this image contains text
Union Productions 1995 Presents the Insurgence Magazine Inf
ormational Text File
Hello, well this little text file jibbie is the announcement
for a
project that has been in the brainstorming part of development for some t
from Uniontm Productions. It is a magazine that shal
l be coming out sometime
in the future that is being produced and created by me, Cybernary, of Union
First just let me say that this will not be the typical scene mag.
This magazine is going to be 95 devoted to Union and only Union. It will
feature artwork from Union artists, and everyone working on the design side
the magazine shall be members of Union. As for articles, there will be ALO
T of
Union oriented articles ie. news, member lists, philosophy, poli
cies, etc.,
but we shall also be taking a limited amount of outside articles. We sha
also have a article on general scene news, hopefully featuring a paragraph
are not using the age-old idea of an article per group, we will ask promine
members of various groups to give us a paragraph with there group news
various groups around the scene, and general news about what is going on in
the scene today.
You will also see new and original artwork from Unions best artists.
The first issue shall feature a introduction/cover screen by NailZ, with an
interface created by Lord Jazz while he was with Union previousl
y unreleased.
We will also be incorporating new ideas into the magazine that havent been
before, we shall be working hard to bring you the best quality magazine you
could download. There are some policies we shall be working with of cour
as most productions such as this always have policies some you
will like,
some you shall not. Some of those policies include:
1 There shall be NO, yes *NO* distribution sites damnit. Dont ask,
dont mail us, dont try to get one at all. We will just laugh at
your puny ass and call you a moron for even asking! Site shall be
given out on a *INVITE ONLY* basis, and these too will only be very
limited to either contributors, or boards that would be very instru
mental in the production of the magazine. The main site for the
magazine is all the main site for Union, the world headquarters, it
is PACKAGED REBELLION. You can find the telephone number for this
board in almost any art pack as it is very popular.
2 There shall be NO outside artwork used for this magazine, if it is
not created by a Union artist, or created by someone WHILE they were
with Union ie. if the artist created it, then left the group
, it can
still be used for the magazine despite the fact the artist is no
longer with the group, why let it go to waste, eh? it will *
NOT* be
used anywhere in the magazine. IT is above all a Union oriented mag.
3 Group articles WILL be accepted in the magazine under the following
exception, it can only be one paragraph long. It must be fairly short
consisting only IMPORTANT group news/new members/etc. Alot of the
group articles that are written just ramble on about stuff most of
us couldnt give a damn about. This will hopefully bring you only the
news you are interested in, instead of hearing stupid crap about the
history of the group, who cares about that past? The future is now.
So to submit a group article it must be a fairly small paragraph about
the size of this POLICY the paragraph for policy 3
, it can be not
more then 25 lines long. We welcome any and all groups to submit a
group paragraph and it shall be published in the SCENE NEWS article.
4 We will not have a ton of members, we dont want everyone and thei
brother running around with INS or iNsUrGeNcE in their sig. We
shall deem memberships as needed to people who have contributed to
the cause on a regular basis. Just because you contribute to the
magazine one time does not necessarily deam you a member of the
Insurgence design team. Members shall be listed in the credits upon
release of the magazine. The editors of the magazine, and the coder
are the main members of the design team. Dont let this discourage
you from contributing however, just because you dont get another affil
that means absolutely nothing in your sig, doesnt mean you cant help
make this magazine the most enjoyable to read.
5 We do not have an official release date. We are not going to make
any fake promises about releasing monthly, or even bi-monthly. We
shall release the magazine once enough articles, and artwork, has been
compiled to produce a quality magazine. Until this time we shall of
course release public informational texts such as this to keep the
public abreast of what is happening with the magazine.
6 Finally, what the Editor-In-Chied, editors, and coder of the magazine
says, goes. We created the fucking thing, well run it however the
hell we want, if that means changing our policies, creating new ones,
or just pissing some people off, who gives a care, eh? Its a hobby
for gods sake!
Well that about raps it up for this first public announcement of the
designing and production of the new Union Productions sponsored magazine,
Insurgencetm. Be on the look out for the magazine in
the near future, and
if you wish to contribute with a group article, or art artwork o
f course as
long as you are in Union , or general article, then call Packag
ed Rebellion
and leave mail to either NailZ or Cybernary.
