this image contains text
putrid carcass
presents a
twisted ansi
cut hereno messy pic : i save my messiness for my fontz! heh
twisted members - umm you guys are the kewlest m0f0!!
wyld members - hirez rox!!
spin members - you guyz rule, get some members eheh.
therapist / nihilist fury / ritual and codegarden callers cuz u rock!
ircers toth/ig!
presents a
twisted ansi
cut hereno messy pic : i save my messiness for my fontz! heh
twisted members - umm you guys are the kewlest m0f0!!
wyld members - hirez rox!!
spin members - you guyz rule, get some members eheh.
therapist / nihilist fury / ritual and codegarden callers cuz u rock!
ircers toth/ig!
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