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-/- Unaided Surveillance --
-/- By --
-/- After Life --
Foot Surveillance:
it would seem easy to follow someone who is walking in fact is is--as long
as the person takes no evasive action and you dont mind the subject
realizing he is being tailed...
page 121 How to get anything on anyone
The above is what you want to avoid when you are tailing someone
following, etc. It is BETTER to have 2-3 people than one, however
situations may arise, where it is more effective to have 1 than 2-3. Make
sure you have enough money to go WHERE EVER the target goes, stores,
restaraunts etc. Base your surveillance on how much traffic there is in
the area etc. It is easiest in my opinion to work in a heavy traffic area,
pretty hard in a residential area. DO NOT look at the target constantly,
learn to be patient the latter is most likely the most IMPORTANT rule.
If your target he/she DOES happen to turn a corner, and enters a
building, dont panic, base your moves on the current situation, i.e. what
is happening, does he spot you, what is the building like, traffic, etc.
Dont let too much time lapse, otherwise, you will lose the target. If
your target enters a theater, sit BEHIND him, and leave early. If he goes
into a restaraunt, sit on the table behind him, or in the same area as him.
Eat a little FASTER than your target, leave a tad earlier, and pickup the
tail as he leaves. If he suspects a tail, he will look to see who leaves
the restaraunt AFTER he does. This probably sounds pretty lame, but DO
carry some means of changing your appearance, it doesnt mean turn a
corner and come back a 7 blonde with a super figure... Some simple
identity changing ideas are...
.Wear a down coat which can be removed and compressed into a small bag
.Remove a down coat from a small bag and put it on
.Remove or wear any hat which you CAN compress
.Remove or wear brightly colored sunglasses
.Carry a brightly colored nylon bag stuffed with paper which you can
instantly fold into one of your pockets
.Carry and wear or remove a wig
.Always have a bright, clever T-shirt on under you plain outer shirt
which can be removed in a moments notice
.Carry a backpack uinside your nylon bag--put the nylon bag in the backpack
ABC method of tailing
A time proven method of tailing a subject is to use the three man team which
alters its positions according to a pre-arranged system. This method is
very, very difficult to detect as the subject is never given too long to
distinguish any team member.
In this system the A man follows the target, B follows A and C is parallel
to either A or B. When the 4 of you A,B,C and the target reaches an
intersection, C speeds up, allowing him to keep an eye on the subject in
case he makes a weird move or something A slows down drops something,
looks in a window etc. and B speeds up to take his place. After a bit A
steps out, and follows Bs back. At the next corner, B crosses the
inetsection if the subject turns or vice versa C walks across the street
and takes up a position behind the target. C is now in As spoin B in C and
A in Bs...
Next coerner A speeds up and passes the target, then pulls a quick U-turn,
OUT OF THE TARGETS SIGHT! crosses over and takes the position behind the
target, C drops back and takes the rear-ass position.
This method is used OFTEN by the Feds or Drug Enforcement Agency watch out
Ditching a tail...
This is DEFINATELY an art, it is NOT an over night thing. However the
following things do help.
STOP SUDDENLY: Drop something, pick it up and look around, watch the store
windows to see who is behind you. Turn a corner and stop to see who is
RUN!: Go across the street during the middle of traffic, make a SHARP
U-Turn and see who is watching you. See who follows your wierd path, they
most likely are tailing you.
Car Tailing...
It is probably easier to tail in a car 2-3 is ideal than on foot. some
ideas on changing the appearance of a car are...
.Hang dingle balls/dice/air fresheners, remove them when necessary
.Have one person laying down, then pop up when out of sight
.Wear or remove a wig and/or glasses
.Have some switches to kill the lights 1 burnt lite, then 2 lit is the
near best way to make someone think it is a different car
.Splash a fair amount of mud on the side of a car, in the brighter spots.
REMEMBER: ALWAYS carry enough gas, money etc. DO NOT forget to bring a
map, it also helps to survey the most likely course your target will be
taking. PLAN AHEAD!!!!!!!!
Parallel Tailing...
This is used when traffic is too light to do a close-tail. The idea is you
drive parallel to the subject, except one block over, and you speed up a
bit to see him cross at each intersection.
This method is probably the hardest, however there are many variations
which can be worked out. You can if possible permitting money/friends do
an ABC parallel tail, which is essentially the same as above, but with
cars. The latter along with CB/radio communication is very effective in
tailing a target.
Combination Tailing...
A cheaper alternative that works is to tail the target untill he turns a
corner, then the second guy in your car gets out on foot hurries around
the corner, and ascertains where the target is. Then he signals the tail
car when it is safe. If the target is sitting in his car, or you go past
him, go along in a NORMAL fashion, then turn the corner and try to
re-establish the tail. If you are in a close-vehicle tail, use the
vehicles blind spot.
Progressive Tailing...
This is MUCH more time consuming, but works with less man power. the idea
is to follow the target a little bit farther each day. For example, tail
the target untill he turns the corner, then stop. The next day wait for
him a little after the corner and follow him a little bit farther. to
the next turn or whatever. Do this day after day untill you are almost all
the way to the targets destination.
