this image contains text
ansi by da artist formerly known as sain
m33ps from mT to: mephitopeles icet sinner
miSfit, with shading by
poser.. ew
heatio, bedlam, mephitopeles ice and 28.
. the
bob da janitor, tweedle-dee,
font was done by numbatwennyate
and tommy lee!! 28-him too
------ go read da hidden
shit ----
the hACk shACk: opd by k-sPIF
f o unIOn
by misfit 28, with some shading by that wacky ice p
eep mephitopeles. go screw. just say no to individ
uality.. and well pretend that were dead.. -L7
m33ps from mT to: mephitopeles icet sinner
miSfit, with shading by
poser.. ew
heatio, bedlam, mephitopeles ice and 28.
. the
bob da janitor, tweedle-dee,
font was done by numbatwennyate
and tommy lee!! 28-him too
------ go read da hidden
shit ----
the hACk shACk: opd by k-sPIF
f o unIOn
by misfit 28, with some shading by that wacky ice p
eep mephitopeles. go screw. just say no to individ
uality.. and well pretend that were dead.. -L7
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