this image contains text
union nov
ember 1994
Dear Chris,
I suppose since t
his is the union nfo file, I should mention
something about the group, but screw it. Its 10:34 or 9:34 am d
aylight saving thing is still throwing me off on octobe
r 30th, and I just got
home from a rave. Itll be
a while until I come down enough to sleep,
so, like, why not start this damned nfo file?
Thinks started
out okay last night, me, Hound, and another friend of m
ine were all late to get to our appointed meeting spot, so we ended up
on time. We took the bus to the location, met up wi
th some other ravers and followed them there. We got
there around 9:55pm, and proceeded to wait two hour
s for them to finish setting up and let us in. The location
was pretty cool, a warehouse my local rave seen SUCKS big tim
e its not often that they have the fo
resight to actually rent out a warehouse
for us and it was a few blocks away from any residential areas.
Anyways, while we were waiting, I proceeded to drop
one of my contacts we found it later though and w
e watched the cops go by a few times. For
all of you fellow ravers who were contacts, try going wearing
only one... ITS FUCKING WICKED AS HELL! Amazing.. Im g
oing to go like
that from now on.. Anyways, a s
izable crowd showed up a few
hundred, about 5 times more than the last rave I had gone to. All I c
an say is last night was an amazing night, prolly the
best rave Ottawa has ever seen, or at least, the best
local rave Ive ever gone to. The cops
never came back, and the rave went on until it ended. This
is prolly the first rave Ive been to in 94 that wasnt shut do
wn by some authority figure between 3-5am.. we left
the place about two hours ago, before
the after-rave party started, and had our usual breakfast at
McDicks before heading home.
I had a lot of fun.
Okay, I suppose I should mention the group shi
t now, just to be
fair, eh? In the past month we changed a lot of things. From now on,
when we are putting the memberlist togeth
er we just take a gander at all the artwork in this pa
ck, and the previous pack, and write down the
names of all the contributing artists. If your name isnt on the
memberlist, dont fret, it doesnt mean youre out
of the group, it just means we didnt have any submis
sions from you in the past two months.
what, 1440 hours in two months? It isnt that hard to find a few
hours to do something.
Oh, not
e to the foolios: If youve been with Union for more than two
months, and youve never done anything for the group, well.. you
re outta here. Feel free to reapply. Becoming a
member in a group implies that you do somethin
g with/for it, not sit around and just sign your n
ame with the group.
I got my hair cut. Not too much though, just
the sides and back. Im also tir
ed of calling people up for their work. Its been quite
a while since I phreaked regularly, and ... well.. trying to get
in contact with n amount of members, 75 of which
arent home, or havent done anything can raise the
bill at the end of the month quite a bit. So, to m
ake thinks simple, if you have something done, SEND IT TO US.
Dont sit around and wait forever for us to call you.
To make the process of
sending in artwork easier, Ive picked five
boards to be drop sites where artists can leave their work and that
Ill call on the 30th or whatever and
pick it up for them. Here they are:
Flatlined Reality World HQ 613-824-7375
Ontario, Canada
Packaged Rebellion US HQ 408-246-0281 Cal
ifornia, US Terra Firma
Western HQ 714-963-4851* California, US
4972* Jello I
nsanity Central HQ 708-420-0587 Chicago, US
Harvest Moon Eastern HQ 216
-951-7059 Ohio, US
* Temporarily holding the position until KooL get E
xiled Race back up Hes got a compute
r again, but still no modem.
To make things simpler, were in t
he process of setting up an account Union, pas
sword Union for you to upload work and apps to on
each of these boards. As of the moment Im writing this I know th
e ones on Flatlined Reality and Harvest Moon work. If
the board closest to you
is down, or you cant
connect with it, or its fucked up, or whatever,
you can call one of the other boards. If youve never called
ld before, you might want to check with your phone c
ompany to see what long distance rates they of
fer you. Most companies give 50-70 off of all ld cal
ls during low activity hours typically 11pm-6am. Itll prolly cost
you somewhere under a 1 if you know what youre doing.
If youre on the net, you can se
nd uuencode zip files to ap4
44@freenet.carleton.ca : if you do not have a copy of
uuencode/uudecode, bug your local internet g
urus until they give you one. If you h
ave irc/dcc access, and you can upload to your account
:, you can send your work to SubmitBot. As of yet, the bot isnt
but it will be as soon as md figures out
how to untar on satelnet. If
SubmitBot aint there, look for Neurotic or md on irc
. You might want to do a /whois nick a
nd make sure were the union foolios before you sen
d it to us.
