this image contains text
Unison 1-nfo ,ab
ph3ar?!? Y
l mmY@m,
: bb Yb
d :l.gg. ,b + lb
z ,m@Y bdbdY@m,SsSSSgg.b + :l
-bY -- bb --- -Yb :-PT PT b --j --- + -bl + b,,b lb l ++bsd bsd + bdY@m, ldz: - - -b ll b ----- :l --SS ---b - ---Yb- j b..b j : SSg. b ldzb Pa byY Yyb aP .:l .gggg.b b :l bY Yb YP SSSSb S b j - Yyb aP Yb
some words from revolution...
Welcome to the first release of Unis0n. Yea I know, took long enuf but hey
we got lifes too! Plus wit school and all, really fucked us up. Well we got
alot of good members in unison and im pretty sure we are the best new group
out. If you dont think so, blow me. Im gonna make this short and pretty.
Thats why I used pink heh. Anyways, due to school im guessing we couldnt
finish up the application generator and crash is now working on a viewer for
the next pack hopefully. Anyways, hope yew like the pack. peace.
some words from cr4sh...
w3rd kiddies. Umm .. well .. this group has gone through a lot of wierd
kind of different identities...but I think we are here to stay for a few more
releases atleast ... uhh .. I think we have a pretty strong pack considering
its our first release ... so umm .. dont rank on us and give us a chance.
Im working on a viewer right now, as someone else is working on an appgen. Theviewer should just work the first time i release it, then Ill be adding new
shit to it...but until the next release, I just wanna say one FUCK U to Nokt or however you spell that, damn kid is a pervert, I hate him, just needed to get
that out : ... umm .. thats all I guess .. peace.
rev has to say one more thing...
the kargus says...
no, not MOOOOO... hey, is this the pack? hot damn! we did it! anyways, chill
with pack 1, and sit back, cuz the hits just keep on coming. shout outs to allthe crazy bastards in unison, keep it up guys. rev is bugging the living fuck
out of me for this .nfo file, so im outtie.. later
remember... beefcake, BEEFCAKE!@
ph3ar?!? Y
l mmY@m,
: bb Yb
d :l.gg. ,b + lb
z ,m@Y bdbdY@m,SsSSSgg.b + :l
-bY -- bb --- -Yb :-PT PT b --j --- + -bl + b,,b lb l ++bsd bsd + bdY@m, ldz: - - -b ll b ----- :l --SS ---b - ---Yb- j b..b j : SSg. b ldzb Pa byY Yyb aP .:l .gggg.b b :l bY Yb YP SSSSb S b j - Yyb aP Yb
some words from revolution...
Welcome to the first release of Unis0n. Yea I know, took long enuf but hey
we got lifes too! Plus wit school and all, really fucked us up. Well we got
alot of good members in unison and im pretty sure we are the best new group
out. If you dont think so, blow me. Im gonna make this short and pretty.
Thats why I used pink heh. Anyways, due to school im guessing we couldnt
finish up the application generator and crash is now working on a viewer for
the next pack hopefully. Anyways, hope yew like the pack. peace.
some words from cr4sh...
w3rd kiddies. Umm .. well .. this group has gone through a lot of wierd
kind of different identities...but I think we are here to stay for a few more
releases atleast ... uhh .. I think we have a pretty strong pack considering
its our first release ... so umm .. dont rank on us and give us a chance.
Im working on a viewer right now, as someone else is working on an appgen. Theviewer should just work the first time i release it, then Ill be adding new
shit to it...but until the next release, I just wanna say one FUCK U to Nokt or however you spell that, damn kid is a pervert, I hate him, just needed to get
that out : ... umm .. thats all I guess .. peace.
rev has to say one more thing...
the kargus says...
no, not MOOOOO... hey, is this the pack? hot damn! we did it! anyways, chill
with pack 1, and sit back, cuz the hits just keep on coming. shout outs to allthe crazy bastards in unison, keep it up guys. rev is bugging the living fuck
out of me for this .nfo file, so im outtie.. later
remember... beefcake, BEEFCAKE!@
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