vIsuaL poLLutiOn cOmpiLatIoN
release: 01 December 1994
visual pollution inc : featuring: svga lit exe .
dEcEmbEr 1994 . :
fRee wiLLie pAck support: vga svga
vIsuaL poLLutiOn grOuP iNfOs
featuring: this pack features some stunning svga graphics
from our new artist prodigy: Psychotic Expression
we also feature some great poetry from TrashCan
new members: vpi is quite proud to present the newest
additions to our team... they are:
psychotic expression svga graphics dept
trashcan man lit department
membership: we are still seeking quality members to add to
our staff... if you would like to show us what
you can do, we may have a position for you.
Simply complete and return our application and
we guarantee a response...
news: dahmer is dead... ha ha...
sites: looking for more letters to add after your board
name? want to join another net? fill out our app
and we may add you as a distro site...
contact us: modem: edge of darkness whq 3o1.898.0882
irc: vpi or ansi
vmb: to be announced
have a safe and happy holiday season