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mf information file! Ok, well here it is! The Vapor inaugural
pack! Alot of hard work was put into this
pack, one reason was that the group started on April, 11th. Which is also the reason why we have choose to release on the 10th of May.
All the artists/members that joined Vapor have worked twice as hard as normal to get
things into the pack because of the fact that they had such a short period of time to do any kinda work. So, because of their hard work I would like to give them all my own special respect for their efforts. Vapor started as an idea. The idea came the minute I quit United, that group became very chaotic because of people having high positions and not knowing how to use them.
So I took the best I had from United, then I
dropped all the LiT/ASCii members I had, to
start another group that would focus on ANSi
, VGA, Coding, and Rip. After the first night
of having the idea I talked with Eternal Chaos and we then started Vapor along with Morbid Fixation. From there it was all down hill, we asked all kinds of artists that were friends with us to join and most of them came along for the ride. Without you guys, there
would be no Vapor, you all rule.
I would like to give special thanks to ALL
the members of Vapor for making this one hell
of a fun month. And also a very special thank
you goes out to the telecom staff who got us conferences almost 4-5 times a week, 800s when we needed them, and VMBs. Another thank you goes out to the small
guys in Vapor...the Mascots.....You may think they dont do anything but they
sure as hell help when we have fun on the confs . Also, no hard feelings to
groups that we took members from, its all a friendship kinda thing, did not do
it to hurt your group. In closing, Id like to say thanks again to all!
Evil Ernie
pack! Alot of hard work was put into this
pack, one reason was that the group started on April, 11th. Which is also the reason why we have choose to release on the 10th of May.
All the artists/members that joined Vapor have worked twice as hard as normal to get
things into the pack because of the fact that they had such a short period of time to do any kinda work. So, because of their hard work I would like to give them all my own special respect for their efforts. Vapor started as an idea. The idea came the minute I quit United, that group became very chaotic because of people having high positions and not knowing how to use them.
So I took the best I had from United, then I
dropped all the LiT/ASCii members I had, to
start another group that would focus on ANSi
, VGA, Coding, and Rip. After the first night
of having the idea I talked with Eternal Chaos and we then started Vapor along with Morbid Fixation. From there it was all down hill, we asked all kinds of artists that were friends with us to join and most of them came along for the ride. Without you guys, there
would be no Vapor, you all rule.
I would like to give special thanks to ALL
the members of Vapor for making this one hell
of a fun month. And also a very special thank
you goes out to the telecom staff who got us conferences almost 4-5 times a week, 800s when we needed them, and VMBs. Another thank you goes out to the small
guys in Vapor...the Mascots.....You may think they dont do anything but they
sure as hell help when we have fun on the confs . Also, no hard feelings to
groups that we took members from, its all a friendship kinda thing, did not do
it to hurt your group. In closing, Id like to say thanks again to all!
Evil Ernie
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