this image contains text
- Union March 1995 Compendium -
Hi! Im Mass Delusion from the art group, uNION.
Join me and my art friends for Art, Info and pHUN as we experience theexcitement of the Union March 1995 Compendium.I am going to pretend to be a Scotland Yard detective..
This is a joke! Md didnt know anythingabout it! -nz :
Come one! Come all! Back to what we like to call... Union.
Thats right jerkies, were back, and this time, were planning on
following our modus operandi until the day we die! No more playing
for 1. No more backstabbing. No more of the stupid scene politics.
Weve come up with a new version of an old game, and this time, our
rules apply. Were happy to say that Union Art Productions is happily
back from the brinks of trouble, stable, and having one hell of a
First things first, I want everyone to realize the incredible change
in how Union now looks at the art scene. We dont feel as if we have
that much to prove, and our motto basically says the rest ..
We dont care if were 1 or 100 as long as everyone involved is
having pHUN! ..
- Nailz
To start off our new look, we need to mention several big moves in
the hierarchy of the group. First off, Cardiac Arrest has left his
senior position in Union. Cards a nice guy, but our attitudes
towards the scene just differed. Good luck Jason! This month,
Magnetic M and Biscuit, both toonsters, decided that theyd rather
hang with their friends elsewhere. Good luck to Magnetic M and his
ever pimp toons, and good luck to Biscuit - keep working guys!
Perhaps the saddest note of this month has been the decision of two
members, Black Lightning and Asylum to leave. BL decided that he
wanted to try something new, and Asylum has grown bored of the scene.
So BL is off to Spastic, and Asylum has kicked back for awhile. Both
of you guys will always be cool with us, and are welcome back any time
youve got the urge.
Out with the old, and in with the new is a prevailing theme today,
and joining up with us in pursuit of a gnu thang are Surreal Logic
from Integrity Ansi, Nivenh from Relic Coding, Cybernary decided that
Spastic wasnt going to be his thing, and that Union is where his home is.
Point Blanks ansi work and Nocturnes wonderful VGA rendering will be
praised far and wide across the net as well. Also returning are some of
the infamous VI guys, Peak Velocity and Imodium formerly known as
Thadicus are back with us, thankfully PV broke his leg : and Magnus
of the badass Tribe has decided to bust out some Ansi and VGA.
More new news. When will we stop? We are returning to our
previous theory that fun will make you draw, versus our tyrannical
threats of asskissing and blowjobs. Then again, if youre
TGuardian, youll probably like both. We are also being really
prissy about when we release our packs. How does Whenever we feel
like it sound to you? Good, were glad you like it.
Sometime at the end of the month, or sometime at the beginning
of the next month...
- Nailz Future Assassin
Also a change, me. Im no longer going to bang my brains out day
in and day out about what to do with the suckers of the scene. My
college curriculum requires more work than 10 of Lord Jazzs 250 line
ansis ever will. : So, Im just planning on hanging out, drinking
beer, and interacting with the Union members, more of a public
relations/news informant guy, a lot like Syntax, the lazy oaf. :
Please note, if you are ever sick, get on IRC and talk to Syntax, the
guys got remedies like my mom has crabs. He could even cure THOSE.
Oh yeah, I write info files, deal with it. And I have two pics, but
didnt have time to find someone who wants to buy them. Im paying my
way through college with ansi. If youre interested, mail
bghidine@scudc.scu.edu on the internet.
Basically, where Im leaving off, Future Assassin is picking up at.
Mr. Music is going to be trying his hand at helping to orde.. err,
lead us d00dleb0ys around town for awhile. Seeing how he and Nailz
are local to each other, it provides for great communication in rough
times of their relationship and the closeness to work out the bump
and grinds. :.
Future Assassin is in da h0use! Good ol Fa will be attempting to fill
mds shoes where helping out tremendously with the group is concerned.
Seeing that Fa is local to Nailz and his loyalty has been with Union from
the beginning, weve decided to promote him to Senior Staff, he will be
basically helping Nailz out each and every way he can, he also will be
putting the monthly compendiums together. If you see Fa around, and its
not a windy day, you wont have to take cover.. :
Be sure to take a look at Future Assassins ansi debut with two very
incredible fonts, that makes Pnakotic.iCE look like a beginner..
- This IS a joke
Ogre got bored. Ogre drew on paper. Ogre realized he had more
than 16 colors and a flowing line. Ogre likes. And it was good. Now
Ogre is going to be running a side department of Union, what he calls
Sketched, which will feature hand-drawn art from such names like Skaven
of Future Crew, HFaze of Jihad, Marvin the Martian from Artists with Style, Tsunami of Union, and of course Ogre himself. We look forward to these
individually released packs of zany hand-drawn creations!
Still leading our iCE member department, wackykn33gr0w MCA.
Nailz is doing something with some drop sites. I didnt understand
what he wrote in his mail. So like, wait for him to talk to you. I
think. Jeah.
Current Union Drop Sites :
Packaged Rebellion paCbell 408/985.3926
-- World Headquarters
Harvest Moon Harmoon 215/xxx.xxxx
-- Drop Site/Headquarters/Mascot Training HQ
z: Quran
Dystopia uh, DystopiA? 301/898.0882
-- Drop Site/Member Board z: Terminally Nothing
Call them, be elite. Join Union, have fun. Drink pepsi, send me a
dollar. That is your motive in this life. The only other motive is
to have fun, and be true to your friends. A lesson you kids will
learn one day, is dont bite the hand that feeds you, comprendo bitch?
-------------------------------------uNION!-------------------------------------Information -Mass Delusion
Editing -Nailz
-http://uh.I.dont.know.what.this/is/ :
Hi! Im Mass Delusion from the art group, uNION.
