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28 Union
union august 94 info file
Hey there folks, if youre reading this then Ill assume the
September 1994 Union pack has finally been released, despite the various last minute delays. Be sure to check out the first Union music disk, UNIM0994.ZIP which was released the same time as this pack. It has 8
quality tunes in it and is quite worth the download. On to the nfo.
For any of you who were regular requenters of our world headquarters you most likely assuming you are less dense than Pluto noticed that it was/is in a state of flux. For quite a long period of time Flatlined Reality was run at Optical Illusions a mutual friend of Nailz and I house at the 613-224-8279 phone number. Halfway through this month that changed. OI has finally decided to give up modeming, and he takes his
phone line with him. FR was quickly moved over to Stone Angels house, replacing his previous board, Metal Edge. The new phone number is 613-521-7366 and that is where the whq currently resides. Unfortunately though, Stone Angel tires of drawing ansis and would prefer to play Doom 2 on his new computer, putting the board in jeopardy. The solution to this is to move FR to my house. This has yet
to happen, but we plan to have FR full transfered to my place by the 5th of September. The new number will be 613-824-7375, but unfortunately Nailz wont let me change the name to Flatlined Reality 3: Programmed Illusion Is Back! Oh well. Amazingly enough weve managed to keep all accounts and passwords intact throughout all this moving. Only the number has changed. Well, we
did switch from Renegade to Vision/2, but thats besides the point. The new UnionNet nodelist reflects this future change. Since Nailz and I have tired of the continuous courier applications
we decided to promote TaZs board, Wasteland, to the Courier HQ. All
courier apps will be processed there. The phone number is 314-987-8981. The first new member to Union this month is Asskicker. He hails from Portugal and we will hopefully be seeing some of his vga work soon. Riff, a friend of QurAn also joins the vga department this month. Well have some of his stuff as soon as I get around to calling him. : A friend of GodSpeeds, X-Factor, joins Unions music department
this month. Two of his songs can be heard in the first issue of our music disk. Cheese Grater from Shiver joins Unions ansi and rip departments this month. His work isnt cheesy but my jokes are. Last month we forgot to mention Karnaaj amongst all the new members from Visual Insanity so I am rectifying that fact now. A bunch of guys from Alive joined us this month, although Alive is not dead. Read the top of MD-FR1.ANS for more info.
Mass Delusion from Alive joins Union as a pack/telecom co-ordinator and an ansi artist. Abomination, Dive and HammerHead join as ansi artists as well. Thee 3rd will be doing vgas and rips for us, and would have had something in this pack if his boss hadnt been looking over his shoulder while he was on irc. The Beholder will be doing rip and Ded Silence will be doing music as well as couriering for us.
New in the coding department this month is Immortal Shadow, who you may recognize from issues 2 and 3 of Blur. Hi Brian. The Temperate Hijacker, Terminal Nothing and Percicles join Unions
couriering department this month, which is a bit disorganized due to the
fact that TaZ now has an LD block on his phone line. Time to pay those bills. : There is also a new department this month, the article writing department. Just check out the memberlist to see whos in it. In other group changes, Sole Assassin switched his nick to Stormfront. Cool name. Village Idiot switched from the ansi department
to the couriering department. We say farewell to Einstein this month because he is leaving the scene over some personal problems. Stone Angel left Union because hes tired of drawing ansis and is addicted to Doom 2. : A big howdy goes out to our college division, which boasts of having Mass Delusion, Peak Velocity and others in its member list. This reminds me of the fact that school is starting quite soon, and youll
probably see some different faces next month. Some members work more in the school year than in summer and vice versa. Kool was in Alaska on vacation this month and while he was there his board crashed. This adversly affected the amount of artwork from the 714 members of the group since they didnt have him there to egg them on. Oh well, he should be returning soon. He was kind enough to send us a
postcard of his vacation and we included it as the header to the member and site listings. It was Nailz idea, dont blame me. A special note to all the sites who currently arent in the net get
in it. Next month we will unconditionally nuke all sites that arent in
the net. This is the final warning. I really mean it this time. Remember folks, you wont have a second chance to be a site. On that note, Id like to remind everyone that UNION STILL IS NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE SITES! Leave me alone! If your looking for any union pack check the demoansiunion directory on ftp.eng.ufl.edu. Unfortunately, do to its limited size we do not
have several of the first Union compendiums on there. We have plans in the future for a ftp site that will blow hornet away. :. We have not determined yet whether or not it will be for Union only. If you are on irc, there are two union bots which are sometimes up 24hrs a day, namely MrDawson and UniBot. You can try dcc chatting either of them for the new pack or one of the old ones. They are temporarily down due to cyberspace.net being unreachable, but we have plans on moving them to
another account. If you would like to have the newest Union pack sent to you via uuencoded email, send a message to ap444@freenet.carleton.ca and ask to be put on the union mailing list. Later fools. Neurotic Union Article Division
union august 94 info file
Hey there folks, if youre reading this then Ill assume the
September 1994 Union pack has finally been released, despite the various last minute delays. Be sure to check out the first Union music disk, UNIM0994.ZIP which was released the same time as this pack. It has 8
quality tunes in it and is quite worth the download. On to the nfo.
