this image contains text
JynX presents his application colly to twiSted
. S. sSSs. pC is kewl hes 31337., i probably know
,.+SSss S. S. him the best from twst cept for bM.
Sss,SS+ss, + . . 1n his own way he gives twst s0me of its ,.SS*.,.,s., ,.+. personaliTy.....
Ss* +.Ss* thumbs UP for pC...
PurTrud3d CarkaSs
,+. s sS.4. ss ..
i dont kn0w blt too well but he greetz me when i jo1n the
chann3l s0 hes pretty co0l to pS.twst view roxs! ehehe
nn aKa newAnder
nn is a hick ! he lives around that fat bitCh becky whois going to
kick his ass sometime soon. thats 0K though. his arT is good and hes
leet so uh com3 to h1ghlAnd wher3 all of the co0l people hanG eh?
d , S S ,sSSs.
s. ,sS d uh i dont know to much about
ssss, Gus but, i would like to thank S ss SSSSSb.Sb him for securing/stabalizing
S bMs new b0x and mak1ng it
,sSs. SS r0ck sol1d. s0 solid that o0d
SS sSs Ss couldnt even hack it ehehe!
thUmbs UP for gUs t0o!
aT first i Ss. Ss.
thought krypt Ss. s, s0 in the enD i
k3eper was some ,S ,S still dont know
little crap:about ,s ,sS what he does @ twst.
6 months ago. but .,sS,.,sS i think hes a coder
i was wrong and . sS. or m0der or sumpin
he turned out to s. s. cool like that.
be more el33t Ss. Ss.
than mE???@? Ss. Ss.
i really know nothing about fUse. tHerefre i made that stuff
blinkin so you donthave to read just watCh. pS im sure hes cool though!!!
,SSSSSsS* ,sSS , dbdb
Sss L , s. sS
S s ES ,S s0 SSs,
ssS, , s, ds.s.
sS, Ss0sSS,4.SS, S, S,
i know absolutely nothing about toth but im sure hes cool too
SS SSEb ,Ss.
uh fizz is cool because twst would be no fun without someone
who was computer elitterate
S - H - A - M - A - N
is cool because he uses 4s instead of As!!!
, ith1nkitstandsforpurpledYeorsumpinalong , , thelinesofthat.
, pd is super cool he gave me Ph0toshop... , ,
ehe it may look a little bit like a face,
but actually it spells o-d-d....
,sSSSs. i dont know to much about odD except
S for the fact that hes the unix g0d or sumpin Ss S like that......
----------------cUt----------her3------o0d------------------------------------- * *
/ mr.T aka mr.twisted
sss sss O
---- no your not your mrT
,sSSs. eheheehohhohohahahah
i am
SssssS .cornholly-y0 ,
mrT is cool but that bastard never
gives me ops... ehehe
sssssssssss ooooooo rrrrrrr rrrrrrr yy yy
SSSSSSSSSSS o o r r r r yy yy
SSSSSS o o rrrrrrr rrrrrrr yyy
SSSSSSSSSSS o o rrr rrr yy
sssssssSSSSS o o r rr r rr yy
SSSSSSSSSSSS ooooooo r rr r rr yy
right now i would like to share my thoughts towards the
people i have not added to this colly: Zang ,fate and bkblack-majick....
Zangs:pager has made me aware of many things like his
skiing/snowboarding trip last week and other adventures and challenges like
making lunch etc etc although im sure if i hAd a chance to talk to him
hed be c0ol.
faTe - i havent seen much of lately and i think he does art not shure.....
bK black-majick- comes to twisted everyonce and ahwhile, he makes cool art
so hes k too.....
and to any other mem/friend of twst.....
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ss. 0h yeah last but not leaST
- i tried to make this one a simple looking
error free ascii, so that bM doesnt sit there
fixing it rather than reading this......
It all started about 2-2 years ago when he got a new 486 ! for months i watched him play
S S games lands o lore.etc so0n he got a modem
and got himself into the bbs sce3n, now instead of watching him play games i watched him upload to super elite warez boards like final payment!! eheeh ... anyways time passed and last christmas i got myself a new 100 megahertz pentium..28800 wow uh how do i work this thing again.. s0
i got bM aka comput3r doctor to come over and he got me access to the final
payment where i played lord etc..... later on i got online and we jynx bM
were totally clueless as to how it worked.. aS useual bM figured it out before
me and i learned slowly..at about the begining of this summer i got mirc from
and this started my irc career. iVe always hung out at twst liked or hated.
n0w present day i am seriously applying as an ascii artist to the group ...
:: thanks so bm for all of his advice in my ascii making etc. etc...
