this image contains text
!uNION aPRIL 19950495cOmpendium!
Founder - fundador..
Co-Founder - co-fundador..
Senior Staff - clas del cuarto aos..
Future Assassinfa Terminally Nothingtn
Coordinators - organizadores..
Mass Delusionmd Surreal Logicsl Nz
Shadow Hawksh Union Man o da Month - unin hombre de mes.. hey md!
Unknown trev! brian!
Union Mascot - unin mcot..
Union iCE Division - unin ice divisin..
MCAmca Syntax Errorsyntax
Union Cheerleader - unin jovialidad..
Ansi Artists - nsi artistaes..
2828 Azagothaz Cashch Cybernarycy D-Vibedv Divedi
Eternal Chaosec Galahadgd Godspeedgs Imodiumim Juiceju
K-Spiffks KooLkl Korruptkr Mass Delusionmd Magnusmg
Nailznz Phoenixpx Point Blankpb Psycho Fiendpf Sharp Edgese
StreakeRsr Stormfrontst Surreal Logicsl The Imageim
Village Idiotvi Warpuswa
Rip Artists - rasgar artistaes..
Blenderheadbh Cashch K-Spiffks Phoenixpx Replayrl
Shaolinsa Twitchtw
Union Hand Draw Department Sketched ..
Head Honcho - Ogreog
Artists - Skaven HFaze Marvin the Martian Tsunami
Contributer - Cat
Vga Artists - lamina artistaes..
Annihilatusan Nivenhnv Nocturnent Magnusms Prime Evilpe
SkyHighsk Spleefsf Vandalva Yauntiyt
Coders - comunicacin..
Flounderfl Nivenhnv Nocturnent Formatted Childfc
Telecommunications - comentarista radiales..
The Wizard Desolate Dream KrackPipe Hellfire Kaos
..Its in Spanish, dont ask me why.. :
Guys in blue are new members this month..
Guys in red are members who changed positions..
W H E R E T O S U B M I T W O R K / A P P S
Work/Apps can be sent to the following boards:
Log on as Union, password Union
Packaged Rebellion World HQ 408-246-0281 California, US
Harvest Moon Eastern HQ 216-951-7059 Ohio, US
Dystopia Drop Site 301-898-0882 Maryland, US
Jello Insanity Drop Site 708-XXX-XXXX Illinois, US
Or via irc by dcc sending files to Future Assassin. Via internet email by
sending a uuencoded file to ar482@freenet.carleton.ca. Please zip everything up before sending it.
..Also, if you are having trouble getting your work sent to us, you can send a
private msg to Nailz/Future Assassin at cgreen@emr1.emr.ca and give us phone /
name and well get right on it.
Bored? Got time on your hands? Wanna bug a certain artist? Call these boards: Alpha Phoenix 314-772-4860 Missouri, US Doomsday Boa 314-391-9710 Missouri, US Neverland Ogre 514-963-9965 Quebec, Can
Sushi Bar Z Asylum 619-438-0114 California, US
Altered Sanity Juice 705-670-9452 Ontario, Can
Termite Terrace Nivenh 214-288-3211 Dunno, Dunno
Syzygy Dive 804-282-4745 Dunno, Dunno
Waking Nightmare Surreal Logic 604-XXX-XXXX Richmond, BC
So Whatchawant Cash 819-669-1685 Ottawa, Can
Ground Zer0 Sharp Edge 972-644-1336 Dunno, Dunno
Rising Sun Tsunami 510-XXX-XXXX Oakland, CA Lost Path Tsunami 510-XXX-XXXX Oakland, CA
Black Sunshine Vandal 516-621-0908 New York
Graveyard Shift Eternal Chaos 803-732-1181 South Carolina
Birdhouse Projeks Shaolin 404-947-8035 Dunno, US
Earth Crisis Godspeed 203-568-1502 Connecticut, US
Failure Village Idiot XXX-XXX-XXXX Dunno, US
This is not a complete listing of all Union member boards. If you would like to
have your member board listed here, contact Nailz and give him the name and .