Join me and my art friends for Art, Info and pHUN as we experience theexcitement of the Union March 1995 Compendium.I am going to pretend to be a Scotland Yard detective..
This is a joke! Md didnt know anythingabout it! -nz :
Come one! Come all! Back to what we like to call... Union.
Thats right jerkies, were back, and this time, were planning on
following our modus operandi until the day we die! No more playing
for 1. No more backstabbing. No more of the stupid scene politics.
Weve come up with a new version of an old game, and this time, our
rules apply. Were happy to say that Union Art Productions is happily
back from the brinks of trouble, stable, and having one hell of a
First things first, I want everyone to realize the incredible change
in how Union now looks at the art scene. We dont feel as if we have
that much to prove, and our motto basically says the rest ..
We dont care if were 1 or 100 as long as everyone involved is
having pHUN! ..
- Nailz
To start off our new look, we need to mention several big moves in
the hierarchy of the group. First off, Cardiac Arrest has left his
senior position in Union. Cards a nice guy, but our attitudes
towards the scene just differed. Good luck Jason! This month,
Magnetic M and Biscuit, both toonsters, decided that theyd rather
hang with their friends elsewhere. Good luck to Magnetic M and his
ever pimp toons, and good luck to Biscuit - keep working guys!
Perhaps the saddest note of this month has been the decision of two
members, Black Lightning and Asylum to leave. BL decided that he
wanted to try something new, and Asylum has grown bored of the scene.
So BL is off to Spastic, and Asylum has kicked back for awhile. Both
of you guys will always be cool with us, and are welcome back any time
youve got the urge.
Out with the old, and in with the new is a prevailing theme today,
and joining up with us in pursuit of a gnu thang are Surreal Logic
from Integrity Ansi, Nivenh from Relic Coding, Cybernary decided that
Spastic wasnt going to be his thing, and that Union is where his home is.
Point Blanks ansi work and Nocturnes wonderful VGA rendering will be
praised far and wide across the net as well. Also returning are some of
the infamous VI guys, Peak Velocity and Imodium formerly known as
Thadicus are back with us, thankfully PV broke his leg : and Magnus
of the badass Tribe has decided to bust out some Ansi and VGA.
More new news. When will we stop? We are returning to our
previous theory that fun will make you draw, versus our tyrannical
threats of asskissing and blowjobs. Then again, if youre
TGuardian, youll probably like both. We are also being really
prissy about when we release our packs. How does Whenever we feel
like it sound to you? Good, were glad you like it.
Sometime at the end of the month, or sometime at the beginning
of the next month...
- Nailz Future Assassin
Also a change, me. Im no longer going to bang my brains out day
in and day out about what to do with the suckers of the scene. My
college curriculum requires more work than 10 of Lord Jazzs 250 line
ansis ever will. : So, Im just planning on hanging out, drinking
beer, and interacting with the Union members, more of a public
relations/news informant guy, a lot like Syntax, the lazy oaf. :
Please note, if you are ever sick, get on IRC and talk to Syntax, the
guys got remedies like my mom has crabs. He could even cure THOSE.
Oh yeah, I write info files, deal with it. And I have two pics, but
didnt have time to find someone who wants to buy them. Im paying my
way through college with ansi. If youre interested, mail
bghidine@scudc.scu.edu on the internet.
Basically, where Im leaving off, Future Assassin is picking up at.
Mr. Music is going to be trying his hand at helping to orde.. err,
lead us d00dleb0ys around town for awhile. Seeing how he and Nailz
are local to each other, it provides for great communication in rough
times of their relationship and the closeness to work out the bump
and grinds. :.
Future Assassin is in da h0use! Good ol Fa will be attempting to fill
mds shoes where helping out tremendously with the group is concerned.
Seeing that Fa is local to Nailz and his loyalty has been with Union from
the beginning, weve decided to promote him to Senior Staff, he will be
basically helping Nailz out each and every way he can, he also will be
putting the monthly compendiums together. If you see Fa around, and its
not a windy day, you wont have to take cover.. :
Be sure to take a look at Future Assassins ansi debut with two very
incredible fonts, that makes Pnakotic.iCE look like a beginner..
- This IS a joke
Ogre got bored. Ogre drew on paper. Ogre realized he had more
than 16 colors and a flowing line. Ogre likes. And it was good. Now
Ogre is going to be running a side department of Union, what he calls
Sketched, which will feature hand-drawn art from such names like Skaven
of Future Crew, HFaze of Jihad, Marvin the Martian from Artists with Style, Tsunami of Union, and of course Ogre himself. We look forward to these
individually released packs of zany hand-drawn creations!
Still leading our iCE member department, wackykn33gr0w MCA.
Nailz is doing something with some drop sites. I didnt understand
what he wrote in his mail. So like, wait for him to talk to you. I
think. Jeah.
Current Union Drop Sites :
Packaged Rebellion paCbell 408/985.3926
-- World Headquarters
Harvest Moon Harmoon 215/xxx.xxxx
-- Drop Site/Headquarters/Mascot Training HQ
z: Quran
Dystopia uh, DystopiA? 301/898.0882
-- Drop Site/Member Board z: Terminally Nothing
Call them, be elite. Join Union, have fun. Drink pepsi, send me a
dollar. That is your motive in this life. The only other motive is
to have fun, and be true to your friends. A lesson you kids will
learn one day, is dont bite the hand that feeds you, comprendo bitch?
-------------------------------------uNION!-------------------------------------Information -Mass Delusion
Editing -Nailz
-http://uh.I.dont.know.what.this/is/ :
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