If youve taken a look at
the pack already, youll have noticed that there aint
no site listings. This is cuz, well, site listings implies
that you have sites. The only two non-member affiliated boards
we have are Tramotane and Eternal Insan
ity. No others. And we wont have any
more, cuz we dont give a fuck who you are, we arent giving out any
sites. There isnt a member board listing anymore,
cuz, well, whats the point really? If youre a member
, and you run a board, youre a member board.
Its that simple. If youd want your board to be advertised as a
member board in the member list, get a hold of Neurotic
, and gimmie
your board name and numbers.
You may notice we dont have an app generator. Big deal. If you wa
nt to apply to the group, its pretty simple. First, f
igure out what position you want to apply for.
Ansi artists, vga dudes, and musicians only, please.
Then take a look at the guys in the group who do the same
thing as you. If youre somewhat better than who you perceive to
be the worst one, then continue applying, otherwise,
well.. dont waste your time and our
Then zip up a collection of what you feel is your be
st stuff, along with a short text file th
at says something of you, your past, and why you wa
nt to join. Then get it to us via one of the drop sites or
internet, as I mentioned way up there.
There is one exception to the no coders rule, if you have some good
s3m routines as good as future crews mu
sic disk player, except that they use ems so you do
nt have that damned 640k conventional memory
barrier like mdp does, can do notedots like in st3 and fcmdp, beat
bars, simple vga displaying cool effects would be
a bonus, and vector points, then APPLY NOW! WE NEED
ers who are on internet or are willing to call long distance
only, please.
The rea
son for this is we want to do a REAL music disk. Were
postponing the scheduled november music disk indefinately well.
. until december or january in hopes of getting this
done. Any musicians out there who can do goo
d techno that I will like, will be welcomed to union w
ith open arms. S3M format only, please. We dont put a size limit on
music disks, so anything goes.
yeah, we have no viewer. We dont really care. Not having one
means the pack will be smaller each month, and there w
ill be one less for Whisper.ff to pop
into. :. I mean, by now everyone in the scene has pu
t at least one viewer they like on their path, and use it instead of
the one that comes with the pack. Sure, the dudes who a
rent into art at all probably dont do it, but that j
ust means that they probably wont
bother looki
ng at our packs, which means less harassment from the shits
who know nothing about the scene.
Use TribeView,
prolly the best viewer in the scene. Until SiDS new
acidview comes out. :
Concerning UnionNet, it is now
open to non-site/member boards under
the condit
ions that at least one member from the group must vouch for
your board being a cool boar
d to have in the net and that one or more
group members use your board to post from regularly. If there is
a particularly high amount of stupid posts comi
ng from your system you will be remo
ved from the net.
Okay, well.. on to th
e member list changes. Neurosis action figure coder
guy left the scene. He just doesnt have time for it with school
and all that. I few people thought that I Neuroti
c had said I was
leaving the group. People always get us two confused. Oh yeah, for SCast
er and the other morons who bitched at me be
cause I didnt do them an ansi, I NEVER SAID I WOULD!
That was Neurosis! Learn how to read a fucking alias
for christs sake!
Cheese Grater left us for iCE right befor
e we put out last months pack, unfortun
ately we were not notified of this until after we saw his
work in the iCE pack, otherwise we would have mention
ed something last month. He stated that he felt we w
ere more ansi oriented than vga oriented, and t
hat his vgas would fit in more with iCE or something like
that as his reason for leaving.
Pinion left our music department for A
CiDs. This really didnt come
as a surprise to m
e since Somms was the one who introduced Pinion to
Union. Somms giveth and Somms taketh. :. Pinions gonna t
ry to wake up ACiDs underworked music division and
they have some projects planned for the future.
On to the good news... wOaH... my mum was about to
throw out a bunch of records and I managed to get a ch
ance to look at them ahead of time and
save a few of them. The Village People, The Bee-Gees, Saterday Night
Fever, and some other disco tunes.. Im set.
wOaH! I can mix my cds in with them too
! Star6,7,8,9 + Macho Man at 33 cool! Oh yeah, theres
some new dudes in the group too.
