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dy. .y
abomination of union presents ...
Clive Barker- is a neeto guy
Hmm.. It is the first abom ansi in over a month. WHUT IS GOIN ON?!hMPH, ah wel
cheggout terbium4 at a computer near you, and im stilll gina produce some artso dont be thinkin im leavin da scene biznatchez from hell. aight, greetZzz
WuZUPZ: asss delusion :, neurotica, ulyssez, nailz, quisling, k-spiff, termy2
asylum, cheese grater, acidflash hi!, lord jazz dont know you, BUT i have
heard y0uZZ a keen0 guy. , black lightning, flood, jello, the poZE at uNION
to the terbium crew95 wuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzup aCER!
packaged rebellion. a really neeto board. im sure youll know the number by nowso there
isnt use in me wasting your time. but ahh well, ill do it anyways. im not getting a christmas present cuz my parents think im a stoner that talksshit to everyone, and my counselor forces me to see him everyday becuz he thinksi have problems.
so i guess you could say life sucks for me. all i have is musicansis, terbium, and friends :. i hope you enjoy this ansi, leave me alone. illbe sleeping for quite some time now. maybe not : brought to you by abomination
u n i o n hi brian and jason :
se ed d
t o
b e
es so
eb bo
ab od
dy. .y
abomination of union presents ...
Clive Barker- is a neeto guy
Hmm.. It is the first abom ansi in over a month. WHUT IS GOIN ON?!hMPH, ah wel
cheggout terbium4 at a computer near you, and im stilll gina produce some artso dont be thinkin im leavin da scene biznatchez from hell. aight, greetZzz
WuZUPZ: asss delusion :, neurotica, ulyssez, nailz, quisling, k-spiff, termy2
asylum, cheese grater, acidflash hi!, lord jazz dont know you, BUT i have
heard y0uZZ a keen0 guy. , black lightning, flood, jello, the poZE at uNION
to the terbium crew95 wuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzup aCER!
packaged rebellion. a really neeto board. im sure youll know the number by nowso there
isnt use in me wasting your time. but ahh well, ill do it anyways. im not getting a christmas present cuz my parents think im a stoner that talksshit to everyone, and my counselor forces me to see him everyday becuz he thinksi have problems.
so i guess you could say life sucks for me. all i have is musicansis, terbium, and friends :. i hope you enjoy this ansi, leave me alone. illbe sleeping for quite some time now. maybe not : brought to you by abomination
u n i o n hi brian and jason :
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