this image contains text
What the? Well, I first saw Pale doing this with all his fonts he
made every
month, and Eerie and Veks followed, so I said, What the heck? Its a g
idea, unfortunately I only put 3 fonts in mine, so mine pales in
No pun intended yeah right :
Well, if ya havent checked out Undergrown, the E-Mag for small gr
oups, do it!
Its a great mag, done by Eerie...
Eerie: You didnt even use this great font? What? Not enough goo
p? :
Well, I wont hold it against ya that I got 3s on all my
UG is still a great mag! Keep it up!
Well, heres an ad I did for Veks... Call Psycho City! Best art b
oard in the
510 area code... Void world HQ!!! Rest of the stats below!
P s y c h o C i t y
Void World Headquarters Emigre Distro Site Teklordz Distr
o Site
Propagande Distro Site AoD Distro Site Prime Member Board
ExtremeNet Renegade SysOps: Veks Void/Emigre KillRaven Shiver
100 Percent Art 510.797.0525
Ansi by: Genghis Khan Void/Paralys
Heres another logo for Eerie...
Hope ya like it...
V o i d C a n a d i a n H Q
Yeah. I know what youre thinking... Da Hell?
Dont ask. :
Well, that was my first Combo font. Hope it made
you feel tingly!
Wow!! This is my last ansi of 1994! Finished at 11:09pm Dec
31 1994
Happy New Year to everybody!!!!!
Genghis Khan of Void Productions 95
made every
month, and Eerie and Veks followed, so I said, What the heck? Its a g
idea, unfortunately I only put 3 fonts in mine, so mine pales in
No pun intended yeah right :
Well, if ya havent checked out Undergrown, the E-Mag for small gr
oups, do it!
Its a great mag, done by Eerie...
Eerie: You didnt even use this great font? What? Not enough goo
p? :
Well, I wont hold it against ya that I got 3s on all my
UG is still a great mag! Keep it up!
Well, heres an ad I did for Veks... Call Psycho City! Best art b
oard in the
510 area code... Void world HQ!!! Rest of the stats below!
P s y c h o C i t y
Void World Headquarters Emigre Distro Site Teklordz Distr
o Site
Propagande Distro Site AoD Distro Site Prime Member Board
ExtremeNet Renegade SysOps: Veks Void/Emigre KillRaven Shiver
100 Percent Art 510.797.0525
Ansi by: Genghis Khan Void/Paralys
Heres another logo for Eerie...
Hope ya like it...
V o i d C a n a d i a n H Q
Yeah. I know what youre thinking... Da Hell?
Dont ask. :
Well, that was my first Combo font. Hope it made
you feel tingly!
Wow!! This is my last ansi of 1994! Finished at 11:09pm Dec
31 1994
Happy New Year to everybody!!!!!
Genghis Khan of Void Productions 95
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