this image contains text
: ,-------,-,/,---/----,/,-------,/axb :
: -- unit packet number six six six -- . :
gravedancer here...
another day, another month, another release from unit. yah, so were
late.. but at least were out. a lot has gone on with unit.. along with the
change of presidency. b love decided to step down because of personal problems
so i took over. yea! also, we welcome back psion, after his computer crash
bring his little coding thing he does. no one new recruited and no one left. was really a lazy month for the unit crew.. but ya know.. :
unit webpage!@!@
yes.. ashed.. there is a new unit web page.. but temporarily down. :
so, the other page, http://www.access.digex.net/image/unit.html, is still
the official page until druid gets everything all worked out.
now, here comes psion with the coding news.
its the monthly coding division report!
tap tap tap ... hello? HEY, is this thing on? tap tap tap .. ah, okie...
hey all... whats up out there in modemland? ill tell you one thing,
computers can really suck at times. i had a system crash on the 9th of jan,
which made me miss unit 5. meanwhile, i had to get a new motherboard, and
pester a million different peo... oh shit, you dont want to hear this, do you? anyways, back to unit ... uhm, since i was away, nothing happened. :
ive got a small but fleshy wwiv mod in the pack. i also have a chat screen
compliant with AsylumChat ... for all you WWIV folks. puff did the ascii a
while ago, and i wrote up the ini file. tweak the ini if you need, but not
the ascii. other than that, nothing much in the pack for coding that i know
of ... sorry. i
in other news, im piecing together a demo of some sorts. it might be
released next pack, but i doubt it. i dont have any time with my show going
on ... anyways, ill turn it back over to...
what you saying?!@ you wanna join?
to apply to unit.. its the same as usual. fill out the app in the pack
and get it to any of the unit members.. along with at least 5 pieces of your
work.. well get back to you after we decide.
finally, gravedancer leaves the stage *clap*clap*
well.. basically it.. from me, the new pres.. ahh.. hell this month.. enjoy the pack.. questions and comments goto gravey@juno.com. see you people
next month.
-gdr unit pres
: -- unit packet number six six six -- . :
gravedancer here...
another day, another month, another release from unit. yah, so were
late.. but at least were out. a lot has gone on with unit.. along with the
change of presidency. b love decided to step down because of personal problems
so i took over. yea! also, we welcome back psion, after his computer crash
bring his little coding thing he does. no one new recruited and no one left. was really a lazy month for the unit crew.. but ya know.. :
unit webpage!@!@
yes.. ashed.. there is a new unit web page.. but temporarily down. :
so, the other page, http://www.access.digex.net/image/unit.html, is still
the official page until druid gets everything all worked out.
now, here comes psion with the coding news.
its the monthly coding division report!
tap tap tap ... hello? HEY, is this thing on? tap tap tap .. ah, okie...
hey all... whats up out there in modemland? ill tell you one thing,
computers can really suck at times. i had a system crash on the 9th of jan,
which made me miss unit 5. meanwhile, i had to get a new motherboard, and
pester a million different peo... oh shit, you dont want to hear this, do you? anyways, back to unit ... uhm, since i was away, nothing happened. :
ive got a small but fleshy wwiv mod in the pack. i also have a chat screen
compliant with AsylumChat ... for all you WWIV folks. puff did the ascii a
while ago, and i wrote up the ini file. tweak the ini if you need, but not
the ascii. other than that, nothing much in the pack for coding that i know
of ... sorry. i
in other news, im piecing together a demo of some sorts. it might be
released next pack, but i doubt it. i dont have any time with my show going
on ... anyways, ill turn it back over to...
what you saying?!@ you wanna join?
to apply to unit.. its the same as usual. fill out the app in the pack
and get it to any of the unit members.. along with at least 5 pieces of your
work.. well get back to you after we decide.
finally, gravedancer leaves the stage *clap*clap*
well.. basically it.. from me, the new pres.. ahh.. hell this month.. enjoy the pack.. questions and comments goto gravey@juno.com. see you people
next month.
-gdr unit pres
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