this image contains text
.sS Ss. Ss. k0 sss,.,s,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, +------------+ ,,,,, korpses korpse@juno.com A s c i i L o g o
C o l l u m 0 1
+-------------+ ,,, ,,, ,,, +- oo -----------------------------------------------------s - - - -
ko! File: ko-adnd1.asc Req By: Korpse.... Title: Add Logo +- s,..s -----------------------------------------------,.s - - - -
Advanced Dungeons And Dragons
- - - - s----------------------------------------------------- oo -+File: ko-tdead.asc Req By: Korpse.... Title: The Dead Intro Ascii ko!
the dead
+- oo -----------------------------------------------------s - - - -
ko! File: ko-hemp1.ans Req By: Internal Stalker Title: Hemp Gate Voting +- s,..s -----------------------------------------------,.s - - - -
h e m p g a t e ,,,,,,,,
V o t i n g M e n u ,,,,,
-- Quit to Main
Vote on All Topics
See Results
List Topics s
- - - - s----------------------------------------------------- oo -+File: ko-nihl1.asc Req By: korpse.... Title: The Nihils Menu Tmp. ko!
. . t h e .sS .sS . .
m a i n m e n u SssS
Step on a crack, break your mothers back...
-- Childhood saying
+- oo -----------------------------------------------------s - - - -
ko! File: ko-nihl2.asc Req By: Korpse.... Title: The Nihils logo +- s,..s -----------------------------------------------,.s - - - -
t h e Ss, Ss, Ss,
- - - - s----------------------------------------------------- oo -+File: ko-nihl3.asc Req By: korpse.... Title: The Nihils Advtismt. ko!
t h e S S S S ,,,,,,,,
T h e N i h i l s
2 0 3 x x x - x x x x
Role Playing Games - Music Information - Cartoon Chat
Hack/Phreak Information - Artwork Sections - Door Games
Occult Information
NO Warezd00ds, NO File Ratio/Credit Systems, NO Pornography
System Operator: Korpse korpse@juno.com
He who pretends to look upon death without fear, lies.
-- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
+- oo -----------------------------------------------------s - - - -
ko! File: ko-fanta.asc Req By: Sg........ Title: Fantasia Mirc thing
Ss, k0
f a n t a s i a . i r c S k o r p s e / v i n y l
- - - - s----------------------------------------------------- oo -+File: ko-aenim.asc Req By: Nine Lives Title: aenima logo.. Enema? ko!
a e n i m a ,,,,
+- oo -----------------------------------------------------s - - - -
ko! File: ko-plain.asc Req By: Korpse.... Title: mem of a cool name.
Whyd you change the name to echo fool!
- - - - s----------------------------------------------------- oo -+File: ko-therb.asc Req By: Hiliqour Title: The Rebellion. luke? ko!
t h e
r e b e l l i o n
+-------------- -- ----------------- k0 ---------- ,,, ------+
+- oo -----------------------------------------------------s - - - -
ko! File: ko-negat.asc Req By: korpse....... Title: Negate asciizine...
korpse vinyl
: ::iSs,. sS ...,,sssssss,.
s. s..s .s s. k0
: : ::ii O . ss
a s c i i z i n e , s,. .,S
c o m m i n g t h i s s u m m e r SSssssS ,.
+- oo -----------------------------------------------------s - - - -
ko! File: ko-inpho.txt Req By: N/A Title: Information.
u h h h h h h h u h h u h h u h ! ! !
if you wish to request an ascii from me no promises email me at
korpse@juno.com .. if i wanna do it it will apear in the next colly i do
if i dont it MIGHT showup in the next one if not then i prolly didnt
wanna do it... i only like drawing these letters - abcdefghijlmnprstuwyz -
C o l l u m 0 1
+-------------+ ,,, ,,, ,,, +- oo -----------------------------------------------------s - - - -
ko! File: ko-adnd1.asc Req By: Korpse.... Title: Add Logo +- s,..s -----------------------------------------------,.s - - - -
Advanced Dungeons And Dragons
- - - - s----------------------------------------------------- oo -+File: ko-tdead.asc Req By: Korpse.... Title: The Dead Intro Ascii ko!
the dead
+- oo -----------------------------------------------------s - - - -
ko! File: ko-hemp1.ans Req By: Internal Stalker Title: Hemp Gate Voting +- s,..s -----------------------------------------------,.s - - - -
h e m p g a t e ,,,,,,,,
V o t i n g M e n u ,,,,,
-- Quit to Main
Vote on All Topics
See Results
List Topics s
- - - - s----------------------------------------------------- oo -+File: ko-nihl1.asc Req By: korpse.... Title: The Nihils Menu Tmp. ko!
. . t h e .sS .sS . .
m a i n m e n u SssS
Step on a crack, break your mothers back...
-- Childhood saying
+- oo -----------------------------------------------------s - - - -
ko! File: ko-nihl2.asc Req By: Korpse.... Title: The Nihils logo +- s,..s -----------------------------------------------,.s - - - -
t h e Ss, Ss, Ss,
- - - - s----------------------------------------------------- oo -+File: ko-nihl3.asc Req By: korpse.... Title: The Nihils Advtismt. ko!
t h e S S S S ,,,,,,,,
T h e N i h i l s
2 0 3 x x x - x x x x
Role Playing Games - Music Information - Cartoon Chat
Hack/Phreak Information - Artwork Sections - Door Games
Occult Information
NO Warezd00ds, NO File Ratio/Credit Systems, NO Pornography
System Operator: Korpse korpse@juno.com
He who pretends to look upon death without fear, lies.
-- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
+- oo -----------------------------------------------------s - - - -
ko! File: ko-fanta.asc Req By: Sg........ Title: Fantasia Mirc thing
Ss, k0
f a n t a s i a . i r c S k o r p s e / v i n y l
- - - - s----------------------------------------------------- oo -+File: ko-aenim.asc Req By: Nine Lives Title: aenima logo.. Enema? ko!
a e n i m a ,,,,
+- oo -----------------------------------------------------s - - - -
ko! File: ko-plain.asc Req By: Korpse.... Title: mem of a cool name.
Whyd you change the name to echo fool!
- - - - s----------------------------------------------------- oo -+File: ko-therb.asc Req By: Hiliqour Title: The Rebellion. luke? ko!
t h e
r e b e l l i o n
+-------------- -- ----------------- k0 ---------- ,,, ------+
+- oo -----------------------------------------------------s - - - -
ko! File: ko-negat.asc Req By: korpse....... Title: Negate asciizine...
korpse vinyl
: ::iSs,. sS ...,,sssssss,.
s. s..s .s s. k0
: : ::ii O . ss
a s c i i z i n e , s,. .,S
c o m m i n g t h i s s u m m e r SSssssS ,.
+- oo -----------------------------------------------------s - - - -
ko! File: ko-inpho.txt Req By: N/A Title: Information.
u h h h h h h h u h h u h h u h ! ! !
if you wish to request an ascii from me no promises email me at
korpse@juno.com .. if i wanna do it it will apear in the next colly i do
if i dont it MIGHT showup in the next one if not then i prolly didnt
wanna do it... i only like drawing these letters - abcdefghijlmnprstuwyz -
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