Only the boards of ACTIVE members get listed.. nz - cgreen@emr1.emr.ca
Founder - fundador..
Co-Founder - co-fundador..
Senior Staff - clas del cuarto aos..
Future Assassinfa Terminally Nothingtn
Coordinators - organizadores..
Mass Delusionmd Surreal Logicsl Nz
Shadow Hawksh Union Man o da Month - unin hombre de mes.. hey md!
Unknown trev! brian!
Union Mascot - unin mcot..
Union iCE Division - unin ice divisin..
MCAmca Syntax Errorsyntax
Union Cheerleader - unin jovialidad..
Ansi Artists - nsi artistaes..
2828 Azagothaz Cashch Cybernarycy D-Vibedv Divedi
Eternal Chaosec Galahadgd Godspeedgs Imodiumim Juiceju
K-Spiffks KooLkl Korruptkr Mass Delusionmd Magnusmg
Nailznz Phoenixpx Point Blankpb Psycho Fiendpf Sharp Edgese
StreakeRsr Stormfrontst Surreal Logicsl The Imageim
Village Idiotvi Warpuswa
Rip Artists - rasgar artistaes..
Blenderheadbh Cashch K-Spiffks Phoenixpx Replayrl
Shaolinsa Twitchtw
Union Hand Draw Department Sketched ..
Head Honcho - Ogreog
Artists - Skaven HFaze Marvin the Martian Tsunami
Contributer - Cat
Vga Artists - lamina artistaes..
Annihilatusan Nivenhnv Nocturnent Magnusms Prime Evilpe
SkyHighsk Spleefsf Vandalva Yauntiyt
Coders - comunicacin..
Flounderfl Nivenhnv Nocturnent Formatted Childfc
Telecommunications - comentarista radiales..
The Wizard Desolate Dream KrackPipe Hellfire Kaos
..Its in Spanish, dont ask me why.. :
Guys in blue are new members this month..
Guys in red are members who changed positions..
W H E R E T O S U B M I T W O R K / A P P S
Work/Apps can be sent to the following boards:
Log on as Union, password Union
Packaged Rebellion World HQ 408-246-0281 California, US
Harvest Moon Eastern HQ 216-951-7059 Ohio, US
Dystopia Drop Site 301-898-0882 Maryland, US
Jello Insanity Drop Site 708-XXX-XXXX Illinois, US
Or via irc by dcc sending files to Future Assassin. Via internet email by
sending a uuencoded file to ar482@freenet.carleton.ca. Please zip everything up before sending it.
..Also, if you are having trouble getting your work sent to us, you can send a
private msg to Nailz/Future Assassin at cgreen@emr1.emr.ca and give us phone /
name and well get right on it.
Bored? Got time on your hands? Wanna bug a certain artist? Call these boards: Alpha Phoenix 314-772-4860 Missouri, US Doomsday Boa 314-391-9710 Missouri, US Neverland Ogre 514-963-9965 Quebec, Can
Sushi Bar Z Asylum 619-438-0114 California, US
Altered Sanity Juice 705-670-9452 Ontario, Can
Termite Terrace Nivenh 214-288-3211 Dunno, Dunno
Syzygy Dive 804-282-4745 Dunno, Dunno
Waking Nightmare Surreal Logic 604-XXX-XXXX Richmond, BC
So Whatchawant Cash 819-669-1685 Ottawa, Can
Ground Zer0 Sharp Edge 972-644-1336 Dunno, Dunno
Rising Sun Tsunami 510-XXX-XXXX Oakland, CA Lost Path Tsunami 510-XXX-XXXX Oakland, CA
Black Sunshine Vandal 516-621-0908 New York
Graveyard Shift Eternal Chaos 803-732-1181 South Carolina
Birdhouse Projeks Shaolin 404-947-8035 Dunno, US
Earth Crisis Godspeed 203-568-1502 Connecticut, US
Failure Village Idiot XXX-XXX-XXXX Dunno, US
This is not a complete listing of all Union member boards. If you would like to
have your member board listed here, contact Nailz and give him the name and .
Only the boards of ACTIVE members get listed.. nz - cgreen@emr1.emr.ca
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