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08/96 : iNFoRMATi0N tHANg bITCH!
c0unt zer0
0rez tnu0c
TWiSTED: Holding up the mirror.
ok, so the main shit is our new members and stuff,
but i dunno who they are so just go check out da mem
list, cause im lazy as shit BITCH! oh, also c0 has
ran away, so help us find him.. plaze!! thanx
+ black majick a cool ansi/ascii/vga artist
+ fuse a vga artist, to help with our www page :
+ orbital another great vga artist
+ bad mojo a cool ascii artists from spin
+ koden an ascii artist that i know nothing about
neWz and shiatz..:
hummm, well theres this cool colly me an AN put
out, its all oldscool, and angst put up r/x and its
a 100 oldschool set-up!! also splash is gone, AND
id really like to think that we had somthing to do
with it.. because they sucked!!
this month was kinda weird, first our 2 founders
kinda disapeard. balistix quit doing art, i dont know
why : and count zero just has been away like all
the other members.. hmm he probaly went to camp and
forgot to tell us? oh well!! :
sorry this thing was kinda cut off, we are now going to be releasing our
electronic newsletter bi-monthly.. cp: the rest of yours will be saved!
c0unt zer0
0rez tnu0c
TWiSTED: Holding up the mirror.
ok, so the main shit is our new members and stuff,
but i dunno who they are so just go check out da mem
list, cause im lazy as shit BITCH! oh, also c0 has
ran away, so help us find him.. plaze!! thanx
+ black majick a cool ansi/ascii/vga artist
+ fuse a vga artist, to help with our www page :
+ orbital another great vga artist
+ bad mojo a cool ascii artists from spin
+ koden an ascii artist that i know nothing about
neWz and shiatz..:
hummm, well theres this cool colly me an AN put
out, its all oldscool, and angst put up r/x and its
a 100 oldschool set-up!! also splash is gone, AND
id really like to think that we had somthing to do
with it.. because they sucked!!
this month was kinda weird, first our 2 founders
kinda disapeard. balistix quit doing art, i dont know
why : and count zero just has been away like all
the other members.. hmm he probaly went to camp and
forgot to tell us? oh well!! :
sorry this thing was kinda cut off, we are now going to be releasing our
electronic newsletter bi-monthly.. cp: the rest of yours will be saved!
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