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c0unt zer0
Hello, and welcome to Masterpiece Theatre. I, Alistair Crawley, will be
your host for the evening. No. Wait a sec.
Yeah, sorry, wrong opening speech. I like surreal stuff like that, though.
So sue me.
Okay, hi, Im c0unt zer0, and Ill be your host for the duration of this
little thing that Im writing.
First of all. You may be wondering what Im doing here. Well, I had a
whole lot of ansi just lying around, cause I havent been releasing under
any groups for the past couple of months, so I talked to pC, and I said to
him, pC, my man, would you mind if I released this stuff with TWiSTED,
even though Im not in the group anymore?
And HE said, c0, my man, youre a god. Of course. We would be greatly
honoured to have you release your stuff with us.
Well, maybe he didnt use EXACTLY those words. But that was the gist of
what he said, OKAY?! So here I am, releasing stuff with TWiSTED once more.
And that, basically, is the story of why I am here. So now that Ive done
with the explanations, I suppose I can get on to the fun part. GREETZ!!
Havent done THESE in awhile.
GREETz go out to:
pC! - You rock, man. Feel free to remix any of my ansis that ya want to.
everybody else in TWiSTED - congratz on your ass-kicking ansi, men.
Gus - You SHUT DOWN Code Garden, you BASTARD!
Boy, that didnt take to long. I guess that since all the FUCKING ART BOARDS
in my area shut down, I dont have anybody to give greetz to anymore. I think
Im gonna cry. No, really. Im crying right now, I swear it.
Ah well. Anyways, thats about it for now. Oh yeah, Id just
like to take this opportunity to thank my mom for making me what I am today,
and to say goodbye, once again, to the 9o5 art scene, cause Im gonna
be going to University at Waterloo come autumn. So maybe Ill release
something in august. But if not, buh-bye!!
Hello, and welcome to Masterpiece Theatre. I, Alistair Crawley, will be
your host for the evening. No. Wait a sec.
Yeah, sorry, wrong opening speech. I like surreal stuff like that, though.
So sue me.
Okay, hi, Im c0unt zer0, and Ill be your host for the duration of this
little thing that Im writing.
First of all. You may be wondering what Im doing here. Well, I had a
whole lot of ansi just lying around, cause I havent been releasing under
any groups for the past couple of months, so I talked to pC, and I said to
him, pC, my man, would you mind if I released this stuff with TWiSTED,
even though Im not in the group anymore?
And HE said, c0, my man, youre a god. Of course. We would be greatly
honoured to have you release your stuff with us.
Well, maybe he didnt use EXACTLY those words. But that was the gist of
what he said, OKAY?! So here I am, releasing stuff with TWiSTED once more.
And that, basically, is the story of why I am here. So now that Ive done
with the explanations, I suppose I can get on to the fun part. GREETZ!!
Havent done THESE in awhile.
GREETz go out to:
pC! - You rock, man. Feel free to remix any of my ansis that ya want to.
everybody else in TWiSTED - congratz on your ass-kicking ansi, men.
Gus - You SHUT DOWN Code Garden, you BASTARD!
Boy, that didnt take to long. I guess that since all the FUCKING ART BOARDS
in my area shut down, I dont have anybody to give greetz to anymore. I think
Im gonna cry. No, really. Im crying right now, I swear it.
Ah well. Anyways, thats about it for now. Oh yeah, Id just
like to take this opportunity to thank my mom for making me what I am today,
and to say goodbye, once again, to the 9o5 art scene, cause Im gonna
be going to University at Waterloo come autumn. So maybe Ill release
something in august. But if not, buh-bye!!
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