this image contains text
the vapor july newsletter
woah, elite, colored ascii@! -m1
i n f o r m a t i o n
welcome to the third vapor pack, for july of ninety-five.. this month
has drastically changed our fate. we have had many decisions this month, in
which we have made good choices with. weve gained many quality artists in
july, which that you will find out about later down in the nfo file. we have
mass news for you this month, and I apologize for making this so long. oh,
and Id like to shoutout a major fuck you to all the people who said wed
die, this pack is for you.
n e w m e m b e r s
here is where I tell you of all the spiffy people that joined. okay,
please remember this is *NOT* in order. I got yelled at by people for not putting it in order, dont ask me why.
evil ernie. woah. our fucking spiritual advisor fucking rejoined this
fucking awesome group. he rules nah, were glad to have him back
running vapor. this muthaphucker can play tennis with a raspberry
blowpop in the back pocket of his silk boxers, and still win the
match. hes out spiritual advisor, in otherwords, founder.
psychoholic. and I quote... when I was little, I used to wash my eyes
with my ivory and dial soap.. this could be one of doms reason for
being colorblind. nah, this dude started drawing ansi for us. he
is good and shit, especially for his situation. and for his hard
work and dedication, weve promoted him to senior staff.. and just to think that he started out as a mascot
airborn. he joins as the new internet coordinator. what does this do? he supplies us with accounts and internet connections. he is also in
the process of getting us a web page, and a ftp site. we know that he provides a lot of stuff for us this month already.
rage. a guy that joins us from shiver. who is a very talented ansi
artist. we welcome him to the group, and know hell make some good
work for upcoming packs. hes also sysop of fuct image. do an
ansi for his board, he needs it.
twotone. joining last minute, this guy is good. his old handle was crimson skye. he comes to from spastic, and joins us up as ansi coordinat.
coordinator. we felt that this was the right guy to give it to
because he begged us forever. nah, just kidding ryan.. hes a
great guy, and can communicate easily.
blenderhead. now, we have the most undedicated artist ever. hes does
ansi and rip. he had joined and dropped vapor around 3 times this
month, but he finally decided vapor was the place to be. damn,
and was it a bitch! .
sector slayer. this is a talented vga artist. he was unable to have any
work this month. he came to us from FoS.
zuel. hes a quality vga/rip artist, in my opinion, one of the best in
the scene. he comes to us from surge.
sand man. this phunky new phresh ansi artist comes to us from a group
named spastique! hes a good ansi artist.. read his nfo file sand
3.. its in the pack, btw, join cK!@
dream weaver. when I saw this guys chicks, I was amazed this guy is
great at drawing chicks.. great, accent to everything. we
receive this artist from mad, a local group to him.
jester. we found this guy groupless. he applied to us, and got accepted.
he comes from us from nowhere, he is a good artist. we look
forward to upcoming work.
captain crunch. both of these people joined from bomb, which they ran.
phaze-1 when they joined, the group died. they do ansi/rip/vga.
we hope this powerful combo can contribute to vapor in
the upcoming months.
t h e t w o - i n c h e r s
vapor has also dropped a lot of members this month. so many, we cant even
remember. who cares, who wants to know, the nfo file is long enough as it is.
its really not important who left. if you want to know, look at the members
file. no one really big left, or quit, so we arent concerned, so neither
should you.
q u o t e o f t h e m o n t h
made over a phone call, I typed in irc format
psychoholic if god came down to you, and said that he could give you
a 12 cock.. but the only problem is that it would be hard all the
time.. would you do it?
evile well, yeah, but Id just go naked everywhere
c l o s i n g c o m m e n t s
well, if you made it this far in the file, I am proud of you. you
still got to hear Evil Ernie bitch though. heh. anyways, its been a great
month for us as you can see, and youll see us again with another good pack
next month. if you want to join vapor by any chance, call The Graveyard Shift
at 803-732-1181, and logon as:
Handle: Vapor
Password: Vapor
that or call my vmb.. thats about it.. Id like to greet a few people realqwikie.. all the vapor members, abomination, cash, blendz, and the others. sorryI can greet more, but this thing is long as hell.
mystic imagesck.vapewhOre95
18007458001 221
---!- Evil Ernies Part the spiritual advisor.. or founder
hey, well, this infofile was pretty damn long so Ill keep this short and
sweet and to the point. I came back this month, and the groups really improvedsince last month. I didnt have much time to do anything last month, because
of not enough time. Since Ive come back, I pretty much dont interact with therest of the scene, my reasoning for that is because most of the people in the
scene on IRC are fucking retards but there are some pretty cool guys. All in
all, Id just like to say that all the artists that gave me work this month,
worked really hard. And Id just like to thank all the members of the group
this month for making this a hell of a pack, and Id like for them to keep up
the good work. So I hope you like the pack, and were looking forward to
releasing another one in the upcoming months. Nice work guys.. FAC!!!
