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++Where zah fat corn sig??!
Twilight -- We are one big, fat rock.
Originally released as CO-DEME.ANS in DRK0296A.ZI
P. Go check it out, it was a
flickin kickass pack. Redid the background, mos
t shading, and some shapes.
A slap on the back to The 4th Disciple, who did t
he logo for the original pic,
which helped me alot, since it was my first relea
se and all.
CriscoPunk 1979: Dont let this go down or Ill h
ave your head. So, you hate
this logo. WHO CARES.
That, Sir, is what we Andorrans ca
ll a palm tree.
Twilight -- We are one big, fat rock.
Originally released as CO-DEME.ANS in DRK0296A.ZI
P. Go check it out, it was a
flickin kickass pack. Redid the background, mos
t shading, and some shapes.
A slap on the back to The 4th Disciple, who did t
he logo for the original pic,
which helped me alot, since it was my first relea
se and all.
CriscoPunk 1979: Dont let this go down or Ill h
ave your head. So, you hate
this logo. WHO CARES.
That, Sir, is what we Andorrans ca
ll a palm tree.
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