this image contains text
The art that has been released with this pack, is the works of all
the UNiON Artists for the month of January. Because this pack has been
delayed until now, the art has also been collected from start of February.
FileName Note Description Type Artist
DI-DHMEN.ANS Dead Homies PCB Menu Ansi Dark Image
DI-PNET2.ANS Psycho Net Ansi Dark Image
DI-RD212.ANS Red Dawn 2 Ansi Dark Image
DI-UNI02.ANS UNiON Site Logo Ansi Dark Image
HT-UNION.ANS UNiON Logo Ansi Hard Target
NZ-CHLZ1.ANS Channel Zero Ansi Nailz
NZ-COUNT.ANS Count Zero Ansi Nailz
NZ-DRED1.ANS Dreadloc Mag. Logo Ansi Nailz
NZ-FLAT2.ANS Flatlined Reality Ansi Nailz
NZ-GAR1.ANS The Garden Ansi Nailz
NZ-LUPUS.ANS LUPUS Couriers Logo Ansi Nailz
NZ-UNI2.ANS UNiON Logo Ansi Nailz
NZ-UNI3.ANS UNiON Logo Ansi Nailz
NZ-CP1.ANS Corrosive Poison Ansi Nailz
NC-OSM1.ANS OSMiUM Magazine Logo Ansi No Carrier
NC-UNIO1.ANS UNiON Ansi Ansi No Carrier
SA-METAL.ANS Metal Edge Ansi Stone Angel
SA-ULOGO.ANS UNiON Logo Ansi Stone Angel
SA-UNION.ANS UNiON Ansi Stone Angel
BD-FLUX.GIF Untitled Gif Blue Devil
LU-PANDE.EXE Pandemonium Loader EXE Lockup
LU-FLAT.ZIP Flatlined Reality EXE Lockup
UNI-VIEW.EXE Ansi Viewer EXE Winter Mute
UNION.NFO UNiON Info 1293 NFO GenoCide
FILE1293.NFO This File NFO GenoCide
FILEID.DIZ File Identification DIZ Dark Image
- Music - Animation
- 50+ Line Ansi - UNiON Production This NFO File was constructed by
- 50- Line Ansi - Trial ArtWork GenoCide of UNiON Productions
- NFO File - Executable 1994
Total Ansis: 19 Total Bytes: 204480 bytes 204k
Total Gifs: 1 Total Bytes: 12713 bytes 13k
Total 669s: 1 Total Bytes: 216121 bytes 216k
Total EXEs: 3 Total Bytes: 176411 bytes 176k
Total FLIs: x Total Bytes: xxxxxx bytes xxxk
Total NFOs: 2 Total Bytes: 16386 bytes 16k
Total DIZs: 1 Total Bytes: 188 bytes 0k
Total Files: 24 Total Bytes: 626299 bytes 626k Overall Total
The art that has been released with this pack, is the works of all
the UNiON Artists for the month of January. Because this pack has been
delayed until now, the art has also been collected from start of February.
FileName Note Description Type Artist
DI-DHMEN.ANS Dead Homies PCB Menu Ansi Dark Image
DI-PNET2.ANS Psycho Net Ansi Dark Image
DI-RD212.ANS Red Dawn 2 Ansi Dark Image
DI-UNI02.ANS UNiON Site Logo Ansi Dark Image
HT-UNION.ANS UNiON Logo Ansi Hard Target
NZ-CHLZ1.ANS Channel Zero Ansi Nailz
NZ-COUNT.ANS Count Zero Ansi Nailz
NZ-DRED1.ANS Dreadloc Mag. Logo Ansi Nailz
NZ-FLAT2.ANS Flatlined Reality Ansi Nailz
NZ-GAR1.ANS The Garden Ansi Nailz
NZ-LUPUS.ANS LUPUS Couriers Logo Ansi Nailz
NZ-UNI2.ANS UNiON Logo Ansi Nailz
NZ-UNI3.ANS UNiON Logo Ansi Nailz
NZ-CP1.ANS Corrosive Poison Ansi Nailz
NC-OSM1.ANS OSMiUM Magazine Logo Ansi No Carrier
NC-UNIO1.ANS UNiON Ansi Ansi No Carrier
SA-METAL.ANS Metal Edge Ansi Stone Angel
SA-ULOGO.ANS UNiON Logo Ansi Stone Angel
SA-UNION.ANS UNiON Ansi Stone Angel
BD-FLUX.GIF Untitled Gif Blue Devil
LU-PANDE.EXE Pandemonium Loader EXE Lockup
LU-FLAT.ZIP Flatlined Reality EXE Lockup
UNI-VIEW.EXE Ansi Viewer EXE Winter Mute
UNION.NFO UNiON Info 1293 NFO GenoCide
FILE1293.NFO This File NFO GenoCide
FILEID.DIZ File Identification DIZ Dark Image
- Music - Animation
- 50+ Line Ansi - UNiON Production This NFO File was constructed by
- 50- Line Ansi - Trial ArtWork GenoCide of UNiON Productions
- NFO File - Executable 1994
Total Ansis: 19 Total Bytes: 204480 bytes 204k
Total Gifs: 1 Total Bytes: 12713 bytes 13k
Total 669s: 1 Total Bytes: 216121 bytes 216k
Total EXEs: 3 Total Bytes: 176411 bytes 176k
Total FLIs: x Total Bytes: xxxxxx bytes xxxk
Total NFOs: 2 Total Bytes: 16386 bytes 16k
Total DIZs: 1 Total Bytes: 188 bytes 0k
Total Files: 24 Total Bytes: 626299 bytes 626k Overall Total
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