this image contains text
Just a
reminder to all the groups out there that have yet to use
our memberlist for thei
r recruitment list, hurry up! jump on the bandwagon!
. Wednesday morning. Havent done my calculus yet. FUCK
No big w00p, Im writing m
y first info file ever for Union, in fact,
Im putting the pack together. With the change
of time, times change.
Neurotic and Hound
have left the group. Theyre prolly gonna still draw
and stuff, so send
them cash.
Thats right folks, Neuro
tic, one of the longest standing Union boys has
dumped the scene. His career came to that poi
nt, and his choice is to
leave the scene and continue with his real life instea
d. Ive been down with Neurotic sinc
e day one of my scene career. The guy is honest, cool,
and loyal to the b
one. If everyone in the scene was like this guy, we
might actually enjoy ours
elves here. Many applauds to Neurotic!
On to the k-gnu news. Obvi
ously, Neurotic and Hound have left the
group, but theyll still be
drawring, so send them some money and stuff.
The good news to come from
all of this, is that Nailz has decided to get
reinvolved and dedicate more time to the runni
ng of the foundation he started a
whole year and one month ago. I have a feeling well b
e seeing NZ just about eve
rywhere nowadays.
Bucking the trends this month was Galahad, w
ho joined up with us from
ROC, and Krypton, Stormfront, and Kool seem to be retu
rning as well. Perhaps a revitali
zation of the 714 eh Kool? grin
The month started off with Terminator2s decisi
on to go and join with his ex-acid b
uddy, Alter Ego, in his group Unchained. Lord Jazz als
o got the fever and formed
his own group called Bleach, catering to the 619/714
ACs. Good luck to both gu
Next on
the agenda - trying to list off all of the athletes, th
ose who run around madly,
group to group. To use MCAs definition, its anyone
who has been in two or more groups i
n the last six months. Leaving are:
Eerie, Silver Rat, Black Guard, Prisoner 1, Leonard0, a
nd probably a couple other guys wh
o havent let us know yet. Also leaving the group
was Formic Acid from the VGA depar
Bah! Done with the bad news, on with the good!
Union has some stuff in store for
the scene that should be coming up soon! The first and
foremost would be our music
division/musicdisk. Future Assassin and
Cardiac Arrest are currently working hand-in-h
and to make magic appear in that depar
tment. There are several new changes in the structure
of Union and its music di
vision. Since I personally know nothing about music
other than thatn S2 is g
ood techno, the musicians will be running them-
selves. Ive got about as many connec
tions in the music scene as I had mu
sicians on the MrDawson conferences, obviously this move
makes sense! So, now
with the newly appointed Senior Music Member Future Ass
assin, and his co
hort in crime, Music Coordinator Cardiac Arrest, the mu
sic disk nearly no lo
nger just a vision. Congrats and good luck to both of
changes in Union structure - the reintroduction of divi
sion heads. Weve decided to go
back and let some prominent members of Union
coordinate what they specialize in. Makes sen
se to us, so hopefully
youre not lost yet. Quisling is going to head our VG
A division since hes o
ne of the most accessible people in the scene And also
one of the few guys to wear a dress
and make a gif of it. I will be heading up
the ansi and rip guys, and
of course we have Future Assassin heading up
music. Nailz, our ever st
oic leader, is still founder.
ybernarys hard work on one of our other upcoming projec
ts was delayed as his mode
m decided 1995 didnt sound like fun, and went south fo
r a vacation. Cybern
ary has also temporarily stepped himself down from
general coordinator in th
e wake of this mess, and hopefully will be back
up to speed in no time.
In our look who we found
this month department: Replay, Dive, Kool,
and Stormfront show up with good looking work.
Maybe theyve caught the bug again
and will bless us with their wonderful talents regularl
y. :
Union has decided to s
tart a new k-trend. Each month we will pick out
a hard working member who d
eserves recognition. This month, we honor
Black Lightning for his hard work, good art, l
oyalty, coolness, and all
around personality that make him an exemplary Union gu
y. Go look that
up, eh? If the poor guy was able to get in the scen
e more, we might have made HIM founder
this month. : Kudos to Black Lightning!
