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another screwy ansi by abomination
of union. hrm, the ansis in that i
had in the last pack sucked. hope-
fully, j0 guys will like my stuff
this month. greets go out to my
new fRiEND k-SpiFF, son-0-sam,
neurotic even though this fuckhead never greets me :, and Cheese-G
its supposed to be that white/green guy from team youngblood if you cant tell. s: omega redd nationGc/wballs and quaSar acid 516.763.1O53 oBV/2 3.1 gigs no ratios for cool lds nation courier hq corruption ehq acid member board lancelot2 eastern hq paranoia whq dieselnet whq
blade dist cia dist wballs member board dark dist pow courier hq
justice dist amd dist union dist uni-nat network really cool bbs
qUaSaR is nEET0 ansi by abomination of union qUaSaR is nEET0
what seperates me from the other union artists, you ask? i suck.
of union. hrm, the ansis in that i
had in the last pack sucked. hope-
fully, j0 guys will like my stuff
this month. greets go out to my
new fRiEND k-SpiFF, son-0-sam,
neurotic even though this fuckhead never greets me :, and Cheese-G
its supposed to be that white/green guy from team youngblood if you cant tell. s: omega redd nationGc/wballs and quaSar acid 516.763.1O53 oBV/2 3.1 gigs no ratios for cool lds nation courier hq corruption ehq acid member board lancelot2 eastern hq paranoia whq dieselnet whq
blade dist cia dist wballs member board dark dist pow courier hq
justice dist amd dist union dist uni-nat network really cool bbs
qUaSaR is nEET0 ansi by abomination of union qUaSaR is nEET0
what seperates me from the other union artists, you ask? i suck.
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