Okay, well, first of all, Breed disba
nded and from it comes Ogre doing
ansi and Bloodlust doing vga. From Tribe comes Minor Thre
at, Hellspawn, Asylum, Magnus and AcidFla
sh. From the ashes of Nation comes Replay, Cyberna
ry and Leonard0. For all you dudes who can remember from
waaaaaaaaaaay back when, Cybernary was one of the
original guys who founded Union before he got a
mAjOr bAcKbIlL. I find
it slightly amusing that Maestro and TafkaSK left the scene
at more or less the same time, and that theyre both probably
going to go into the comic book field as
a profession. :
Also new to the group this month is Boa, the logo wonder boy. You
may have seen his work before in the various BOA-*.
ZIP logo packs he released. Welp, hes solo no lon
ger. Gue
ss who else joined Union this month? QURAN! YES! THAT DAMNED
TWINGLER IS NOW WITH UNION! He basically goes around an
d recru.. uh..
acts as a mascot for the group.
Yeah, thats it. :. He can be reached,
as always, on Harvest Moon.
As you may notice from the list of new guys thi
s month, we are TRYING to stay away from recruit
ing every tom, dick, and harry from other groups.
I know how much I get pissed off when someone tries to
recruit people from Union, and I dont want to do it to anyone e
lse. We probably still will though. :. So, if you th
ink you might be interested in joining u
s, dont wait there with your dick in your hand for us to
invite you to join. Reach for the .. uh.. gold. Apply.
cuses for the latest of this pack are in the following order:
Oct 29th: Going to a rave, as if Im going to
call up people for
their work.
Oct 30th: Raving and sleeping for the
rest of the day. Tried calling some guys,
but they werent home. We killed a few calling cards
doing this.
Oct 31st: Its halloween, as if anyones gonna
be home and stuff. Nov 1st: now going out to
see Stargate tonight.. that is if Trev
ever calls me.. WHERE ARE YOU MOFO!?!?!@@!!@ *
Nov 2nd: Hey, I had to sauce eve
rything, zip it up, etc, that takes
time, okay?
* He never did call me. S
o Im gonna steal his girlfriend. bIG wHITE tITT
aBom ProuDly preZZzenTz
zzZzzZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZz Snore ZzzZzzZZZZZZZzzZZzZZZ
oOoh g
aBoM pumPkin
neUrotiCa pUmPkIN
naILZ pUmpkIn
ember 1994
Dear Chris,
I suppose since t
his is the union nfo file, I should mention
something about the group, but screw it. Its 10:34 or 9:34 am d
aylight saving thing is still throwing me off on octobe
r 30th, and I just got
home from a rave. Itll be
a while until I come down enough to sleep,
so, like, why not start this damned nfo file?
Thinks started
out okay last night, me, Hound, and another friend of m
ine were all late to get to our appointed meeting spot, so we ended up
on time. We took the bus to the location, met up wi
th some other ravers and followed them there. We got
there around 9:55pm, and proceeded to wait two hour
s for them to finish setting up and let us in. The location
was pretty cool, a warehouse my local rave seen SUCKS big tim
e its not often that they have the fo
resight to actually rent out a warehouse
for us and it was a few blocks away from any residential areas.
Anyways, while we were waiting, I proceeded to drop
one of my contacts we found it later though and w
e watched the cops go by a few times. For
all of you fellow ravers who were contacts, try going wearing
only one... ITS FUCKING WICKED AS HELL! Amazing.. Im g
oing to go like
that from now on.. Anyways, a s
izable crowd showed up a few
hundred, about 5 times more than the last rave I had gone to. All I c
an say is last night was an amazing night, prolly the
best rave Ottawa has ever seen, or at least, the best
local rave Ive ever gone to. The cops
never came back, and the rave went on until it ended. This
is prolly the first rave Ive been to in 94 that wasnt shut do
wn by some authority figure between 3-5am.. we left
the place about two hours ago, before
the after-rave party started, and had our usual breakfast at
McDicks before heading home.
I had a lot of fun.
Okay, I suppose I should mention the group shi
t now, just to be
fair, eh? In the past month we changed a lot of things. From now on,
when we are putting the memberlist togeth
er we just take a gander at all the artwork in this pa
ck, and the previous pack, and write down the
names of all the contributing artists. If your name isnt on the
memberlist, dont fret, it doesnt mean youre out
of the group, it just means we didnt have any submis
sions from you in the past two months.
what, 1440 hours in two months? It isnt that hard to find a few
hours to do something.
