this image contains text
U N i O N P R O D U C T I O N S
1 9 9 5
W a r n e r S t u d i o s
1 - 6 O 4 - 2 4 1 - 4 0 3 7
Vision/2 Modified to Hell!
Awesome Art Support!
Leesh for everyone, always!
White Noise Nation/CyberCon
Soul BlaZer ACiD/CyberCon/Damaj
Spirit Of Illusion Nation/CyberCon
Asian Knight Nation
Prince of Death CyberCon/Nation/Nexus
Nation Canadian Headquarters DAMAJ Affiliate
CyberCon World headquarters ABi Member Board
DARK Western Headquarters PAGAN Systems V2 eta Site
BL/DE Canadian Headquarters CORRUPTiON Distrobution Site
CiA Canadian Headquarters UNiON Distrobution Site
EXTORTiON Canadian Headquarters ADDiCT Distrobution Site
SUCK Canadian Headquarters PHiRE Distrobution Site
TERBiUM Canadian Headquarters MANiFEST Distrobution Site
MiiS Canadian Headquarters PARANOiA Distrobution Site
BLUNT Canadian Headquarters NUMB Distrobution Site
MiND Canadian Headquarters SONiC Equinox Distro HQ
COLD Steel Canadian Headquarters
Team CiSiON/2 Canadian Headquarters
MOSAiC Canadian Headquarters
AOTHEM Canadian Headquarters
SONiC Canadian Headquarters
CANCER Canadian Headquarters
KARMA Canadian Headquarters FREEFALL International WHQ
CATHARSiS Canadian Headquarters SPEED Natwork Canadian Hub
EGO Canadian Headquarters FEDERATiON Network
UNiTED Nations Network
UNiON Network
PRiME Network
Leonard0UNiON This ansi if FUCKING old... but Ive had it on my HD
for a while... collecting dust since the death of
Nation, and thought I would release it... the stats
are fucking old... oh well..
uhm, if you want an advertisement for you bbs, network,
or whatever the hell else you might want one for, just
contact me where ever you can find me... most likely in
the 3i4 area....
Well, it seems to me like UNiON is getting bigger and
better every month, and has quickly became one of the
most repected groups of all time. and I think UNiON
will soar even higher in the 95 year, as more artist
join, and currect artist excell even better.. just as
all the other art groups will. there is no telling
where the scene will go this year. I just know itwill
be better than ever..
So, UNiON and I would like to wish you a happy new year
and you better party you ass off hard, get drunk, get
stoned, get laid.. or whatever, just have a good time,
and remeber DONTSTOP DRAWING!!!!!!!! keep the scene
alive and strong until and beyond the year 2000.
U N i O N P R O D U C T I O N S
1 9 9 5
W a r n e r S t u d i o s
1 - 6 O 4 - 2 4 1 - 4 0 3 7
Vision/2 Modified to Hell!
Awesome Art Support!
Leesh for everyone, always!
White Noise Nation/CyberCon
Soul BlaZer ACiD/CyberCon/Damaj
Spirit Of Illusion Nation/CyberCon
Asian Knight Nation
Prince of Death CyberCon/Nation/Nexus
Nation Canadian Headquarters DAMAJ Affiliate
CyberCon World headquarters ABi Member Board
DARK Western Headquarters PAGAN Systems V2 eta Site
BL/DE Canadian Headquarters CORRUPTiON Distrobution Site
CiA Canadian Headquarters UNiON Distrobution Site
EXTORTiON Canadian Headquarters ADDiCT Distrobution Site
SUCK Canadian Headquarters PHiRE Distrobution Site
TERBiUM Canadian Headquarters MANiFEST Distrobution Site
MiiS Canadian Headquarters PARANOiA Distrobution Site
BLUNT Canadian Headquarters NUMB Distrobution Site
MiND Canadian Headquarters SONiC Equinox Distro HQ
COLD Steel Canadian Headquarters
Team CiSiON/2 Canadian Headquarters
MOSAiC Canadian Headquarters
AOTHEM Canadian Headquarters
SONiC Canadian Headquarters
CANCER Canadian Headquarters
KARMA Canadian Headquarters FREEFALL International WHQ
CATHARSiS Canadian Headquarters SPEED Natwork Canadian Hub
EGO Canadian Headquarters FEDERATiON Network
UNiTED Nations Network
UNiON Network
PRiME Network
Leonard0UNiON This ansi if FUCKING old... but Ive had it on my HD
for a while... collecting dust since the death of
Nation, and thought I would release it... the stats
are fucking old... oh well..
uhm, if you want an advertisement for you bbs, network,
or whatever the hell else you might want one for, just
contact me where ever you can find me... most likely in
the 3i4 area....
Well, it seems to me like UNiON is getting bigger and
better every month, and has quickly became one of the
most repected groups of all time. and I think UNiON
will soar even higher in the 95 year, as more artist
join, and currect artist excell even better.. just as
all the other art groups will. there is no telling
where the scene will go this year. I just know itwill
be better than ever..
So, UNiON and I would like to wish you a happy new year
and you better party you ass off hard, get drunk, get
stoned, get laid.. or whatever, just have a good time,
and remeber DONTSTOP DRAWING!!!!!!!! keep the scene
alive and strong until and beyond the year 2000.
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