this image contains text
!uNIONmARCH 19940395 cOMPENDIUM! U N U IU U N O N N I u N I I O n O O N i
General guy, Memberlistings guy Founder..
Co-Founding Dude Really loyal son of a bitch..
Senior staff and just normal type guys..
Future Assassinfa Mass Delusionmd
Quislingqs Terminally Nothingtn
NzUnion Man o da Month and Loyal uNION Fan.. All of the Senior Staff HEY md!!! Union Mascot Guy with the name of the Islamic Bible :.. QurAn
Union iCE Division, guys who are in iCE but like Union..
Union Nig of th Month and uh, Nig of the Month..
Union Cheerleader and dude who makes the cheers..
Ansi Artists that draw, uh.. ansis..
2828 Asylumay Black Lightningbl Cashch Cybernarycy
D-Vibedv Divedi fLICkfk Galahadgd Imodiumim Juiceju
K-Spiffks KooLkl Mass Delusionmd Magnusmg Nailznz Phoenixpx Point Blankpb Psycho Fiendpf Sharp Edgse Stormfrontst
Surreal Logicsl Warpuswa
Rip Artists that draw pictures that look like vga, but theyre not..
Cashch K-Spiffks Phoenixpx Replayrl Twitchtw
Union Hand Draw Department Sketched ..
Head Honcho - Ogreog
Artists - Skaven HFaze Marvin the Martian Tsunami
Contributer - Cat
Vga Artists that dont draw ansi, and dont draw rip..
Nivenhnv Nocturnent Magnusms Prime Evilpe Quislingqs
SkyHighsk Spleefsf
Coders that code stuff and make, uh code..
Flounderfl Nivenhnv Nocturnent
Telecom Guys that do Confs every now and then..
The Wizard Desolate Dream KrackPipe Hellfire Kaos
Guys in yellow are members who were figured to do work promoted this month.. Guys in red are members who are leaving after this month..
Guys in blue are new members this month..
W H E R E T O S U B M I T W O R K / A P P S
Work/Apps can be sent to the following boards:
Log on as Union, password Union
Packaged Rebellion World HQ 408-246-0281 California, US
Harvest Moon Eastern HQ 216-951-7059 Ohio, US
Dystopia Drop Site 301-898-0882 Maryland, US
Or via irc by dcc sending files to Future Assassin. Via internet email by
sending a uuencoded file to ar482@freenet.carleton.ca. Please zip everything up before sending it.
..Also, if you are having trouble getting your work sent to us, you can send a
private msg to Nailz/Future Assassin at cgreen@emr1.emr.ca and give us phone /
name and well get right on it.
Bored? Got time on your hands? Wanna bug a certain artist? Call these boards: Alpha Phoenix 314-772-4860 Missouri, US
Doomsday Boa 314-391-9710 Missouri, US
Neverland Ogre 514-963-9965 Quebec, Can
Sushi Bar Z Asylum 619-438-0114 California, US
Altered Sanity Juice 705-670-9452 Ontario, Can
Termite Terrace Nivenh 214-288-3211 Dunno, Dunno
Syzygy Dive 804-282-4745 Dunno, Dunno
Ravaged Nightmare Surreal Logic 604-XXX-XXXX Vancouver, BC
This is not a complete listing of all Union member boards. If you would like to
have your member board listed here, contact Nailz and give him the name and .
Only the boards of ACTIVE members get listed..
Any errors ei. missed your name, wrong possition, etc contact Nailz..
..General Comments/Suggestions can also be sent to nz/fa at cgreen@emr1.emr.ca
General guy, Memberlistings guy Founder..
Co-Founding Dude Really loyal son of a bitch..
Senior staff and just normal type guys..
Future Assassinfa Mass Delusionmd
Quislingqs Terminally Nothingtn
NzUnion Man o da Month and Loyal uNION Fan.. All of the Senior Staff HEY md!!! Union Mascot Guy with the name of the Islamic Bible :.. QurAn
Union iCE Division, guys who are in iCE but like Union..
Union Nig of th Month and uh, Nig of the Month..
Union Cheerleader and dude who makes the cheers..
Ansi Artists that draw, uh.. ansis..
2828 Asylumay Black Lightningbl Cashch Cybernarycy
D-Vibedv Divedi fLICkfk Galahadgd Imodiumim Juiceju
K-Spiffks KooLkl Mass Delusionmd Magnusmg Nailznz Phoenixpx Point Blankpb Psycho Fiendpf Sharp Edgse Stormfrontst
Surreal Logicsl Warpuswa
Rip Artists that draw pictures that look like vga, but theyre not..
Cashch K-Spiffks Phoenixpx Replayrl Twitchtw
Union Hand Draw Department Sketched ..
Head Honcho - Ogreog
Artists - Skaven HFaze Marvin the Martian Tsunami
Contributer - Cat
Vga Artists that dont draw ansi, and dont draw rip..
Nivenhnv Nocturnent Magnusms Prime Evilpe Quislingqs
SkyHighsk Spleefsf
Coders that code stuff and make, uh code..
Flounderfl Nivenhnv Nocturnent
Telecom Guys that do Confs every now and then..
The Wizard Desolate Dream KrackPipe Hellfire Kaos
Guys in yellow are members who were figured to do work promoted this month.. Guys in red are members who are leaving after this month..
Guys in blue are new members this month..
W H E R E T O S U B M I T W O R K / A P P S
Work/Apps can be sent to the following boards:
Log on as Union, password Union
Packaged Rebellion World HQ 408-246-0281 California, US
Harvest Moon Eastern HQ 216-951-7059 Ohio, US
Dystopia Drop Site 301-898-0882 Maryland, US
Or via irc by dcc sending files to Future Assassin. Via internet email by
sending a uuencoded file to ar482@freenet.carleton.ca. Please zip everything up before sending it.
..Also, if you are having trouble getting your work sent to us, you can send a
private msg to Nailz/Future Assassin at cgreen@emr1.emr.ca and give us phone /
name and well get right on it.
Bored? Got time on your hands? Wanna bug a certain artist? Call these boards: Alpha Phoenix 314-772-4860 Missouri, US
Doomsday Boa 314-391-9710 Missouri, US
Neverland Ogre 514-963-9965 Quebec, Can
Sushi Bar Z Asylum 619-438-0114 California, US
Altered Sanity Juice 705-670-9452 Ontario, Can
Termite Terrace Nivenh 214-288-3211 Dunno, Dunno
Syzygy Dive 804-282-4745 Dunno, Dunno
Ravaged Nightmare Surreal Logic 604-XXX-XXXX Vancouver, BC
This is not a complete listing of all Union member boards. If you would like to
have your member board listed here, contact Nailz and give him the name and .
Only the boards of ACTIVE members get listed..
Any errors ei. missed your name, wrong possition, etc contact Nailz..
..General Comments/Suggestions can also be sent to nz/fa at cgreen@emr1.emr.ca
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