this image contains text
- -- pC
TwisTed 0996! --- info - -+ -- newsletter
stuff -
last month a big mistake was made in the member list, the email address
for people applying was gus@netcom.com the actual one is gus@netcom.ca sorry for all those people who thought gus@netcom.com is weird :
this month was overall pretty good for the group considering we released
on the 15th of last month, and alot of the group took a break for the
summer! but we are all happy that the groups founder C0unT Zer0 is back, he might tell you why he was away! woo!
members -
last month i never really got to talk about the new members we were
pretty rushed last month. so ill talk about all the members who
joined and left and member updates.
new members
black majick joined last month he does ansi, ascii and vga! he does
some nice logos and pics aswell! nice to have him along
fuse a good vga artist, havent seen to much of his stuff, i think he
disapeared for the summer as well contact us on irc man!
orbital vga artist, www guy! same thing as fuse where are you? :
bad moj0 one of the best local ascii artists! his stuff is cool, and
hopefully he will have some stuff in this pack! btw: he runs
a cool board! now put it back up! :
koden an ascii artist formally of GRAPE, he does mostly ascii logos,
there pretty nifty!
theoden a local toonster formally of SPIN, and many other local groups
came to join the group but then decided he never had enuff
time for us!
digo an awesome artist who kicks ass said he would join up with the
group at the last minute.. welcome digo :
this is just a member updates and stuff, well i just wont to say to
all the people with out irc access, try and call cG at least once a week, thanks
gomja where are you man ?? :
balistix the other co-founder decided to drop the art scene for bigger
and better things BALISTIX, come back heheh!
bolt is still working steadily yeah right eheh on the new twview,
watch out for it coming to a twisted pack soon! :
angst he stopped calling out and drawing.. hope you had fun with the
group. it was fun having you along : come back..ehhe
all the above was written by pC!
TwisTed 0996! --- info - -+ -- newsletter
stuff -
last month a big mistake was made in the member list, the email address
for people applying was gus@netcom.com the actual one is gus@netcom.ca sorry for all those people who thought gus@netcom.com is weird :
this month was overall pretty good for the group considering we released
on the 15th of last month, and alot of the group took a break for the
summer! but we are all happy that the groups founder C0unT Zer0 is back, he might tell you why he was away! woo!
members -
last month i never really got to talk about the new members we were
pretty rushed last month. so ill talk about all the members who
joined and left and member updates.
new members
black majick joined last month he does ansi, ascii and vga! he does
some nice logos and pics aswell! nice to have him along
fuse a good vga artist, havent seen to much of his stuff, i think he
disapeared for the summer as well contact us on irc man!
orbital vga artist, www guy! same thing as fuse where are you? :
bad moj0 one of the best local ascii artists! his stuff is cool, and
hopefully he will have some stuff in this pack! btw: he runs
a cool board! now put it back up! :
koden an ascii artist formally of GRAPE, he does mostly ascii logos,
there pretty nifty!
theoden a local toonster formally of SPIN, and many other local groups
came to join the group but then decided he never had enuff
time for us!
digo an awesome artist who kicks ass said he would join up with the
group at the last minute.. welcome digo :
this is just a member updates and stuff, well i just wont to say to
all the people with out irc access, try and call cG at least once a week, thanks
gomja where are you man ?? :
balistix the other co-founder decided to drop the art scene for bigger
and better things BALISTIX, come back heheh!
bolt is still working steadily yeah right eheh on the new twview,
watch out for it coming to a twisted pack soon! :
angst he stopped calling out and drawing.. hope you had fun with the
group. it was fun having you along : come back..ehhe
all the above was written by pC!
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