Hopefully the above,
-/- By --
-/- After Life --
Foot Surveillance:
it would seem easy to follow someone who is walking in fact is is--as long
as the person takes no evasive action and you dont mind the subject
realizing he is being tailed...
page 121 How to get anything on anyone
The above is what you want to avoid when you are tailing someone
following, etc. It is BETTER to have 2-3 people than one, however
situations may arise, where it is more effective to have 1 than 2-3. Make
sure you have enough money to go WHERE EVER the target goes, stores,
restaraunts etc. Base your surveillance on how much traffic there is in
the area etc. It is easiest in my opinion to work in a heavy traffic area,
pretty hard in a residential area. DO NOT look at the target constantly,
learn to be patient the latter is most likely the most IMPORTANT rule.
If your target he/she DOES happen to turn a corner, and enters a
building, dont panic, base your moves on the current situation, i.e. what
is happening, does he spot you, what is the building like, traffic, etc.
Dont let too much time lapse, otherwise, you will lose the target. If
your target enters a theater, sit BEHIND him, and leave early. If he goes
into a restaraunt, sit on the table behind him, or in the same area as him.
Eat a little FASTER than your target, leave a tad earlier, and pickup the
tail as he leaves. If he suspects a tail, he will look to see who leaves
the restaraunt AFTER he does. This probably sounds pretty lame, but DO
carry some means of changing your appearance, it doesnt mean turn a
corner and come back a 7 blonde with a super figure... Some simple
identity changing ideas are...
.Wear a down coat which can be removed and compressed into a small bag
.Remove a down coat from a small bag and put it on
.Remove or wear any hat which you CAN compress
.Remove or wear brightly colored sunglasses
.Carry a brightly colored nylon bag stuffed with paper which you can
instantly fold into one of your pockets
.Carry and wear or remove a wig
.Always have a bright, clever T-shirt on under you plain outer shirt
which can be removed in a moments notice
.Carry a backpack uinside your nylon bag--put the nylon bag in the backpack
ABC method of tailing
A time proven method of tailing a subject is to use the three man team which
alters its positions according to a pre-arranged system. This method is
very, very difficult to detect as the subject is never given too long to
distinguish any team member.
In this system the A man follows the target, B follows A and C is parallel
to either A or B. When the 4 of you A,B,C and the target reaches an
intersection, C speeds up, allowing him to keep an eye on the subject in
case he makes a weird move or something A slows down drops something,
looks in a window etc. and B speeds up to take his place. After a bit A
steps out, and follows Bs back. At the next corner, B crosses the
inetsection if the subject turns or vice versa C walks across the street
and takes up a position behind the target. C is now in As spoin B in C and
A in Bs...
Next coerner A speeds up and passes the target, then pulls a quick U-turn,
OUT OF THE TARGETS SIGHT! crosses over and takes the position behind the
target, C drops back and takes the rear-ass position.
This method is used OFTEN by the Feds or Drug Enforcement Agency watch out
Ditching a tail...
This is DEFINATELY an art, it is NOT an over night thing. However the
following things do help.
STOP SUDDENLY: Drop something, pick it up and look around, watch the store
windows to see who is behind you. Turn a corner and stop to see who is
RUN!: Go across the street during the middle of traffic, make a SHARP
U-Turn and see who is watching you. See who follows your wierd path, they
most likely are tailing you.
Car Tailing...
It is probably easier to tail in a car 2-3 is ideal than on foot. some
ideas on changing the appearance of a car are...
.Hang dingle balls/dice/air fresheners, remove them when necessary
.Have one person laying down, then pop up when out of sight
.Wear or remove a wig and/or glasses
.Have some switches to kill the lights 1 burnt lite, then 2 lit is the
near best way to make someone think it is a different car
.Splash a fair amount of mud on the side of a car, in the brighter spots.
REMEMBER: ALWAYS carry enough gas, money etc. DO NOT forget to bring a
map, it also helps to survey the most likely course your target will be
taking. PLAN AHEAD!!!!!!!!
Parallel Tailing...
This is used when traffic is too light to do a close-tail. The idea is you
drive parallel to the subject, except one block over, and you speed up a
bit to see him cross at each intersection.
This method is probably the hardest, however there are many variations
which can be worked out. You can if possible permitting money/friends do
an ABC parallel tail, which is essentially the same as above, but with
cars. The latter along with CB/radio communication is very effective in
tailing a target.
Combination Tailing...
A cheaper alternative that works is to tail the target untill he turns a
corner, then the second guy in your car gets out on foot hurries around
the corner, and ascertains where the target is. Then he signals the tail
car when it is safe. If the target is sitting in his car, or you go past
him, go along in a NORMAL fashion, then turn the corner and try to
re-establish the tail. If you are in a close-vehicle tail, use the
vehicles blind spot.
Progressive Tailing...
This is MUCH more time consuming, but works with less man power. the idea
is to follow the target a little bit farther each day. For example, tail
the target untill he turns the corner, then stop. The next day wait for
him a little after the corner and follow him a little bit farther. to
the next turn or whatever. Do this day after day untill you are almost all
the way to the targets destination.
Hopefully the above,
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