this image contains text
the art group
:: twilight info file ::
nov 1997
Twilight November 15 1997
One long year ago to the day, a
small spinoff group
comprised of disgruntled artists an
d old Legend members
put out a small release worthy of v
iewing. This small
group no-doubt packed
a punch of talent force to be
reckoned. Armed with very tale
nted members to complete
Dream Team line-up of artists who
would try to
up to all the hype, this group held toget
her well
with strong integrity, and
forged on to produce some of
the best art the scene has ever viewed. M
any of the
original members sti
ll are in the group, like Snake
nger and Coug. Obviously the group has evolved an
changed over
the past year, and it will continue to
change in the future.
Sometimes artist find time t
o draw, and other times
an artist just
cant find the inspiration to draw.
People can look at releasing art as a b
urden, or even
a form of self-punishment
. The scenes stronghold is
based upon artists who love to
draw, artists who find
pride in their work. W
ith school, work and the rest of
life to
worry about, Twilight members continually show
their dedication. Thi
s pack is for the entire group
who have stuck with it congratulations.
Member news
. As far as memb
ers this month weve finally
confirmed that Deeply Distu
rbed will not be returning.
His presence in the gro
up will be missed, but he will
always be remembered. Sadly,
also leaving this month is
a great programmer in a quite a few
He also will be sorely missed we
wish him luck in
his future coding endeavors with iC
ining the ranks in November is Napalm De
heading up the internet division. M
ore on the internet
status later on...
Members moving
There ha
s alot of movement in the senior staff
area since the depar
ture of Nivenh and Deeply D
SoulAssassin now officially known as
MadASScow whom
might I add i
s a hirez artist extraordinaire has
taken on th
e well deserved duty of a senior staff
member. Hes been alot of help and hes c
ool as hell.
Egoteq ,
is still at his current senior staff position
one of the original members of Twilight as well.
What devotion
Fever has been promoted to pres in D
eeplys absence.
Which doesnt mean much as fa
r as duties .
Internet news
Napalm Deaths bo
x will serve as the new Twilight
e, twilightweb.com. Doing an amazi
ng job on the
web pa
ge is Remission whose site you can
visit @
lash.net/jas2/. Thanks a lot! Thanks also
to Illusio
nX for help on this setup, as well as the
introduction of a new bot on EFNet
, NiteLite.
Twilight St
With a long delay, the
Twilight Studio project will
now continue. Overbored co
ding coord has been busy
for quit
e a while and beta-testing has halted.
. Ending Notes
Well, its another year come and gone an
d many
more to come! Happy Birthday Twilig
egoteq madASScow
:: twilight info file ::
nov 1997
Twilight November 15 1997
One long year ago to the day, a
small spinoff group
comprised of disgruntled artists an
d old Legend members
put out a small release worthy of v
iewing. This small
group no-doubt packed
a punch of talent force to be
reckoned. Armed with very tale
nted members to complete
Dream Team line-up of artists who
would try to
up to all the hype, this group held toget
her well
with strong integrity, and
forged on to produce some of
the best art the scene has ever viewed. M
any of the
original members sti
ll are in the group, like Snake
nger and Coug. Obviously the group has evolved an
changed over
the past year, and it will continue to
change in the future.
Sometimes artist find time t
o draw, and other times
an artist just
cant find the inspiration to draw.
People can look at releasing art as a b
urden, or even
a form of self-punishment
. The scenes stronghold is
based upon artists who love to
draw, artists who find
pride in their work. W
ith school, work and the rest of
life to
worry about, Twilight members continually show
their dedication. Thi
s pack is for the entire group
who have stuck with it congratulations.
Member news
. As far as memb
ers this month weve finally
confirmed that Deeply Distu
rbed will not be returning.
His presence in the gro
up will be missed, but he will
always be remembered. Sadly,
also leaving this month is
a great programmer in a quite a few
He also will be sorely missed we
wish him luck in
his future coding endeavors with iC
ining the ranks in November is Napalm De
heading up the internet division. M
ore on the internet
status later on...
Members moving
There ha
s alot of movement in the senior staff
area since the depar
ture of Nivenh and Deeply D
SoulAssassin now officially known as
MadASScow whom
might I add i
s a hirez artist extraordinaire has
taken on th
e well deserved duty of a senior staff
member. Hes been alot of help and hes c
ool as hell.
Egoteq ,
is still at his current senior staff position
one of the original members of Twilight as well.
What devotion
Fever has been promoted to pres in D
eeplys absence.
Which doesnt mean much as fa
r as duties .
Internet news
Napalm Deaths bo
x will serve as the new Twilight
e, twilightweb.com. Doing an amazi
ng job on the
web pa
ge is Remission whose site you can
visit @
lash.net/jas2/. Thanks a lot! Thanks also
to Illusio
nX for help on this setup, as well as the
introduction of a new bot on EFNet
, NiteLite.
Twilight St
With a long delay, the
Twilight Studio project will
now continue. Overbored co
ding coord has been busy
for quit
e a while and beta-testing has halted.
. Ending Notes
Well, its another year come and gone an
d many
more to come! Happy Birthday Twilig
egoteq madASScow
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