Oh, not
e to the foolios: If youve been with Union for more than two
months, and youve never done anything for the group, well.. you
re outta here. Feel free to reapply. Becoming a
member in a group implies that you do somethin
g with/for it, not sit around and just sign your n
ame with the group.
I got my hair cut. Not too much though, just
the sides and back. Im also tir
ed of calling people up for their work. Its been quite
a while since I phreaked regularly, and ... well.. trying to get
in contact with n amount of members, 75 of which
arent home, or havent done anything can raise the
bill at the end of the month quite a bit. So, to m
ake thinks simple, if you have something done, SEND IT TO US.
Dont sit around and wait forever for us to call you.
To make the process of
sending in artwork easier, Ive picked five
boards to be drop sites where artists can leave their work and that
Ill call on the 30th or whatever and
pick it up for them. Here they are:
Flatlined Reality World HQ 613-824-7375
Ontario, Canada
Packaged Rebellion US HQ 408-246-0281 Cal
ifornia, US Terra Firma
Western HQ 714-963-4851* California, US
4972* Jello I
nsanity Central HQ 708-420-0587 Chicago, US
Harvest Moon Eastern HQ 216
-951-7059 Ohio, US
* Temporarily holding the position until KooL get E
xiled Race back up Hes got a compute
r again, but still no modem.
To make things simpler, were in t
he process of setting up an account Union, pas
sword Union for you to upload work and apps to on
each of these boards. As of the moment Im writing this I know th
e ones on Flatlined Reality and Harvest Moon work. If
the board closest to you
is down, or you cant
connect with it, or its fucked up, or whatever,
you can call one of the other boards. If youve never called
ld before, you might want to check with your phone c
ompany to see what long distance rates they of
fer you. Most companies give 50-70 off of all ld cal
ls during low activity hours typically 11pm-6am. Itll prolly cost
you somewhere under a 1 if you know what youre doing.
If youre on the net, you can se
nd uuencode zip files to ap4
44@freenet.carleton.ca : if you do not have a copy of
uuencode/uudecode, bug your local internet g
urus until they give you one. If you h
ave irc/dcc access, and you can upload to your account
:, you can send your work to SubmitBot. As of yet, the bot isnt
but it will be as soon as md figures out
how to untar on satelnet. If
SubmitBot aint there, look for Neurotic or md on irc
. You might want to do a /whois nick a
nd make sure were the union foolios before you sen
d it to us.
If youve taken a look at
the pack already, youll have noticed that there aint
no site listings. This is cuz, well, site listings implies
that you have sites. The only two non-member affiliated boards
we have are Tramotane and Eternal Insan
ity. No others. And we wont have any
more, cuz we dont give a fuck who you are, we arent giving out any
sites. There isnt a member board listing anymore,
cuz, well, whats the point really? If youre a member
, and you run a board, youre a member board.
Its that simple. If youd want your board to be advertised as a
member board in the member list, get a hold of Neurotic
, and gimmie
your board name and numbers.
You may notice we dont have an app generator. Big deal. If you wa
nt to apply to the group, its pretty simple. First, f
igure out what position you want to apply for.
Ansi artists, vga dudes, and musicians only, please.
Then take a look at the guys in the group who do the same
thing as you. If youre somewhat better than who you perceive to
be the worst one, then continue applying, otherwise,
well.. dont waste your time and our
Then zip up a collection of what you feel is your be
st stuff, along with a short text file th
at says something of you, your past, and why you wa
nt to join. Then get it to us via one of the drop sites or
internet, as I mentioned way up there.
There is one exception to the no coders rule, if you have some good
s3m routines as good as future crews mu
sic disk player, except that they use ems so you do
nt have that damned 640k conventional memory
barrier like mdp does, can do notedots like in st3 and fcmdp, beat
bars, simple vga displaying cool effects would be
a bonus, and vector points, then APPLY NOW! WE NEED
ers who are on internet or are willing to call long distance
only, please.
The rea
son for this is we want to do a REAL music disk. Were
postponing the scheduled november music disk indefinately well.
. until december or january in hopes of getting this
done. Any musicians out there who can do goo
d techno that I will like, will be welcomed to union w
ith open arms. S3M format only, please. We dont put a size limit on
music disks, so anything goes.
yeah, we have no viewer. We dont really care. Not having one
means the pack will be smaller each month, and there w
ill be one less for Whisper.ff to pop
into. :. I mean, by now everyone in the scene has pu
t at least one viewer they like on their path, and use it instead of
the one that comes with the pack. Sure, the dudes who a
rent into art at all probably dont do it, but that j
ust means that they probably wont
bother looki
ng at our packs, which means less harassment from the shits
who know nothing about the scene.
