this image contains text
- - -- Visions of Reality --- - -
Memberlisting Current as of 08/28/94
Senior Members
Hollow Point, Shadowdancer,
Sinister Outlaw, Widow Maker, Venom.
ANSI Department
ANSI Head * Hollow Point
Asterix, Dark Wolf, Forego,
Murcurochrome, Pluto,
Raisltin Majere, Shatterstar,
Skarecrow, Spam Starbuck,
Silver Rat, The Dog Zenophobus
VGA Department
VGA Head * Venom
Ackman, Calypso, Chaos, Dark Wolf,
Fat ass, Hros Inquisitor Thrax,
Pluto, Raistlin Majere,
Sonic Enigma Widow Maker.
Music Division
Music Head * Dark Wolf
Hollow Point, Muttonhead,
Pizza Dude, Pluto.
Codeing Department
Codeing Head * Sinister Outlaw
Absolute Zero Asterix, Dark Wolf,
Lief OPardy, Lord X, Pluto,
Thunderhawk, Wavreth Windrose.
Lit Department
Lit Head * Arturius Pendragon
Alexa, Apothecary, Felyne,
Grey Mouser, Murcurochrome,
Ralgoth, Vicious,
RIP Department
RIP Head * Raistlin Majere
187, Entropy, Pericles,
Plasmatoid TKLP Tyrus Sitius
join vor now! HQs vor is great!
Acoustic Malfunctions...Asian HQ...+xxx.x.xxxxxx
Atari Blues...........Israeli HQ....+972.9.84193
Death Gate...........Canadian HQ..204 774-2326
Gates of Destiny......Eastern HQ..703 938-8149
Higher Grounds.......Southern HQ..305 927-7801
HyperX.............Australian HQ...+619.310.8810
Rendered Images.......Western HQ..206 529-3467
Seminole Wind...........WORLD HQ..301 236-9030
reading this constitutes fraud. :
Member Boards
Alpha 1 Studio..................301 340-xxxx
Arcanum...........................703 799-5648
Bloodstorm.....................301 292-4124
Data Jack.......................713 452-6520
Narkotic Illusions..............303 xxx-xxxx
Reunion of Souls..................703 481-xxxx
Silicon Visions...................703 xxx-xxxx
Souls in Hell.....................703 xxx-xxxx
Underworld........................301 xxx-xxxx
Distro Sites
Black Thunder.....................603 xxx-xxxx
Dawn of Darkness..................703 941-2366
Delusions.........................804 282-4745
Harmoon...........................216 951-7059
Pandemodium.......................718 xxx-xxxx
Psalm 69..........................513 530-9250
Realm of Insanity...............203 568-1502
Suicidal Shrimp.................514 768-3383
Studio 69.........................713 379-6939
T.A.C.............................517 xxx-xxxx
The Cattle Kingdom..............414 377-3129
The Heretic Asylm.................404 947-2500
The Leaf South....................314 365-7697
The Ravaged Nightmare...........516 277-3525
Tramontane........................813 653-1652
Note: Items in white with blue brackets signify
people and boards new to VOR and/or the VOR
memberlist this thing berk! :
- - -- Visions of Reality --- - -
Memberlisting Current as of 08/28/94
Senior Members
Hollow Point, Shadowdancer,
Sinister Outlaw, Widow Maker, Venom.
ANSI Department
ANSI Head * Hollow Point
Asterix, Dark Wolf, Forego,
Murcurochrome, Pluto,
Raisltin Majere, Shatterstar,
Skarecrow, Spam Starbuck,
Silver Rat, The Dog Zenophobus
VGA Department
VGA Head * Venom
Ackman, Calypso, Chaos, Dark Wolf,
Fat ass, Hros Inquisitor Thrax,
Pluto, Raistlin Majere,
Sonic Enigma Widow Maker.
Music Division
Music Head * Dark Wolf
Hollow Point, Muttonhead,
Pizza Dude, Pluto.
Codeing Department
Codeing Head * Sinister Outlaw
Absolute Zero Asterix, Dark Wolf,
Lief OPardy, Lord X, Pluto,
Thunderhawk, Wavreth Windrose.
Lit Department
Lit Head * Arturius Pendragon
Alexa, Apothecary, Felyne,
Grey Mouser, Murcurochrome,
Ralgoth, Vicious,
RIP Department
RIP Head * Raistlin Majere
187, Entropy, Pericles,
Plasmatoid TKLP Tyrus Sitius
join vor now! HQs vor is great!
Acoustic Malfunctions...Asian HQ...+xxx.x.xxxxxx
Atari Blues...........Israeli HQ....+972.9.84193
Death Gate...........Canadian HQ..204 774-2326
Gates of Destiny......Eastern HQ..703 938-8149
Higher Grounds.......Southern HQ..305 927-7801
HyperX.............Australian HQ...+619.310.8810
Rendered Images.......Western HQ..206 529-3467
Seminole Wind...........WORLD HQ..301 236-9030
reading this constitutes fraud. :
Member Boards
Alpha 1 Studio..................301 340-xxxx
Arcanum...........................703 799-5648
Bloodstorm.....................301 292-4124
Data Jack.......................713 452-6520
Narkotic Illusions..............303 xxx-xxxx
Reunion of Souls..................703 481-xxxx
Silicon Visions...................703 xxx-xxxx
Souls in Hell.....................703 xxx-xxxx
Underworld........................301 xxx-xxxx
Distro Sites
Black Thunder.....................603 xxx-xxxx
Dawn of Darkness..................703 941-2366
Delusions.........................804 282-4745
Harmoon...........................216 951-7059
Pandemodium.......................718 xxx-xxxx
Psalm 69..........................513 530-9250
Realm of Insanity...............203 568-1502
Suicidal Shrimp.................514 768-3383
Studio 69.........................713 379-6939
T.A.C.............................517 xxx-xxxx
The Cattle Kingdom..............414 377-3129
The Heretic Asylm.................404 947-2500
The Leaf South....................314 365-7697
The Ravaged Nightmare...........516 277-3525
Tramontane........................813 653-1652
Note: Items in white with blue brackets signify
people and boards new to VOR and/or the VOR
memberlist this thing berk! :
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