this image contains text
Twilight September 1997
The Artists Founder :
Deeply Disturbed dd deeplyd@generation.net
Seniors :
Egoteq eq egoteq@usa.net
Fever fv fever@wmis.net
Nivenh nv brandons@ttgwest.com
Artists :
Azrael az jason@voy.net
specialty : ansi / rip note : away in the navy.
Cardiac Arrest ca cardiac@groove.org specialty : ansi
note : a talented writer.
Coug cg coug@zipcon.net
specialty : ansi note : none
Deodato deo
specialty : vga.
note : nivenhs pal *wink* Deeply Disturbed dd deeplyd@generation.net
specialty : ansi note : twilight founder.
Egoteq eq egoteq@usa.net
specialty : ansi / vga
note : eats grass for breakfast
Fever fv fever@wmis.net
specialty : ansi / bin
note : wrote all this poop.
Filth fil email@not.available specialty : ansi
note : first group was CiA Ghengis gh
specialty : ansi
note : produces original art
Grimlock gl rock@istar.ca
specialty : ansi
note : none.
IllusionX ix assyst@primenet.com
specialty : ansi note : rejoined twilight.
Lord Drakul dr ldrakul@juno.com specialty : ansi
note : draws alot.
Malcom X mx fortiny@panorama.net
specialty : vga. note : none.
Mixelplik mix mixelplikx@aol.com
specialty : ansi
note : was known as WhiteTrash Outkast ok eazybone1@aol.com
specialty : ansi note : was a vga specialist
Quisling qs c698914@showme.missourie.edu
specialty : vga.
note : talented photographer
Rage rg rage@geocities.com
specialty : vga
note : none
Reanimator ra reanim8or@hotmail.com specialty : ansi
note : is a cool guy
Remission rem jas@flash.net
specialty : vga.
note : deep.
Savage Dragon sd dfarrer@sentex.net
specialty : ansi
note : an ascii guru
Sensei se anders.sellgren@mbox300.swipnet.se specialty : ansi
note : none Snake Grunger sg fbernier@aei.ca
specialty : ansi
note : his first ansi was good.
Soul Assassin ass Soulassas@hotmail.com
specialty : vga.
note : was an ansi king.
Stone the Crow stc onthefly@intermind.net
specialty : ansi / vga / rip note : is multitalented.
Stygian sty
specialty : ansi
note : is an anime machine
Tainted ta jlroberts@kwic.com
specialty : ansi
note : none
Terminator2 t2 term2@nevada.edu
specialty : ansi note : an ascii god.
Zarkon zk specialty : ansi
note : none.
Programmers :
Burning Chrome burningchrome@hotmail.com
specialty : code
note : writing ciadraw
Nivenh brandons@ttgwest.com specialty : code note : wrote twi-x and rez
Orphic orphic@hotmail.com
specialty : code
note : none.
Overbored ovrbored@step.polymtl.ca
specialty : code
note : Twilight Studio Coder.
Private Parts pp pp@berkshire.net
specialty : code note : has skills
The Chosen One tco toddwass@gate.net specialty : code
note : none.
Members :
Captain Hood :: caphood@gte.net Code Zero :: codezero@null.net
Wolfie :: rob@link1.mcmaster.ca
Notes :
People in White text are a leader of their division . People in Bright Cyan are new to the group.
Twilight , i probably messed up some , if i did mess up on your abbreviation or name email me fever@wmis.net with the correct
information. If theres anything else that
you want changed lemme know.
If i didnt list you and youre a member
lemme know.
If your email address is wrong or unlisted please try to get this to me.
The Artists Founder :
Deeply Disturbed dd deeplyd@generation.net
Seniors :
Egoteq eq egoteq@usa.net
Fever fv fever@wmis.net
Nivenh nv brandons@ttgwest.com
Artists :
Azrael az jason@voy.net
specialty : ansi / rip note : away in the navy.
Cardiac Arrest ca cardiac@groove.org specialty : ansi
note : a talented writer.
Coug cg coug@zipcon.net
specialty : ansi note : none
Deodato deo
specialty : vga.
note : nivenhs pal *wink* Deeply Disturbed dd deeplyd@generation.net
specialty : ansi note : twilight founder.
Egoteq eq egoteq@usa.net
specialty : ansi / vga
note : eats grass for breakfast
Fever fv fever@wmis.net
specialty : ansi / bin
note : wrote all this poop.
Filth fil email@not.available specialty : ansi
note : first group was CiA Ghengis gh
specialty : ansi
note : produces original art
Grimlock gl rock@istar.ca
specialty : ansi
note : none.
IllusionX ix assyst@primenet.com
specialty : ansi note : rejoined twilight.
Lord Drakul dr ldrakul@juno.com specialty : ansi
note : draws alot.
Malcom X mx fortiny@panorama.net
specialty : vga. note : none.
Mixelplik mix mixelplikx@aol.com
specialty : ansi
note : was known as WhiteTrash Outkast ok eazybone1@aol.com
specialty : ansi note : was a vga specialist
Quisling qs c698914@showme.missourie.edu
specialty : vga.
note : talented photographer
Rage rg rage@geocities.com
specialty : vga
note : none
Reanimator ra reanim8or@hotmail.com specialty : ansi
note : is a cool guy
Remission rem jas@flash.net
specialty : vga.
note : deep.
Savage Dragon sd dfarrer@sentex.net
specialty : ansi
note : an ascii guru
Sensei se anders.sellgren@mbox300.swipnet.se specialty : ansi
note : none Snake Grunger sg fbernier@aei.ca
specialty : ansi
note : his first ansi was good.
Soul Assassin ass Soulassas@hotmail.com
specialty : vga.
note : was an ansi king.
Stone the Crow stc onthefly@intermind.net
specialty : ansi / vga / rip note : is multitalented.
Stygian sty
specialty : ansi
note : is an anime machine
Tainted ta jlroberts@kwic.com
specialty : ansi
note : none
Terminator2 t2 term2@nevada.edu
specialty : ansi note : an ascii god.
Zarkon zk specialty : ansi
note : none.
Programmers :
Burning Chrome burningchrome@hotmail.com
specialty : code
note : writing ciadraw
Nivenh brandons@ttgwest.com specialty : code note : wrote twi-x and rez
Orphic orphic@hotmail.com
specialty : code
note : none.
Overbored ovrbored@step.polymtl.ca
specialty : code
note : Twilight Studio Coder.
Private Parts pp pp@berkshire.net
specialty : code note : has skills
The Chosen One tco toddwass@gate.net specialty : code
note : none.
Members :
Captain Hood :: caphood@gte.net Code Zero :: codezero@null.net
Wolfie :: rob@link1.mcmaster.ca
Notes :
People in White text are a leader of their division . People in Bright Cyan are new to the group.
Twilight , i probably messed up some , if i did mess up on your abbreviation or name email me fever@wmis.net with the correct
information. If theres anything else that
you want changed lemme know.
If i didnt list you and youre a member
lemme know.
If your email address is wrong or unlisted please try to get this to me.
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