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The May Newsletter an!tw!kron
First Off... A word from Grifter.
Well, some momentous happenings in the last two months. Yeah, 2 months,
cause we didnt have enough stuff to make a pak last month. Anyways. Shaman
has joined the group, welcome aboard, bud, and hes pretty damn good... A
little rough around the edges, but definitely improving by the ANSi. Also,
Fate and me have discovered RiP! And we both kick ass at it :. Fate has more
attention to detail than me, but Ive always been a lazy sonofabitch. Also,
I quit TWiSTED, but then Balistix convinced me not to... I gotta go to
University, ya know, and I gotta keep those marks up, but my output
will just decrease a little... Ill stick with the group. Also, Rza has joined
as a Trial Member... We should know if hes gonna be a full member pretty
soon. Also, the TWiSTED WHQ has been moved... BiNARY FUSi0N has gone down.
Too bad, it was a wicked board and what a name, eh?. So were moving
to either Putrid Carcasss board, PiSS, or Code Garden, Guss board. Also,
I have just discovered that we have 2 new trial members, in the last couple
of days, Toth and Angst... Id just like to welcome them to TWiSTED.
Hopefully Bx will include a list of coders, foremost among whom is Bolt, an
all around cool guy who programmed our VIEWER!! Which of course, is why I
get to mention him in my art section... The viewer DEFINITELY concerns
the art department. Anyways, since it is now 10:49, and I was down at a
programming competition today and am feelin pretty tired, I am gonna
end this newsletter, and let Balistix take over from here, with coding info
and info on how to contact TWiSTED I should have an e-mail address
next pak... Seeya next month or two.
Second Off... A Word From Balistix.
Since our last pak we have released a phat file request door that is
loaded with useful options...... I strongly recommend that you look for
it and set it up if youre a sysop .......... Weve also included
a new version of our viewer in this months pak which has been coded by
our coding God, nick-named Bolt... this version of our viewer supports a
wide range of video modes and has RIP/GIF/PCX support added to it along with
sauce support... the viewer thatll be included in next months pak will truely
rock this one though, for Bolt ran out of time this month so he couldnt
include all the features he wanted to. One of our coders has returned,
Maverick, who was on a leave of absence ... so Id just like to welcome him
back - Welcome back doode... we missed ya Other then that, our coding
section has been pretty slow lately... but hopefully we can pick up the number
of releases by the release of our next pak..
y0y0y0 ... wuz up phewlz?!?
Do you wanna join TWiSTEd?!?!?
If so, then e-mail me at bx@bigwave.ca and we can talk ... be sure to
send me some samples of your work...
Or, if youre not on the net yet ... call one of our member or WHQ boardz...
First Off... A word from Grifter.
Well, some momentous happenings in the last two months. Yeah, 2 months,
cause we didnt have enough stuff to make a pak last month. Anyways. Shaman
has joined the group, welcome aboard, bud, and hes pretty damn good... A
little rough around the edges, but definitely improving by the ANSi. Also,
Fate and me have discovered RiP! And we both kick ass at it :. Fate has more
attention to detail than me, but Ive always been a lazy sonofabitch. Also,
I quit TWiSTED, but then Balistix convinced me not to... I gotta go to
University, ya know, and I gotta keep those marks up, but my output
will just decrease a little... Ill stick with the group. Also, Rza has joined
as a Trial Member... We should know if hes gonna be a full member pretty
soon. Also, the TWiSTED WHQ has been moved... BiNARY FUSi0N has gone down.
Too bad, it was a wicked board and what a name, eh?. So were moving
to either Putrid Carcasss board, PiSS, or Code Garden, Guss board. Also,
I have just discovered that we have 2 new trial members, in the last couple
of days, Toth and Angst... Id just like to welcome them to TWiSTED.
Hopefully Bx will include a list of coders, foremost among whom is Bolt, an
all around cool guy who programmed our VIEWER!! Which of course, is why I
get to mention him in my art section... The viewer DEFINITELY concerns
the art department. Anyways, since it is now 10:49, and I was down at a
programming competition today and am feelin pretty tired, I am gonna
end this newsletter, and let Balistix take over from here, with coding info
and info on how to contact TWiSTED I should have an e-mail address
next pak... Seeya next month or two.
Second Off... A Word From Balistix.
Since our last pak we have released a phat file request door that is
loaded with useful options...... I strongly recommend that you look for
it and set it up if youre a sysop .......... Weve also included
a new version of our viewer in this months pak which has been coded by
our coding God, nick-named Bolt... this version of our viewer supports a
wide range of video modes and has RIP/GIF/PCX support added to it along with
sauce support... the viewer thatll be included in next months pak will truely
rock this one though, for Bolt ran out of time this month so he couldnt
include all the features he wanted to. One of our coders has returned,
Maverick, who was on a leave of absence ... so Id just like to welcome him
back - Welcome back doode... we missed ya Other then that, our coding
section has been pretty slow lately... but hopefully we can pick up the number
of releases by the release of our next pak..
y0y0y0 ... wuz up phewlz?!?
Do you wanna join TWiSTEd?!?!?
If so, then e-mail me at bx@bigwave.ca and we can talk ... be sure to
send me some samples of your work...
Or, if youre not on the net yet ... call one of our member or WHQ boardz...
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