this image contains text
ansi art
First Collection - May 1996
Hear Me Bullsh
it About UNiT by chst
-- It is at this time that you are read
ing the first lines of the first
collective effort of the admittedly smalltime 410
ansi group, UNiT. We
didnt feel our efforts were large enough to chronicle our
selves, but due
to outside pressure from friends, we decided to take this
most crucial step
towards our inevitable rocket to the top of everything. I
hear there are
shintoist scholars trying to fit us into their spiel, so t
here you go.
Ok, well, weve said what every other small group says
in there first
pack, and I hope you got plenty of it, cause thats where
it stops. --
- I believe it was a uhh.. spring day
when the group began how the hell do I know? I wa
s inside at a computer.. Tasslehoff and I were just
realizing how fun it could be to play with the pret
ty colored blocks that make something
neat-o happen on the screen. He started it all, yes he di
d. He wrote the
word UNiQ in a balloony font, attempting to write UNiQUE b
ut being one of his first attempts in this medium, h
e ran out of space to the right. To make a
short story short enough to bear: In one of those cosmic t
hings that just
pop in and out, UNiT was born. This was May, 1995. --
- Since that time, we have grown. A
few trials and tribulations, a
couple a bumps and bruises, but nothing the design couldnt
handle. The idea was to lay low, hang back, get g
ood, impress a few folks, do art, do more art. And w
ith the help of the local bbs populaton here, who, for
the most part are
supportive and always willing to get an ad done for thier
system, we had
what was necessary to get practice, and practice makes perf
ect. We found
Pandora, the third and last founder, bumming around the sce
ne, doing great art for a lot of the same systems we
did art for. The kicker is, we got her to
join our straggly little group without a fight. Since then
, her bbs has been
an invaluable asset we picked up a very talented ascii ar
tist, gravedancer,
on said system. He hasnt been with us in an official capa
city for long,
but you can expect a lot from him in the future. Expect a
lot from UNiT in
the future. --
I suppose an important thing to mention is WHY w
eve stayed together
Personally, I think its cause we dont sweat anything, es
pecially the
opinions of the lame. tssssh --
- I do apologize for rambling here
but from all the art packs Ive
seen, this is the place to do it. We thank you for taking
the time to
obtain this collection, and we hope you enjoy it immensely.
It was a bitch
to do, but so what? Youre worth it. Peace and 0lestra-g
-Chipset of UNiT
May - UNiTs Premiere
ansi art
First Collection - May 1996
Hear Me Bullsh
it About UNiT by chst
-- It is at this time that you are read
ing the first lines of the first
collective effort of the admittedly smalltime 410
ansi group, UNiT. We
didnt feel our efforts were large enough to chronicle our
selves, but due
to outside pressure from friends, we decided to take this
most crucial step
towards our inevitable rocket to the top of everything. I
hear there are
shintoist scholars trying to fit us into their spiel, so t
here you go.
Ok, well, weve said what every other small group says
in there first
pack, and I hope you got plenty of it, cause thats where
it stops. --
- I believe it was a uhh.. spring day
when the group began how the hell do I know? I wa
s inside at a computer.. Tasslehoff and I were just
realizing how fun it could be to play with the pret
ty colored blocks that make something
neat-o happen on the screen. He started it all, yes he di
d. He wrote the
word UNiQ in a balloony font, attempting to write UNiQUE b
ut being one of his first attempts in this medium, h
e ran out of space to the right. To make a
short story short enough to bear: In one of those cosmic t
hings that just
pop in and out, UNiT was born. This was May, 1995. --
- Since that time, we have grown. A
few trials and tribulations, a
couple a bumps and bruises, but nothing the design couldnt
handle. The idea was to lay low, hang back, get g
ood, impress a few folks, do art, do more art. And w
ith the help of the local bbs populaton here, who, for
the most part are
supportive and always willing to get an ad done for thier
system, we had
what was necessary to get practice, and practice makes perf
ect. We found
Pandora, the third and last founder, bumming around the sce
ne, doing great art for a lot of the same systems we
did art for. The kicker is, we got her to
join our straggly little group without a fight. Since then
, her bbs has been
an invaluable asset we picked up a very talented ascii ar
tist, gravedancer,
on said system. He hasnt been with us in an official capa
city for long,
but you can expect a lot from him in the future. Expect a
lot from UNiT in
the future. --
I suppose an important thing to mention is WHY w
eve stayed together
Personally, I think its cause we dont sweat anything, es
pecially the
opinions of the lame. tssssh --
- I do apologize for rambling here
but from all the art packs Ive
seen, this is the place to do it. We thank you for taking
the time to
obtain this collection, and we hope you enjoy it immensely.
It was a bitch
to do, but so what? Youre worth it. Peace and 0lestra-g
-Chipset of UNiT
May - UNiTs Premiere
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