Thank you for reading,
Cybernary - Insurgencetm Editor-In-Chief/Union Co-Founder
Union Productions 1995 Presents the Insurgence Magazine Informational
Text File
greetings go out to the following cool people: all of the
great group of guys at union, nailZ, formatted child,
mass delusion, mCa, eerie, and the great lord jazz.
u n i o n m a r c h 1 9 9 5
ormational Text File
Hello, well this little text file jibbie is the announcement
for a
project that has been in the brainstorming part of development for some t
from Uniontm Productions. It is a magazine that shal
l be coming out sometime
in the future that is being produced and created by me, Cybernary, of Union
First just let me say that this will not be the typical scene mag.
This magazine is going to be 95 devoted to Union and only Union. It will
feature artwork from Union artists, and everyone working on the design side
the magazine shall be members of Union. As for articles, there will be ALO
T of
Union oriented articles ie. news, member lists, philosophy, poli
cies, etc.,
but we shall also be taking a limited amount of outside articles. We sha
also have a article on general scene news, hopefully featuring a paragraph
are not using the age-old idea of an article per group, we will ask promine
members of various groups to give us a paragraph with there group news
various groups around the scene, and general news about what is going on in
the scene today.
You will also see new and original artwork from Unions best artists.
The first issue shall feature a introduction/cover screen by NailZ, with an
interface created by Lord Jazz while he was with Union previousl
y unreleased.
We will also be incorporating new ideas into the magazine that havent been
before, we shall be working hard to bring you the best quality magazine you
could download. There are some policies we shall be working with of cour
as most productions such as this always have policies some you
will like,
some you shall not. Some of those policies include:
1 There shall be NO, yes *NO* distribution sites damnit. Dont ask,
dont mail us, dont try to get one at all. We will just laugh at
your puny ass and call you a moron for even asking! Site shall be
given out on a *INVITE ONLY* basis, and these too will only be very
limited to either contributors, or boards that would be very instru
mental in the production of the magazine. The main site for the
magazine is all the main site for Union, the world headquarters, it
is PACKAGED REBELLION. You can find the telephone number for this
board in almost any art pack as it is very popular.
2 There shall be NO outside artwork used for this magazine, if it is
not created by a Union artist, or created by someone WHILE they were
with Union ie. if the artist created it, then left the group
, it can
still be used for the magazine despite the fact the artist is no
longer with the group, why let it go to waste, eh? it will *
NOT* be
used anywhere in the magazine. IT is above all a Union oriented mag.
3 Group articles WILL be accepted in the magazine under the following
exception, it can only be one paragraph long. It must be fairly short
consisting only IMPORTANT group news/new members/etc. Alot of the
group articles that are written just ramble on about stuff most of
us couldnt give a damn about. This will hopefully bring you only the
news you are interested in, instead of hearing stupid crap about the
history of the group, who cares about that past? The future is now.
So to submit a group article it must be a fairly small paragraph about
the size of this POLICY the paragraph for policy 3
, it can be not
more then 25 lines long. We welcome any and all groups to submit a
group paragraph and it shall be published in the SCENE NEWS article.
4 We will not have a ton of members, we dont want everyone and thei
brother running around with INS or iNsUrGeNcE in their sig. We
shall deem memberships as needed to people who have contributed to
the cause on a regular basis. Just because you contribute to the
magazine one time does not necessarily deam you a member of the
Insurgence design team. Members shall be listed in the credits upon
release of the magazine. The editors of the magazine, and the coder
are the main members of the design team. Dont let this discourage
you from contributing however, just because you dont get another affil
that means absolutely nothing in your sig, doesnt mean you cant help
make this magazine the most enjoyable to read.
5 We do not have an official release date. We are not going to make
any fake promises about releasing monthly, or even bi-monthly. We
shall release the magazine once enough articles, and artwork, has been
compiled to produce a quality magazine. Until this time we shall of
course release public informational texts such as this to keep the
public abreast of what is happening with the magazine.
6 Finally, what the Editor-In-Chied, editors, and coder of the magazine
says, goes. We created the fucking thing, well run it however the
hell we want, if that means changing our policies, creating new ones,
or just pissing some people off, who gives a care, eh? Its a hobby
for gods sake!
Well that about raps it up for this first public announcement of the
designing and production of the new Union Productions sponsored magazine,
Insurgencetm. Be on the look out for the magazine in
the near future, and
if you wish to contribute with a group article, or art artwork o
f course as
long as you are in Union , or general article, then call Packag
ed Rebellion
and leave mail to either NailZ or Cybernary.
Thank you for reading,
Cybernary - Insurgencetm Editor-In-Chief/Union Co-Founder
Union Productions 1995 Presents the Insurgence Magazine Informational
Text File
greetings go out to the following cool people: all of the
great group of guys at union, nailZ, formatted child,
mass delusion, mCa, eerie, and the great lord jazz.
u n i o n m a r c h 1 9 9 5
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