Use TribeView,
prolly the best viewer in the scene. Until SiDS new
acidview comes out. :
Concerning UnionNet, it is now
open to non-site/member boards under
the condit
ions that at least one member from the group must vouch for
your board being a cool boar
d to have in the net and that one or more
group members use your board to post from regularly. If there is
a particularly high amount of stupid posts comi
ng from your system you will be remo
ved from the net.
Okay, well.. on to th
e member list changes. Neurosis action figure coder
guy left the scene. He just doesnt have time for it with school
and all that. I few people thought that I Neuroti
c had said I was
leaving the group. People always get us two confused. Oh yeah, for SCast
er and the other morons who bitched at me be
cause I didnt do them an ansi, I NEVER SAID I WOULD!
That was Neurosis! Learn how to read a fucking alias
for christs sake!
Cheese Grater left us for iCE right befor
e we put out last months pack, unfortun
ately we were not notified of this until after we saw his
work in the iCE pack, otherwise we would have mention
ed something last month. He stated that he felt we w
ere more ansi oriented than vga oriented, and t
hat his vgas would fit in more with iCE or something like
that as his reason for leaving.
Pinion left our music department for A
CiDs. This really didnt come
as a surprise to m
e since Somms was the one who introduced Pinion to
Union. Somms giveth and Somms taketh. :. Pinions gonna t
ry to wake up ACiDs underworked music division and
they have some projects planned for the future.
On to the good news... wOaH... my mum was about to
throw out a bunch of records and I managed to get a ch
ance to look at them ahead of time and
save a few of them. The Village People, The Bee-Gees, Saterday Night
Fever, and some other disco tunes.. Im set.
wOaH! I can mix my cds in with them too
! Star6,7,8,9 + Macho Man at 33 cool! Oh yeah, theres
some new dudes in the group too.
Okay, well, first of all, Breed disba
nded and from it comes Ogre doing
ansi and Bloodlust doing vga. From Tribe comes Minor Thre
at, Hellspawn, Asylum, Magnus and AcidFla
sh. From the ashes of Nation comes Replay, Cyberna
ry and Leonard0. For all you dudes who can remember from
waaaaaaaaaaay back when, Cybernary was one of the
original guys who founded Union before he got a
mAjOr bAcKbIlL. I find
it slightly amusing that Maestro and TafkaSK left the scene
at more or less the same time, and that theyre both probably
going to go into the comic book field as
a profession. :
Also new to the group this month is Boa, the logo wonder boy. You
may have seen his work before in the various BOA-*.
ZIP logo packs he released. Welp, hes solo no lon
ger. Gue
ss who else joined Union this month? QURAN! YES! THAT DAMNED
TWINGLER IS NOW WITH UNION! He basically goes around an
d recru.. uh..
acts as a mascot for the group.
Yeah, thats it. :. He can be reached,
as always, on Harvest Moon.
As you may notice from the list of new guys thi
s month, we are TRYING to stay away from recruit
ing every tom, dick, and harry from other groups.
I know how much I get pissed off when someone tries to
recruit people from Union, and I dont want to do it to anyone e
lse. We probably still will though. :. So, if you th
ink you might be interested in joining u
s, dont wait there with your dick in your hand for us to
invite you to join. Reach for the .. uh.. gold. Apply.
cuses for the latest of this pack are in the following order:
Oct 29th: Going to a rave, as if Im going to
call up people for
their work.
Oct 30th: Raving and sleeping for the
rest of the day. Tried calling some guys,
but they werent home. We killed a few calling cards
doing this.
Oct 31st: Its halloween, as if anyones gonna
be home and stuff. Nov 1st: now going out to
see Stargate tonight.. that is if Trev
ever calls me.. WHERE ARE YOU MOFO!?!?!@@!!@ *
Nov 2nd: Hey, I had to sauce eve
rything, zip it up, etc, that takes
time, okay?
* He never did call me. S
o Im gonna steal his girlfriend. bIG wHITE tITT
aBom ProuDly preZZzenTz
zzZzzZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZz Snore ZzzZzzZZZZZZZzzZZzZZZ
oOoh g
aBoM pumPkin
neUrotiCa pUmPkIN
naILZ pUmpkIn
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