this image contains text
abomination presents yet another
beautiful?, union production,
if j0 want an ansi, reach my on
internet cuz like my board is down
for a few months. and like every
other fucking artist, im on CZ! too. grin 0h well t00dleZ.
packaged rebellion terbium hq tons of affils/shit
numba: 916-246-7165 sysop: maZZ delusion
ansi by abomination union
cut here er somefin
b00bieZ! diD s0me1 say b00biEZ? heh.. aight, diZ anZI wuZ brought t0 j0 by....
umm... hmmph. 0h0h, dat aBOMINATION guy from that gayb0b gRoup called uNION or
something . caV, i lub j00. diZ anZI is f0 bRiAN dAZ0n cuz he deserves an
anZI right about now. aight, chew j0 buBBle g00mE. and sTuDy f0 sk00l. lAtER.
beautiful?, union production,
if j0 want an ansi, reach my on
internet cuz like my board is down
for a few months. and like every
other fucking artist, im on CZ! too. grin 0h well t00dleZ.
packaged rebellion terbium hq tons of affils/shit
numba: 916-246-7165 sysop: maZZ delusion
ansi by abomination union
cut here er somefin
b00bieZ! diD s0me1 say b00biEZ? heh.. aight, diZ anZI wuZ brought t0 j0 by....
umm... hmmph. 0h0h, dat aBOMINATION guy from that gayb0b gRoup called uNION or
something . caV, i lub j00. diZ anZI is f0 bRiAN dAZ0n cuz he deserves an
anZI right about now. aight, chew j0 buBBle g00mE. and sTuDy f0 sk00l. lAtER.
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