One other note, Id like to thank
Cardiac for his hard work in
strengthening of Union. His work ha
s been instrumental in our improved
telecom and music departments. Just accept the thanks c
ard... :
Oh Christ. Not again!
Thats right kiddies, the Union World HeadQu
arters has moved another
time! Packaged Rebellion Affectiona
tely known as paCbell, run by
myself and MCA has assumed the World
HeadQuarters responsibilities. All
members as well as non-members are welcome to call 408
/246.0281 to send up
their work and read/post on UnionNET. If you just want
to u/l your work, you can login as
Union, password: union.
Oh yeah. There is a NEW
UnionNET nodelist. This reflects MASSIVE
changes, you will NOT get your mail unless you
reconfigure for this nodelist.
Please make the changes quickly.
Uhhh... more new stuff. Since Im
kinda a general coordinator/ansi
guy and all that, you should be able to get in touch wit
h me. A few ways you can do that
. Call paCbell, the WHQ. OR, Send me email at
usbr.gov or bghidinelli@scuacc.scu.edu .
A couple of developments on the internet front. Union h
as a members only mailing list
, and a uuencoded release mailing list. We also have
an ftp site at Union
packs can also be found on RNDServ2
on IRC in lam... err, ansi. There is also a union95@n
etcom.com account for the unio
n members who would like an internet account but
dont feel like pay
ing or those who dont have IRC access etc. Mail me
for info on all that stuff
. Oh yeah, and if you wish to send up your
artwork for the month, or some kind of
application, even just a note to
the staff, you can send it up
to MrDawson, found in union.
Well, its getting late, and I have a fuckin
g chem quiz tomorrow.
Word to us, word to you, word to the union crew. Wel
l be back in a month with just en
ough k-spunk to make you jizz. Adam Sandler in 96!
- Mass Delu
Just a
reminder to all the groups out there that have yet to use
our memberlist for thei
r recruitment list, hurry up! jump on the bandwagon!
. Wednesday morning. Havent done my calculus yet. FUCK
No big w00p, Im writing m
y first info file ever for Union, in fact,
Im putting the pack together. With the change
of time, times change.
Neurotic and Hound
have left the group. Theyre prolly gonna still draw
and stuff, so send
them cash.
Thats right folks, Neuro
tic, one of the longest standing Union boys has
dumped the scene. His career came to that poi
nt, and his choice is to
leave the scene and continue with his real life instea
d. Ive been down with Neurotic sinc
e day one of my scene career. The guy is honest, cool,
and loyal to the b
one. If everyone in the scene was like this guy, we
might actually enjoy ours
elves here. Many applauds to Neurotic!
On to the k-gnu news. Obvi
ously, Neurotic and Hound have left the
group, but theyll still be
drawring, so send them some money and stuff.
The good news to come from
all of this, is that Nailz has decided to get
reinvolved and dedicate more time to the runni
ng of the foundation he started a
whole year and one month ago. I have a feeling well b
e seeing NZ just about eve
rywhere nowadays.
Bucking the trends this month was Galahad, w
ho joined up with us from
ROC, and Krypton, Stormfront, and Kool seem to be retu
rning as well. Perhaps a revitali
zation of the 714 eh Kool? grin
The month started off with Terminator2s decisi
on to go and join with his ex-acid b
uddy, Alter Ego, in his group Unchained. Lord Jazz als
o got the fever and formed
his own group called Bleach, catering to the 619/714
ACs. Good luck to both gu
Next on
the agenda - trying to list off all of the athletes, th
ose who run around madly,
group to group. To use MCAs definition, its anyone
who has been in two or more groups i
n the last six months. Leaving are:
Eerie, Silver Rat, Black Guard, Prisoner 1, Leonard0, a
nd probably a couple other guys wh
o havent let us know yet. Also leaving the group
was Formic Acid from the VGA depar
Bah! Done with the bad news, on with the good!