Evil Erniespiritual advisor
the vapor july newsletter
woah, elite, colored ascii@! -m1
i n f o r m a t i o n
welcome to the third vapor pack, for july of ninety-five.. this month
has drastically changed our fate. we have had many decisions this month, in
which we have made good choices with. weve gained many quality artists in
july, which that you will find out about later down in the nfo file. we have
mass news for you this month, and I apologize for making this so long. oh,
and Id like to shoutout a major fuck you to all the people who said wed
die, this pack is for you.
n e w m e m b e r s
here is where I tell you of all the spiffy people that joined. okay,
please remember this is *NOT* in order. I got yelled at by people for not putting it in order, dont ask me why.
evil ernie. woah. our fucking spiritual advisor fucking rejoined this
fucking awesome group. he rules nah, were glad to have him back
running vapor. this muthaphucker can play tennis with a raspberry
blowpop in the back pocket of his silk boxers, and still win the
match. hes out spiritual advisor, in otherwords, founder.
psychoholic. and I quote... when I was little, I used to wash my eyes
with my ivory and dial soap.. this could be one of doms reason for
being colorblind. nah, this dude started drawing ansi for us. he
is good and shit, especially for his situation. and for his hard
work and dedication, weve promoted him to senior staff.. and just to think that he started out as a mascot
airborn. he joins as the new internet coordinator. what does this do? he supplies us with accounts and internet connections. he is also in
the process of getting us a web page, and a ftp site. we know that he provides a lot of stuff for us this month already.
rage. a guy that joins us from shiver. who is a very talented ansi
artist. we welcome him to the group, and know hell make some good
work for upcoming packs. hes also sysop of fuct image. do an
ansi for his board, he needs it.
twotone. joining last minute, this guy is good. his old handle was crimson skye. he comes to from spastic, and joins us up as ansi coordinat.
coordinator. we felt that this was the right guy to give it to
because he begged us forever. nah, just kidding ryan.. hes a
great guy, and can communicate easily.
blenderhead. now, we have the most undedicated artist ever. hes does
ansi and rip. he had joined and dropped vapor around 3 times this
month, but he finally decided vapor was the place to be. damn,
and was it a bitch! .
sector slayer. this is a talented vga artist. he was unable to have any
work this month. he came to us from FoS.
zuel. hes a quality vga/rip artist, in my opinion, one of the best in
the scene. he comes to us from surge.
sand man. this phunky new phresh ansi artist comes to us from a group
named spastique! hes a good ansi artist.. read his nfo file sand
3.. its in the pack, btw, join cK!@
dream weaver. when I saw this guys chicks, I was amazed this guy is
great at drawing chicks.. great, accent to everything. we
receive this artist from mad, a local group to him.
jester. we found this guy groupless. he applied to us, and got accepted.
he comes from us from nowhere, he is a good artist. we look
forward to upcoming work.
captain crunch. both of these people joined from bomb, which they ran.
phaze-1 when they joined, the group died. they do ansi/rip/vga.
we hope this powerful combo can contribute to vapor in
the upcoming months.
t h e t w o - i n c h e r s
vapor has also dropped a lot of members this month. so many, we cant even
remember. who cares, who wants to know, the nfo file is long enough as it is.
its really not important who left. if you want to know, look at the members
file. no one really big left, or quit, so we arent concerned, so neither
should you.
q u o t e o f t h e m o n t h
made over a phone call, I typed in irc format
psychoholic if god came down to you, and said that he could give you
a 12 cock.. but the only problem is that it would be hard all the
time.. would you do it?
evile well, yeah, but Id just go naked everywhere
c l o s i n g c o m m e n t s
well, if you made it this far in the file, I am proud of you. you
still got to hear Evil Ernie bitch though. heh. anyways, its been a great
month for us as you can see, and youll see us again with another good pack
next month. if you want to join vapor by any chance, call The Graveyard Shift
at 803-732-1181, and logon as:
Handle: Vapor
Password: Vapor
that or call my vmb.. thats about it.. Id like to greet a few people realqwikie.. all the vapor members, abomination, cash, blendz, and the others. sorryI can greet more, but this thing is long as hell.
mystic imagesck.vapewhOre95
18007458001 221
---!- Evil Ernies Part the spiritual advisor.. or founder
hey, well, this infofile was pretty damn long so Ill keep this short and
sweet and to the point. I came back this month, and the groups really improvedsince last month. I didnt have much time to do anything last month, because
of not enough time. Since Ive come back, I pretty much dont interact with therest of the scene, my reasoning for that is because most of the people in the
scene on IRC are fucking retards but there are some pretty cool guys. All in
all, Id just like to say that all the artists that gave me work this month,
worked really hard. And Id just like to thank all the members of the group
this month for making this a hell of a pack, and Id like for them to keep up
the good work. So I hope you like the pack, and were looking forward to
releasing another one in the upcoming months. Nice work guys.. FAC!!!
Evil Erniespiritual advisor
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