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While others talk about
what they want to do... We actually do it.
Crappy memberlisting as of 15/04/97
- Senior staff -
Deeply Disturbed deeplyd@generation.net
Snake Grunger fbernier@aei.ca
Nivenh brandons@ttgwest.com
- Advisors -
Egoteq egoteq@beop.com
Cardiac Arrest cardiac@groove.org, cardiac@bigdog.clemson.edu
- Ansi Artists -
Coug coug@zipcon.net
N Filth mjdavies@cris.com
Grimlock rock@istar.ca
IllusionX assyst@primenet.com
Lord Carnuss
Lord Drakul ldrakul@juno.com
Reanimator reanim8or@hotmail.com
Savage Dragon dfarrer@sentex.net
Sensei anders.sellgren@mbox300.swipnet.se
Stone The Crow
Stygian stygian@nether.net
N Toons Xilion Txcia@juno.com
Zarkon zarkon@axess.com
Zeus II beyotch@hotmail.com
- Vga artists -
* Enzyme enzyme@iglou.com
Malcolm X fortiny@panorama.net
N Nixus nixus@bit.lv
Quisling c698914@showme.missouri.edu
Yaro yarox@ix.netcom.com
- Coding -
Orphic orphic@hotmail.com
* Private Parts pp@berkshire.net
The Chosen One toddwass@gate.net
- Internet -
* Code Zero codezero@null.net
Dystro dystro@homosexual.net
N Empty empty@fastlane.net
Social Distortion chsw10@helios.cps.k12.ri.us
- Lazy Ass alumni -
Azrael jason@voy.net
Terminator2 term2@nevada.edu
* Coordinator
N New to the group
what they want to do... We actually do it.
Crappy memberlisting as of 15/04/97
- Senior staff -
Deeply Disturbed deeplyd@generation.net
Snake Grunger fbernier@aei.ca
Nivenh brandons@ttgwest.com
- Advisors -
Egoteq egoteq@beop.com
Cardiac Arrest cardiac@groove.org, cardiac@bigdog.clemson.edu
- Ansi Artists -
Coug coug@zipcon.net
N Filth mjdavies@cris.com
Grimlock rock@istar.ca
IllusionX assyst@primenet.com
Lord Carnuss
Lord Drakul ldrakul@juno.com
Reanimator reanim8or@hotmail.com
Savage Dragon dfarrer@sentex.net
Sensei anders.sellgren@mbox300.swipnet.se
Stone The Crow
Stygian stygian@nether.net
N Toons Xilion Txcia@juno.com
Zarkon zarkon@axess.com
Zeus II beyotch@hotmail.com
- Vga artists -
* Enzyme enzyme@iglou.com
Malcolm X fortiny@panorama.net
N Nixus nixus@bit.lv
Quisling c698914@showme.missouri.edu
Yaro yarox@ix.netcom.com
- Coding -
Orphic orphic@hotmail.com
* Private Parts pp@berkshire.net
The Chosen One toddwass@gate.net
- Internet -
* Code Zero codezero@null.net
Dystro dystro@homosexual.net
N Empty empty@fastlane.net
Social Distortion chsw10@helios.cps.k12.ri.us
- Lazy Ass alumni -
Azrael jason@voy.net
Terminator2 term2@nevada.edu
* Coordinator
N New to the group
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