For any of you who were regular requenters of our world headquarters you most likely assuming you are less dense than Pluto noticed that it was/is in a state of flux. For quite a long period of time Flatlined Reality was run at Optical Illusions a mutual friend of Nailz and I house at the 613-224-8279 phone number. Halfway through this month that changed. OI has finally decided to give up modeming, and he takes his
phone line with him. FR was quickly moved over to Stone Angels house, replacing his previous board, Metal Edge. The new phone number is 613-521-7366 and that is where the whq currently resides. Unfortunately though, Stone Angel tires of drawing ansis and would prefer to play Doom 2 on his new computer, putting the board in jeopardy. The solution to this is to move FR to my house. This has yet
to happen, but we plan to have FR full transfered to my place by the 5th of September. The new number will be 613-824-7375, but unfortunately Nailz wont let me change the name to Flatlined Reality 3: Programmed Illusion Is Back! Oh well. Amazingly enough weve managed to keep all accounts and passwords intact throughout all this moving. Only the number has changed. Well, we
did switch from Renegade to Vision/2, but thats besides the point. The new UnionNet nodelist reflects this future change. Since Nailz and I have tired of the continuous courier applications
we decided to promote TaZs board, Wasteland, to the Courier HQ. All
courier apps will be processed there. The phone number is 314-987-8981. The first new member to Union this month is Asskicker. He hails from Portugal and we will hopefully be seeing some of his vga work soon. Riff, a friend of QurAn also joins the vga department this month. Well have some of his stuff as soon as I get around to calling him. : A friend of GodSpeeds, X-Factor, joins Unions music department
this month. Two of his songs can be heard in the first issue of our music disk. Cheese Grater from Shiver joins Unions ansi and rip departments this month. His work isnt cheesy but my jokes are. Last month we forgot to mention Karnaaj amongst all the new members from Visual Insanity so I am rectifying that fact now. A bunch of guys from Alive joined us this month, although Alive is not dead. Read the top of MD-FR1.ANS for more info.
Mass Delusion from Alive joins Union as a pack/telecom co-ordinator and an ansi artist. Abomination, Dive and HammerHead join as ansi artists as well. Thee 3rd will be doing vgas and rips for us, and would have had something in this pack if his boss hadnt been looking over his shoulder while he was on irc. The Beholder will be doing rip and Ded Silence will be doing music as well as couriering for us.
New in the coding department this month is Immortal Shadow, who you may recognize from issues 2 and 3 of Blur. Hi Brian. The Temperate Hijacker, Terminal Nothing and Percicles join Unions
couriering department this month, which is a bit disorganized due to the
fact that TaZ now has an LD block on his phone line. Time to pay those bills. : There is also a new department this month, the article writing department. Just check out the memberlist to see whos in it. In other group changes, Sole Assassin switched his nick to Stormfront. Cool name. Village Idiot switched from the ansi department
to the couriering department. We say farewell to Einstein this month because he is leaving the scene over some personal problems. Stone Angel left Union because hes tired of drawing ansis and is addicted to Doom 2. : A big howdy goes out to our college division, which boasts of having Mass Delusion, Peak Velocity and others in its member list. This reminds me of the fact that school is starting quite soon, and youll
probably see some different faces next month. Some members work more in the school year than in summer and vice versa. Kool was in Alaska on vacation this month and while he was there his board crashed. This adversly affected the amount of artwork from the 714 members of the group since they didnt have him there to egg them on. Oh well, he should be returning soon. He was kind enough to send us a
postcard of his vacation and we included it as the header to the member and site listings. It was Nailz idea, dont blame me. A special note to all the sites who currently arent in the net get
in it. Next month we will unconditionally nuke all sites that arent in
the net. This is the final warning. I really mean it this time. Remember folks, you wont have a second chance to be a site. On that note, Id like to remind everyone that UNION STILL IS NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE SITES! Leave me alone! If your looking for any union pack check the demoansiunion directory on ftp.eng.ufl.edu. Unfortunately, do to its limited size we do not
have several of the first Union compendiums on there. We have plans in the future for a ftp site that will blow hornet away. :. We have not determined yet whether or not it will be for Union only. If you are on irc, there are two union bots which are sometimes up 24hrs a day, namely MrDawson and UniBot. You can try dcc chatting either of them for the new pack or one of the old ones. They are temporarily down due to cyberspace.net being unreachable, but we have plans on moving them to
another account. If you would like to have the newest Union pack sent to you via uuencoded email, send a message to ap444@freenet.carleton.ca and ask to be put on the union mailing list. Later fools. Neurotic Union Article Division
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