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crazy mad shit by mt
abomination presents his first full length pitt ansi. please dont crap in your pants, id like to keep the floor clean:
Greets: RaD Man, Sharp, Neurotic, Mass Delusion, Ulysses, and Flood. ab/union
.. state of the nation is now in progress ..
2 Node Ringdown - 228-8296/228-9344 ab Running 28.8 Dual Standards - Fast Shit! WaReZ/aRT and the rest of the goodiezZzZ Union Member Board - Blade Distro Terbium Member Board - Mop World HeadQuarters
Board totally moddified by Abomination of Uni and all you will see is -pITT-! PiTT pITT and
some more piTT. Call this pHAT obLivIOn/2 bbS or your going to have to die.
S: Ulysses TerbiuM pOrN couRiERZ Cs: Bicycle Thief and Abomination uNION/TeRbiuM .. state of the nation is now in progress ..
ansi by a really neeto guy named aBOMINATION uNION
abomination presents his first full length pitt ansi. please dont crap in your pants, id like to keep the floor clean:
Greets: RaD Man, Sharp, Neurotic, Mass Delusion, Ulysses, and Flood. ab/union
.. state of the nation is now in progress ..
2 Node Ringdown - 228-8296/228-9344 ab Running 28.8 Dual Standards - Fast Shit! WaReZ/aRT and the rest of the goodiezZzZ Union Member Board - Blade Distro Terbium Member Board - Mop World HeadQuarters
Board totally moddified by Abomination of Uni and all you will see is -pITT-! PiTT pITT and
some more piTT. Call this pHAT obLivIOn/2 bbS or your going to have to die.
S: Ulysses TerbiuM pOrN couRiERZ Cs: Bicycle Thief and Abomination uNION/TeRbiuM .. state of the nation is now in progress ..
ansi by a really neeto guy named aBOMINATION uNION
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