this image contains text
...this is for pOd and
sOi. Rip it,
and be like me,
because I rip off ansis for
my board. umm...yeah, dont
do it though, because Im not
in any way responsible for
the actions of sOi or pOd,
who are both well trai
belly dancers. er, wait.
no, theyre...snipers.
yeah, thats the ticket.
they both have big guns.
note to pod and soi - ummm.
figure out some way to make
this thing 25 lines, and
youll be cool. maybe cut off
his foot or something. -28
...this is for pOd and
sOi. Rip it,
and be like me,
because I rip off ansis for
my board. umm...yeah, dont
do it though, because Im not
in any way responsible for
the actions of sOi or pOd,
who are both well trai
belly dancers. er, wait.
no, theyre...snipers.
yeah, thats the ticket.
they both have big guns.
note to pod and soi - ummm.
figure out some way to make
this thing 25 lines, and
youll be cool. maybe cut off
his foot or something. -28
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