this image contains text
Passing this file around, making copies without illicit,
permission signed by a legally bound and good standing o
fficer of the
Union navy will lead to commencement, under Admiral 28s
leadership, of
ICBM warfare. Please respect the fact we have your fone
number and real
information, do not attempt to defect and buck the opera
tion k0w strategy.
**** Certified Operation k0w ONLY ****
Operation k0w is a top sekrit strategic operation led un
der the
supervision of Admiral Mass Delusion and Admiral 28. We
are engaging in
sekrit warfare to bolster the union navys position in w
orld wide affairs.
To secure our operation, we have taken several modes of
evasive action,
and we will attempt to return at breakneck speed for a b
litzkreig attack.
Operation k0w is as follows -
General Strategic Overview : Union is going to die. W
e will
die sometime around the 22nd of June, at 12:00 hours. B
efore this time,
all Union Navy members will have been contacted, and inf
ormed about
Operation k0w. We are faking our own death fo0d to
the scene. To
facilitate this sekrit plan, all members of Union are go
ing to become
disinterested in the scene... they are to play along
with other group
offers, saying ill think about it or maybe, well see
. This is to
make it seem like Union is truly dead and buried.
Then, during our month of deadness, we are going to co
Union members past, and other good artists about the sce
ne who we have
been close friends with. We are not out to rebecome Uni
on of Borg again,
but we do want to build a good group of cool guys to han
g out with.
Then, approximately one week before the 08/95 packs come
out, we
will celebrate the one year anniversary of our first go
od pack and
release a mindboggling array of ansi, vga, rip, and codi
ng power in our
viewer. It will be an old school union pack of great pr
oportions! We
are also following in tradition with TRiBE, whose second
anniversary we celebrate in June, and we are using Caval
iers manifesto
to make ourselves look outrageous and elite. which we
are :
From there on out, we are just what union used to be, bu
t without
the problems that plauged us and containing only the fun
that we want to
have. It will be Union people first, Union packs second
. Do not fear.
The k0w will work.
What this means to members of the Navy : Each member of
the k0w
fiollowing Navy has one objective to do. KEEP THIS SEKR
IT. If anyone
finds out about this, we will be foiled! To facilitate
this, simple
slowly drop out of contact with your group, stay in touc
h with us, and
then quietly draw your best ansi ever, and well put out
one hell uva
pack that will be the true Union all over again.
Situations : If someone asks you what the k0w is, or wh
operation k0w is all about, you must simply tell them so
me answer to the
effect that, you do not know about it, but some people
were just talking
about it or i dont know, it was md talking about it
etc. Play STUPID.
If you are asked if you are part of Operation K0w, simpl
y say you are
not, and go on your merry way. Deny your rank, and refu
se to answer
questions. your nick cannot k0mpromise the k0w. is
If a member of the Union navy says m0o? publicly, it i
s your
duty to privately message them m0o affirmative, sir to
let them know
that you too support the k0w. There is also a skript fo
r Union people
only, it is md-bh.irc That skript allows sekrit k0mmuni
cation among the
members. As well as it provides for msgn a bot for ins
tant auto-invites
to a channel, where we will conduct our sekrit meetings
under assumed nicks.
Find Mass Delusion, or send email here to massd@elec.sha
sta.cc.ca.us to
let me know who you are, and that you need a copy of the
if the skript gets out, then our communication is worthl
ess, so do not
give it out. There will be automatic court martials int
o any reported leaks.
Contact points -
Transmissions may be conducted to any of these -
800/xxx.xxxx - box 823 - vmb
Places to call -
State of Euphoria - 800-xxx-xxxx / no nu
The Morbid Mess Hall - 800-xxx-xxxx / no
I. w0WZers! we tricked j0o!
by 28
Yes, were back. Actually, no, were not back, b
ecause we never left. We were
only faking. This was all a part of operAtIOn k
0w, and operation f0od
A while ago, if you can remember, Union definately WAS d
ying. Quality was
low, the enthusiam wasnt there, etc, etc. Many of the long
time, faithful
members started leaving, including me : and
quality got even worse. Then,
the Revival thing was released instead of a pack. Welp, n
eedless to say,
that didnt exactly revive anyone, or anything. Things we
nt even further
downhill from there. Union stayed in that general direction
for several weeks.
But then things got cool. Union let go of some of the less
talented members.
Some of the original members were contacted. including me
: Mass D Nailz
were entertaining the idea of faking Unions death. Mass De
lusion mentioned
this to me. I joined. We decided that the definate plan was
to fake Unions
death, and contact former members in private. Of course, it
wouldve been
pretty geeky to go around calling this plan the plan or s
omething equally
gay. So while Mass D. and I were discussing cows, we deci
ded to be really
militaristic, and call it drumroll operAtIOn
k0w. thus, an explanation
for everyone chanting: m0o and f3Ar thA k0w, etc.
II. operAtIOn k0w. the part wh
ere I explain thA k0w
1. Contact all the current and desired former me
mbers in private.
2. Swear them to secrecy.
3. If they dont join, or if they tell people about the k0w
, threaten them
with our Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles. ICBMs
4. Carry out f0od fake our
own death by releasing a thingee that
were dead.
5. Watch all of you dICk smACks believe us, and laugh at j
0or gAy aSZZes.
6. Dont meet in union anymore. People will get suspicious
7. Meet in our top secret channel on irc, amish.
8. Release kick ass pack.
III. Okay, now j0o know.
greets to the handful of people out there who knew about
the k0w, but
didnt tell anyone.
