this image contains text
t w s t
sh twst
opd by silica
greets : gus - ok, your turn to try and organize us! good luck
silica avatar - thanks for the pointers on this pic!
k1 - keep the kickin art going
8ball - hey .. we did a joint
fate - great pics
count zero - amazing as always
spuz - thanks for juarez
odd - lets get that conf set up!
corp - get that ascii going!
Everyone thats done art for prawn - it will go up!
All twisted members!
and everyone that hangs or visits twisted!
t w s t
sh twst
opd by silica
greets : gus - ok, your turn to try and organize us! good luck
silica avatar - thanks for the pointers on this pic!
k1 - keep the kickin art going
8ball - hey .. we did a joint
fate - great pics
count zero - amazing as always
spuz - thanks for juarez
odd - lets get that conf set up!
corp - get that ascii going!
Everyone thats done art for prawn - it will go up!
All twisted members!
and everyone that hangs or visits twisted!
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