this image contains text
the basic junk
by nivy-niv
5/95 happenings
Well, if you hadnt really heard, Im running union now. The low-
down on Nailz is that hes now just an artist. An ARTIST!? you say?
yeah, whats so hard to believe about it? I mean, he DOES kick some big
boy ass in that area. Nailz has done a spectacular job with union in
past few months, and im sure you hate to see him go, but i cant make
him do it. : Anyway, back to the brighter side of things. Guess what!
Juice came back at the last minute! I was VERY VERY happy. He was one
of my favorite dudes. Also, Neurophsychosis and Populus join us
up in the music department. As for next months Music disk, youll just
have to wait and see what big-name dudes he gets on his team. : Another
few members have joined this month, namely Ragnarok. Hes got some VERY
nice rip skills and will be participating more next month hed better!
:.Hooptie the ex-acid guy comes to us this month as well. He is an
excellent coder and you might recognize his name from Artworx. Its the
proggy i use for ALL my ansis now. Asmodean, Matrix, Deadpool, and
Fazzy joined to put some help into the VGA department. Hopefully, TB0
can do some much need work for us in telecom. hed better :
Id like to take a moment to just say my opinion of all those buzzing
around IRC ANSI in particular saying Union was dead. AHAHAH. Wake up
and realize that us union dewds are like Lestat. You cant kill a kickin
a budafooko group like us. Another thing id like to point out is the
stupidity of those whod listen to someone on a TeleConference who had
no clue as to if we were alive, dead, half buried, buying a coffin or
what not. Thats one of the dumbest things to do. I mean, *WE* all know
how cool those ole teleconfs are. sarcasm detected. removed If its
toners, its rumour spreaders. Gossiping like a bunch of old ladies isnt
too cool. Thanks for listening to me bitch.
Changes that happened this month were too many to even try to count. One
of the biggest is that I took Mr. Nailzys place. I realize im not the
best guy for the job, but hey. Who is? Lemme know. : The WHQ has
changed to Termite Terrace. For the new site/hq list, look in the member
listings. Union is not taking sites either, so please dont ask. One
other big event is the fact that Surreal Logic left this month. He was
a coordinator if you didnt know.. but anyway, hes gone, and well miss
him. Im putting my foot down quality control. Im getting alot of stuff
from members that i *KNOW* they could do better. So if you just happen
to be a member and dont see your stuff in here, then it didnt make the
final cut. :
Thats it for 5/95 nigs. Look for the music disk next month. : and more
kickin art from us as well. Thanks for letting us put your time to good
Nivenh nivenh@crl.com
by nivy-niv
5/95 happenings
Well, if you hadnt really heard, Im running union now. The low-
down on Nailz is that hes now just an artist. An ARTIST!? you say?
yeah, whats so hard to believe about it? I mean, he DOES kick some big
boy ass in that area. Nailz has done a spectacular job with union in
past few months, and im sure you hate to see him go, but i cant make
him do it. : Anyway, back to the brighter side of things. Guess what!
Juice came back at the last minute! I was VERY VERY happy. He was one
of my favorite dudes. Also, Neurophsychosis and Populus join us
up in the music department. As for next months Music disk, youll just
have to wait and see what big-name dudes he gets on his team. : Another
few members have joined this month, namely Ragnarok. Hes got some VERY
nice rip skills and will be participating more next month hed better!
:.Hooptie the ex-acid guy comes to us this month as well. He is an
excellent coder and you might recognize his name from Artworx. Its the
proggy i use for ALL my ansis now. Asmodean, Matrix, Deadpool, and
Fazzy joined to put some help into the VGA department. Hopefully, TB0
can do some much need work for us in telecom. hed better :
Id like to take a moment to just say my opinion of all those buzzing
around IRC ANSI in particular saying Union was dead. AHAHAH. Wake up
and realize that us union dewds are like Lestat. You cant kill a kickin
a budafooko group like us. Another thing id like to point out is the
stupidity of those whod listen to someone on a TeleConference who had
no clue as to if we were alive, dead, half buried, buying a coffin or
what not. Thats one of the dumbest things to do. I mean, *WE* all know
how cool those ole teleconfs are. sarcasm detected. removed If its
toners, its rumour spreaders. Gossiping like a bunch of old ladies isnt
too cool. Thanks for listening to me bitch.
Changes that happened this month were too many to even try to count. One
of the biggest is that I took Mr. Nailzys place. I realize im not the
best guy for the job, but hey. Who is? Lemme know. : The WHQ has
changed to Termite Terrace. For the new site/hq list, look in the member
listings. Union is not taking sites either, so please dont ask. One
other big event is the fact that Surreal Logic left this month. He was
a coordinator if you didnt know.. but anyway, hes gone, and well miss
him. Im putting my foot down quality control. Im getting alot of stuff
from members that i *KNOW* they could do better. So if you just happen
to be a member and dont see your stuff in here, then it didnt make the
final cut. :
Thats it for 5/95 nigs. Look for the music disk next month. : and more
kickin art from us as well. Thanks for letting us put your time to good
Nivenh nivenh@crl.com
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