this image contains text
alias: Number 28
user note: Union/Numb
main level: 65
file level: 65
time left: 89 mins
your pcr: 234
uploads: 1
downloads: 1
u/d ratio: 100
screen by 28 of union
artists note: if blue doesnt match the color sceme of your board, then by
all means change it to whatever suits you best. ie, red, purple, etc also,
the stats seen there is just a sample, feel free to change em to whatever
ya would like to see in there / not in there, etc. -28
user note: Union/Numb
main level: 65
file level: 65
time left: 89 mins
your pcr: 234
uploads: 1
downloads: 1
u/d ratio: 100
screen by 28 of union
artists note: if blue doesnt match the color sceme of your board, then by
all means change it to whatever suits you best. ie, red, purple, etc also,
the stats seen there is just a sample, feel free to change em to whatever
ya would like to see in there / not in there, etc. -28
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