole colly for dissing and bitching this is as far as i
get, anyway cybergod just made the ascii it dosnt reflect his opiniun i think
so, anyway here 2 qoutes about mjay first about his art second about himself..
enjoy :
2FAST Of Jedi Art
2fast recived in mail : rips like hell! FUCK IT!
FATAL The Leader Of Epsilon Design
Fatal vol : well he got an attitude probelm thats for sure...
thats about it, not much insulting but i have no power for this games, mjay
find someone else to play with...
coming up soon....
: /. : /. Y /: /. :
........ Y - Y Y ! Y Y /
: l/l/l l
l :
: !Y /. /. : /. : :
----- Y Y - Y / Y / :
:.. l/ll/l :
ju.. ... .. . x x . .. ... ...- around the world -.:
/. Arl
25 / 09 / 97
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