Union has some stuff in store for
the scene that should be coming up soon! The first and
foremost would be our music
division/musicdisk. Future Assassin and
Cardiac Arrest are currently working hand-in-h
and to make magic appear in that depar
tment. There are several new changes in the structure
of Union and its music di
vision. Since I personally know nothing about music
other than thatn S2 is g
ood techno, the musicians will be running them-
selves. Ive got about as many connec
tions in the music scene as I had mu
sicians on the MrDawson conferences, obviously this move
makes sense! So, now
with the newly appointed Senior Music Member Future Ass
assin, and his co
hort in crime, Music Coordinator Cardiac Arrest, the mu
sic disk nearly no lo
nger just a vision. Congrats and good luck to both of
changes in Union structure - the reintroduction of divi
sion heads. Weve decided to go
back and let some prominent members of Union
coordinate what they specialize in. Makes sen
se to us, so hopefully
youre not lost yet. Quisling is going to head our VG
A division since hes o
ne of the most accessible people in the scene And also
one of the few guys to wear a dress
and make a gif of it. I will be heading up
the ansi and rip guys, and
of course we have Future Assassin heading up
music. Nailz, our ever st
oic leader, is still founder.
ybernarys hard work on one of our other upcoming projec
ts was delayed as his mode
m decided 1995 didnt sound like fun, and went south fo
r a vacation. Cybern
ary has also temporarily stepped himself down from
general coordinator in th
e wake of this mess, and hopefully will be back
up to speed in no time.
In our look who we found
this month department: Replay, Dive, Kool,
and Stormfront show up with good looking work.
Maybe theyve caught the bug again
and will bless us with their wonderful talents regularl
y. :
Union has decided to s
tart a new k-trend. Each month we will pick out
a hard working member who d
eserves recognition. This month, we honor
Black Lightning for his hard work, good art, l
oyalty, coolness, and all
around personality that make him an exemplary Union gu
y. Go look that
up, eh? If the poor guy was able to get in the scen
e more, we might have made HIM founder
this month. : Kudos to Black Lightning!
One other note, Id like to thank
Cardiac for his hard work in
strengthening of Union. His work ha
s been instrumental in our improved
telecom and music departments. Just accept the thanks c
ard... :
Oh Christ. Not again!
Thats right kiddies, the Union World HeadQu
arters has moved another
time! Packaged Rebellion Affectiona
tely known as paCbell, run by
myself and MCA has assumed the World
HeadQuarters responsibilities. All
members as well as non-members are welcome to call 408
/246.0281 to send up
their work and read/post on UnionNET. If you just want
to u/l your work, you can login as
Union, password: union.
Oh yeah. There is a NEW
UnionNET nodelist. This reflects MASSIVE
changes, you will NOT get your mail unless you
reconfigure for this nodelist.
Please make the changes quickly.
Uhhh... more new stuff. Since Im
kinda a general coordinator/ansi
guy and all that, you should be able to get in touch wit
h me. A few ways you can do that
. Call paCbell, the WHQ. OR, Send me email at
usbr.gov or bghidinelli@scuacc.scu.edu .
A couple of developments on the internet front. Union h
as a members only mailing list
, and a uuencoded release mailing list. We also have
an ftp site at Union
packs can also be found on RNDServ2
on IRC in lam... err, ansi. There is also a union95@n
etcom.com account for the unio
n members who would like an internet account but
dont feel like pay
ing or those who dont have IRC access etc. Mail me
for info on all that stuff
. Oh yeah, and if you wish to send up your
artwork for the month, or some kind of
application, even just a note to
the staff, you can send it up
to MrDawson, found in union.
Well, its getting late, and I have a fuckin
g chem quiz tomorrow.
Word to us, word to you, word to the union crew. Wel
l be back in a month with just en
ough k-spunk to make you jizz. Adam Sandler in 96!
- Mass Delu
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