. S. sSSs. pC is kewl hes 31337., i probably know
,.+SSss S. S. him the best from twst cept for bM.
Sss,SS+ss, + . . 1n his own way he gives twst s0me of its ,.SS*.,.,s., ,.+. personaliTy.....
Ss* +.Ss* thumbs UP for pC...
PurTrud3d CarkaSs
,+. s sS.4. ss ..
i dont kn0w blt too well but he greetz me when i jo1n the
chann3l s0 hes pretty co0l to pS.twst view roxs! ehehe
nn aKa newAnder
nn is a hick ! he lives around that fat bitCh becky whois going to
kick his ass sometime soon. thats 0K though. his arT is good and hes
leet so uh com3 to h1ghlAnd wher3 all of the co0l people hanG eh?
d , S S ,sSSs.
s. ,sS d uh i dont know to much about
ssss, Gus but, i would like to thank S ss SSSSSb.Sb him for securing/stabalizing
S bMs new b0x and mak1ng it
,sSs. SS r0ck sol1d. s0 solid that o0d
SS sSs Ss couldnt even hack it ehehe!
thUmbs UP for gUs t0o!
aT first i Ss. Ss.
thought krypt Ss. s, s0 in the enD i
k3eper was some ,S ,S still dont know
little crap:about ,s ,sS what he does @ twst.
6 months ago. but .,sS,.,sS i think hes a coder
i was wrong and . sS. or m0der or sumpin
he turned out to s. s. cool like that.
be more el33t Ss. Ss.
than mE???@? Ss. Ss.
i really know nothing about fUse. tHerefre i made that stuff
blinkin so you donthave to read just watCh. pS im sure hes cool though!!!
,SSSSSsS* ,sSS , dbdb
Sss L , s. sS
S s ES ,S s0 SSs,
ssS, , s, ds.s.
sS, Ss0sSS,4.SS, S, S,
i know absolutely nothing about toth but im sure hes cool too
SS SSEb ,Ss.
uh fizz is cool because twst would be no fun without someone
who was computer elitterate
S - H - A - M - A - N
is cool because he uses 4s instead of As!!!
, ith1nkitstandsforpurpledYeorsumpinalong , , thelinesofthat.
, pd is super cool he gave me Ph0toshop... , ,
ehe it may look a little bit like a face,
but actually it spells o-d-d....
,sSSSs. i dont know to much about odD except
S for the fact that hes the unix g0d or sumpin Ss S like that......
----------------cUt----------her3------o0d------------------------------------- * *
/ mr.T aka mr.twisted
sss sss O
---- no your not your mrT
,sSSs. eheheehohhohohahahah
i am
SssssS .cornholly-y0 ,
mrT is cool but that bastard never
gives me ops... ehehe
sssssssssss ooooooo rrrrrrr rrrrrrr yy yy
SSSSSSSSSSS o o r r r r yy yy
SSSSSS o o rrrrrrr rrrrrrr yyy
SSSSSSSSSSS o o rrr rrr yy
sssssssSSSSS o o r rr r rr yy
SSSSSSSSSSSS ooooooo r rr r rr yy
right now i would like to share my thoughts towards the
people i have not added to this colly: Zang ,fate and bkblack-majick....
Zangs:pager has made me aware of many things like his
skiing/snowboarding trip last week and other adventures and challenges like
making lunch etc etc although im sure if i hAd a chance to talk to him
hed be c0ol.
faTe - i havent seen much of lately and i think he does art not shure.....
bK black-majick- comes to twisted everyonce and ahwhile, he makes cool art
so hes k too.....
and to any other mem/friend of twst.....
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ss. 0h yeah last but not leaST
- i tried to make this one a simple looking
error free ascii, so that bM doesnt sit there
fixing it rather than reading this......
It all started about 2-2 years ago when he got a new 486 ! for months i watched him play
S S games lands o lore.etc so0n he got a modem
and got himself into the bbs sce3n, now instead of watching him play games i watched him upload to super elite warez boards like final payment!! eheeh ... anyways time passed and last christmas i got myself a new 100 megahertz pentium..28800 wow uh how do i work this thing again.. s0
i got bM aka comput3r doctor to come over and he got me access to the final
payment where i played lord etc..... later on i got online and we jynx bM
were totally clueless as to how it worked.. aS useual bM figured it out before
me and i learned slowly..at about the begining of this summer i got mirc from
and this started my irc career. iVe always hung out at twst liked or hated.
n0w present day i am seriously applying as an ascii artist to the group ...
:: thanks so bm for all of his advice in my ascii making etc. etc...
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