this image contains text
g .,aF
i d .,a. .,aa,. ,aa, .,adF di .,adF ,a,78a, dF F
,a ,dF ,db,7F7b,Q,F Qa,. r,F,dFF,db,7 ,db,.7b,QF,dggggggg 7b,
db dF ,dbid,Qb ,. b 7b ,d F .,d 7b,
bQ,d,Qiiibd db, F ,d d,QF db,Q
Q,Qb, QiF,db dd, ,a ,adF ,db F,db,7FQb
Qb,7b,,,,dF,dF ,dF,dQb Qb QF F
7b,8F ,dF,dF 7 Qba,,,,dbdF
unit!ascii info file
, ,Qs, ss ,ss s, Mo0o.. welcome, cows, chickens, piggies, horsies, etc.
., s,ss,ss,ss , In case you havent noticed, this is unit!ascii info
d, s ,as,s, s ,b file, since I had no room in the other info file.
Q Fdb dbQb *sniffle* Ahh well, the ascii department has gone through
s ,dFsQb ss a lot since its original creation in early 96. btw- it
,ssssssssss, was only me, look at it now, I still suck P weve gained
F QF Qs f a lot of members since the first pack if you havent
bQQssFff notice Ill get into that later. Since this is the first b , s s , f unit!ascii info file, I go through everything that has
dsssssssb happened along with a lot of babbling. Now, lets begin.
First, lets deal with new members since the beginning. aXB was an artist we sawin the scene and I was like damn!@! when I saw his work, its not a suprise
that he is one of the most popular artist in the area. de man has a style of hisown. Next, Jeeves came up to us asking to join after he quit vOkda or we asked
him to join : doing some phat work now. Puff, another ex-vOdka member, does of
awesome shit.. fonts and all.. lastly, at least I think, if I left you out,
sorry.. : Druid, also in nitro, is a cool person wit some good art to got wit
him.. not a bad growth in members, eh? None left, even better. :
nothing much really happened in unit
ascii this month, were just sitting here Qb Q
happily producing for the fun of it.. QbQF
yeah. uhm. in case you havent noticed, ss F
this is the babble section, you can go on or .,aF ssss
you can just watch me go on and on ,aF.,a
about senseless stuff like uhm, uh, muh doggie, ,bF
my socks on my feet at least thats where I
remember putting them, uhm, okie. muh socks!@
Our guest ascii person in this pack is Ukyo from pgx. He got all de shit, phat
art, he even does vga. go ukyo. : heh. also, there is a joint pic by me
if you dont know who me is by now, it gdr and pariah. the font is awesome,
especially since I cant make fonts that are even half-way decent. uh-uh. not atall
okie, uhm, if youd like to join unit, call the whq, The Haven, 410-761-6241, orfind a way to get you work to me, aXB, or pa. thats the best way to get some
results.. :
okie.. bout it from me, uhm.. I hate saying good-bye, it makes me so teary eyed,*sniffle*sob* bye! *waving*
wait, wait. Ill use this little section to put in muh greets.. basically unit
peeps, along wit de nitro crew, uhm everyone in 410, the scene, pariah, samurai,people on irc everyone that I know.. I think that takes care of everybody..
all comments, feedback, request or the such to me goto gravey@juno.com
i d .,a. .,aa,. ,aa, .,adF di .,adF ,a,78a, dF F
,a ,dF ,db,7F7b,Q,F Qa,. r,F,dFF,db,7 ,db,.7b,QF,dggggggg 7b,
db dF ,dbid,Qb ,. b 7b ,d F .,d 7b,
bQ,d,Qiiibd db, F ,d d,QF db,Q
Q,Qb, QiF,db dd, ,a ,adF ,db F,db,7FQb
Qb,7b,,,,dF,dF ,dF,dQb Qb QF F
7b,8F ,dF,dF 7 Qba,,,,dbdF
unit!ascii info file
, ,Qs, ss ,ss s, Mo0o.. welcome, cows, chickens, piggies, horsies, etc.
., s,ss,ss,ss , In case you havent noticed, this is unit!ascii info
d, s ,as,s, s ,b file, since I had no room in the other info file.
Q Fdb dbQb *sniffle* Ahh well, the ascii department has gone through
s ,dFsQb ss a lot since its original creation in early 96. btw- it
,ssssssssss, was only me, look at it now, I still suck P weve gained
F QF Qs f a lot of members since the first pack if you havent
bQQssFff notice Ill get into that later. Since this is the first b , s s , f unit!ascii info file, I go through everything that has
dsssssssb happened along with a lot of babbling. Now, lets begin.
First, lets deal with new members since the beginning. aXB was an artist we sawin the scene and I was like damn!@! when I saw his work, its not a suprise
that he is one of the most popular artist in the area. de man has a style of hisown. Next, Jeeves came up to us asking to join after he quit vOkda or we asked
him to join : doing some phat work now. Puff, another ex-vOdka member, does of
awesome shit.. fonts and all.. lastly, at least I think, if I left you out,
sorry.. : Druid, also in nitro, is a cool person wit some good art to got wit
him.. not a bad growth in members, eh? None left, even better. :
nothing much really happened in unit
ascii this month, were just sitting here Qb Q
happily producing for the fun of it.. QbQF
yeah. uhm. in case you havent noticed, ss F
this is the babble section, you can go on or .,aF ssss
you can just watch me go on and on ,aF.,a
about senseless stuff like uhm, uh, muh doggie, ,bF
my socks on my feet at least thats where I
remember putting them, uhm, okie. muh socks!@
Our guest ascii person in this pack is Ukyo from pgx. He got all de shit, phat
art, he even does vga. go ukyo. : heh. also, there is a joint pic by me
if you dont know who me is by now, it gdr and pariah. the font is awesome,
especially since I cant make fonts that are even half-way decent. uh-uh. not atall
okie, uhm, if youd like to join unit, call the whq, The Haven, 410-761-6241, orfind a way to get you work to me, aXB, or pa. thats the best way to get some
results.. :
okie.. bout it from me, uhm.. I hate saying good-bye, it makes me so teary eyed,*sniffle*sob* bye! *waving*
wait, wait. Ill use this little section to put in muh greets.. basically unit
peeps, along wit de nitro crew, uhm everyone in 410, the scene, pariah, samurai,people on irc everyone that I know.. I think that takes care of everybody..
all comments, feedback, request or the such to me goto gravey@juno.com
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