Passing this file around, making copies without illicit,
permission signed by a legally bound and good standing o
fficer of the
Union navy will lead to commencement, under Admiral 28s
leadership, of
ICBM warfare. Please respect the fact we have your fone
number and real
information, do not attempt to defect and buck the opera
tion k0w strategy.
**** Certified Operation k0w ONLY ****
Operation k0w is a top sekrit strategic operation led un
der the
supervision of Admiral Mass Delusion and Admiral 28. We
are engaging in
sekrit warfare to bolster the union navys position in w
orld wide affairs.
To secure our operation, we have taken several modes of
evasive action,
and we will attempt to return at breakneck speed for a b
litzkreig attack.
Operation k0w is as follows -
General Strategic Overview : Union is going to die. W
e will
die sometime around the 22nd of June, at 12:00 hours. B
efore this time,
all Union Navy members will have been contacted, and inf
ormed about
Operation k0w. We are faking our own death fo0d to
the scene. To
facilitate this sekrit plan, all members of Union are go
ing to become
disinterested in the scene... they are to play along
with other group
offers, saying ill think about it or maybe, well see
. This is to
make it seem like Union is truly dead and buried.
Then, during our month of deadness, we are going to co
Union members past, and other good artists about the sce
ne who we have
been close friends with. We are not out to rebecome Uni
on of Borg again,
but we do want to build a good group of cool guys to han
g out with.
Then, approximately one week before the 08/95 packs come
out, we
will celebrate the one year anniversary of our first go
od pack and
release a mindboggling array of ansi, vga, rip, and codi
ng power in our
viewer. It will be an old school union pack of great pr
oportions! We
are also following in tradition with TRiBE, whose second
anniversary we celebrate in June, and we are using Caval
iers manifesto
to make ourselves look outrageous and elite. which we
are :
From there on out, we are just what union used to be, bu
t without
the problems that plauged us and containing only the fun
that we want to
have. It will be Union people first, Union packs second
. Do not fear.
The k0w will work.
What this means to members of the Navy : Each member of
the k0w
fiollowing Navy has one objective to do. KEEP THIS SEKR
IT. If anyone
finds out about this, we will be foiled! To facilitate
this, simple
slowly drop out of contact with your group, stay in touc
h with us, and
then quietly draw your best ansi ever, and well put out
one hell uva
pack that will be the true Union all over again.
Situations : If someone asks you what the k0w is, or wh
operation k0w is all about, you must simply tell them so
me answer to the
effect that, you do not know about it, but some people
were just talking
about it or i dont know, it was md talking about it
etc. Play STUPID.
If you are asked if you are part of Operation K0w, simpl
y say you are
not, and go on your merry way. Deny your rank, and refu
se to answer
questions. your nick cannot k0mpromise the k0w. is
If a member of the Union navy says m0o? publicly, it i
s your
duty to privately message them m0o affirmative, sir to
let them know
that you too support the k0w. There is also a skript fo
r Union people
only, it is md-bh.irc That skript allows sekrit k0mmuni
cation among the
members. As well as it provides for msgn a bot for ins
tant auto-invites
to a channel, where we will conduct our sekrit meetings
under assumed nicks.
Find Mass Delusion, or send email here to massd@elec.sha
sta.cc.ca.us to
let me know who you are, and that you need a copy of the
if the skript gets out, then our communication is worthl
ess, so do not
give it out. There will be automatic court martials int
o any reported leaks.
Contact points -
Transmissions may be conducted to any of these -
800/xxx.xxxx - box 823 - vmb
Places to call -
State of Euphoria - 800-xxx-xxxx / no nu
The Morbid Mess Hall - 800-xxx-xxxx / no
I. w0WZers! we tricked j0o!
by 28
Yes, were back. Actually, no, were not back, b
ecause we never left. We were
only faking. This was all a part of operAtIOn k
0w, and operation f0od
A while ago, if you can remember, Union definately WAS d
ying. Quality was
low, the enthusiam wasnt there, etc, etc. Many of the long
time, faithful
members started leaving, including me : and
quality got even worse. Then,
the Revival thing was released instead of a pack. Welp, n
eedless to say,
that didnt exactly revive anyone, or anything. Things we
nt even further
downhill from there. Union stayed in that general direction
for several weeks.
But then things got cool. Union let go of some of the less
talented members.
Some of the original members were contacted. including me
: Mass D Nailz
were entertaining the idea of faking Unions death. Mass De
lusion mentioned
this to me. I joined. We decided that the definate plan was
to fake Unions
death, and contact former members in private. Of course, it
wouldve been
pretty geeky to go around calling this plan the plan or s
omething equally
gay. So while Mass D. and I were discussing cows, we deci
ded to be really
militaristic, and call it drumroll operAtIOn
k0w. thus, an explanation
for everyone chanting: m0o and f3Ar thA k0w, etc.
II. operAtIOn k0w. the part wh
ere I explain thA k0w
1. Contact all the current and desired former me
mbers in private.
2. Swear them to secrecy.
3. If they dont join, or if they tell people about the k0w
, threaten them
with our Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles. ICBMs
4. Carry out f0od fake our
own death by releasing a thingee that
were dead.
5. Watch all of you dICk smACks believe us, and laugh at j
0or gAy aSZZes.
6. Dont meet in union anymore. People will get suspicious
7. Meet in our top secret channel on irc, amish.
8. Release kick ass pack.
III. Okay, now j0o know.
greets to the handful of people out there who knew about
the k0w, but
didnt tell anyone.
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