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Yes Indeeda new group. Yep another group in the scene. but thisis
notjust any group. this group will not except any members that can
only do fonting or stupid looking ansis of pictures you canteven
understand.This group is looking todo all art forms,Music , Ansi
Ascii, Lits,Vga,and other things you might call and art form.
this is the first pack and yes it may be small but i tryed to take
all of the stupid stuff and keep all of the good art.there is only
one ansi artist at this time. ME , but thatis because my way to
the iRC has Fallen. my only way to talk to other artists is through
The Stellar Nights. If you are in anyway interested in this group
then leave me e-mail on The stellar nights or Iron Clad, i try and
get on them daily. We are not excepting distros. we are only lookin
for Headquarters,WHQ,USHQ,WEHQhave been taken. This group is only
for Quallity Work.
Well i should start with our Best Lit writer. Gabriel. He has done
lots of good Lits. i think he might have a mental problem but it
does him well.he 16, male and kinda lives life like the worlds is
gonna explode atany second.
Illusionary Damage is another in the lit Department. age 15 geek
.does alot of good stuff. turns out an average of 3-5 lits a
month.has interestsin vga art. And is trying to become a part of
the VAiN VGA Team.
Ravaged Soul, ahh nice work comes from this guy. can pull about 5
lits a month,even puts little bit of ansi into it. I have no clue
were his ideas come from but there pretty cool.
now i have to give Everlasting flame a hand. after haveing his mo-
dem burnout. he still has tried to keep up with our movement.he is
working on a ascii drawing utillity. has done some good programs.
he codes in c++.he can also do Qb expertly.
in the ascii group. Pesto is advancing in ascii. he has showed him
self worthy. he runs a nice little local bbs. Cold Aggrestion um
and he does need to pick up on his ansi though.
Then theresInner chaos. me i cant really say much about my
self. but i can say what ivebeen told. My ansi has greatly rised
,my vga shouldget me into cia.oh yeah. im 16,skateboarder,and
that sorta crap.
Rage is a new addition near the end of this month. after playing
heretic over the modem with him. i asked him what he thinks about
the ansi scene,he was interested.so that brought another question
what can you do. he said no on ansi. no on vga. i asked him about
lits, bla bla bla. and it turned out he can do them. so he will be
doing lits for us now.
another addition to the lits are khelbin. friend of mine.does some
nice work.
ummmmi hope i dident forget anyone. well thats about it for this
month. We all here a VAiN Productions would like to greet .acid ,
integrity , ice , union, and a few others not in mind .well it is
getting rather early.about 5am. so l8r.
!later pals!
Yes Indeeda new group. Yep another group in the scene. but thisis
notjust any group. this group will not except any members that can
only do fonting or stupid looking ansis of pictures you canteven
understand.This group is looking todo all art forms,Music , Ansi
Ascii, Lits,Vga,and other things you might call and art form.
this is the first pack and yes it may be small but i tryed to take
all of the stupid stuff and keep all of the good art.there is only
one ansi artist at this time. ME , but thatis because my way to
the iRC has Fallen. my only way to talk to other artists is through
The Stellar Nights. If you are in anyway interested in this group
then leave me e-mail on The stellar nights or Iron Clad, i try and
get on them daily. We are not excepting distros. we are only lookin
for Headquarters,WHQ,USHQ,WEHQhave been taken. This group is only
for Quallity Work.
Well i should start with our Best Lit writer. Gabriel. He has done
lots of good Lits. i think he might have a mental problem but it
does him well.he 16, male and kinda lives life like the worlds is
gonna explode atany second.
Illusionary Damage is another in the lit Department. age 15 geek
.does alot of good stuff. turns out an average of 3-5 lits a
month.has interestsin vga art. And is trying to become a part of
the VAiN VGA Team.
Ravaged Soul, ahh nice work comes from this guy. can pull about 5
lits a month,even puts little bit of ansi into it. I have no clue
were his ideas come from but there pretty cool.
now i have to give Everlasting flame a hand. after haveing his mo-
dem burnout. he still has tried to keep up with our movement.he is
working on a ascii drawing utillity. has done some good programs.
he codes in c++.he can also do Qb expertly.
in the ascii group. Pesto is advancing in ascii. he has showed him
self worthy. he runs a nice little local bbs. Cold Aggrestion um
and he does need to pick up on his ansi though.
Then theresInner chaos. me i cant really say much about my
self. but i can say what ivebeen told. My ansi has greatly rised
,my vga shouldget me into cia.oh yeah. im 16,skateboarder,and
that sorta crap.
Rage is a new addition near the end of this month. after playing
heretic over the modem with him. i asked him what he thinks about
the ansi scene,he was interested.so that brought another question
what can you do. he said no on ansi. no on vga. i asked him about
lits, bla bla bla. and it turned out he can do them. so he will be
doing lits for us now.
another addition to the lits are khelbin. friend of mine.does some
nice work.
ummmmi hope i dident forget anyone. well thats about it for this
month. We all here a VAiN Productions would like to greet .acid ,
integrity , ice , union, and a few others not in mind .well it is
getting rather early.about 5am. so l8r.
!later pals!
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