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Cognito ergo sum.
. . . pa
UNiT Sophmore Collection -10/01/96
Info file written by Pandora
-- chip, I now understand what you went through when compiling our first pack..
im deeply apathetic.
member news joined/left
As of August, Tasslehoff/Mental Graffitti, one of our founders has left to
get some higher education. Hopefully, he shall return between breaks.
Tn Man has dropped from the face of the earth, so until he returns to say
hes quit, his spot is left vacant in the group.
Also weve acquired some artists most notably, our ascii division has
increased by two... aXB! and Psion. Youll notice that in this pack
the art IS mostly ascii -- Our third new member is Trend Hippie, the ascii
man has joined UNiT to bring his other talent with ansi into the
group. All new members are available on Haven or tSH.
all right, on with the general babble. This is UNiTs second release and
as part of the many changes that ripped through the group in the past 4
months, UNiT will not try to do this monthly. period
One thing has been trying to find time to do work. The members of UNiT
want to give to their audience, the best possible art they can create.
In every new pack, hereafter, the quality of the work will steadily
increase as we learn things from each other. Basically, UNiT is about
fun and creativity in a laid back atmosphere, no pressure at all.
But if youre still in a need for a monthly fix, check out a few
members in the new ascii art group, nitro by the! I mean, these guys
go amuck with ascii -- which youll notice this pack is full of them!
So quit your whining and pouting... but keep reading.
If youd like to take a look at our premeire pack, check out the following
distribution sites. If youd like to apply to UNiT - fill out the app
with this pack and zip it up with some of your work and send it to me
at Haven or tSH.
whq the Haven +o pandora and gravedancer 410.312.2761
member the Severed HeadtSH +o psion 410.544.7685
distro sites Infinity Hole +o mephisto 301.421.9256
House of Usher +o black coffee 301.530.8981
Digital Illusions +o frank and golfdaddy 410.284.0970
. . . pa
UNiT Sophmore Collection -10/01/96
Info file written by Pandora
-- chip, I now understand what you went through when compiling our first pack..
im deeply apathetic.
member news joined/left
As of August, Tasslehoff/Mental Graffitti, one of our founders has left to
get some higher education. Hopefully, he shall return between breaks.
Tn Man has dropped from the face of the earth, so until he returns to say
hes quit, his spot is left vacant in the group.
Also weve acquired some artists most notably, our ascii division has
increased by two... aXB! and Psion. Youll notice that in this pack
the art IS mostly ascii -- Our third new member is Trend Hippie, the ascii
man has joined UNiT to bring his other talent with ansi into the
group. All new members are available on Haven or tSH.
all right, on with the general babble. This is UNiTs second release and
as part of the many changes that ripped through the group in the past 4
months, UNiT will not try to do this monthly. period
One thing has been trying to find time to do work. The members of UNiT
want to give to their audience, the best possible art they can create.
In every new pack, hereafter, the quality of the work will steadily
increase as we learn things from each other. Basically, UNiT is about
fun and creativity in a laid back atmosphere, no pressure at all.
But if youre still in a need for a monthly fix, check out a few
members in the new ascii art group, nitro by the! I mean, these guys
go amuck with ascii -- which youll notice this pack is full of them!
So quit your whining and pouting... but keep reading.
If youd like to take a look at our premeire pack, check out the following
distribution sites. If youd like to apply to UNiT - fill out the app
with this pack and zip it up with some of your work and send it to me
at Haven or tSH.
whq the Haven +o pandora and gravedancer 410.312.2761
member the Severed HeadtSH +o psion 410.544.7685
distro sites Infinity Hole +o mephisto 301.421.9256
House of Usher +o black coffee 301.530.8981
Digital Illusions +o frank and golfdaddy 410.284.0970
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