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flame twi
January, 1997 Memberlisting
Senior staff:
Deeply Disturbed deeplyd@sweb.com
Egoteq egoteq@usa.net
IllusionX assyst@primenet.com
Snake Grunger fbernier@aei.ca
Ansi artists:
Cardiac Arrest mdrom@interport.net
Coug coug@zipcon.net
Corinthian corinthian@dark.tor250.org
Everlast ever@lynx.ca
N Exulted
N Greatfull Dead
NLord Drakul Email adds will be in next
N Mendator month
NPixel Pusher
N Reanimator
Sensei anders.sellgren@mbox300.swipnet.se
Spirit of illusion soi@mail.geocities.com
NStone the crow Terminator2 term2@nevada.edu Wired carlh@vfive.com Zarkon zarkon@axess.com VGA:
Quisling c698914@showme.missouri.edu Yaro Coders: NNivenh Omega-X Pixel Dreamer c684852@showme.missouri.edu Private Parts pparts@juno.com NThe Chosen One NVibrance Internet/telecom/misc Code Zero czacid@vampress.tmok.com Dislogic N Ellis dee N Luthor Mister E. revival@one.net Sabby sabby@alienz.org Social Distortion Analogue Mind Bender tcarey@fast.net Nova fractal@istar.ca
Xenoc zafranf@mediasoft.net
Zorro dzawitz@patriot.net
aMUSIC amusic@beryl.kapatel.gr Arcade chris.le@juno.com
Arclight arclight@geocities.com
Beaner beaner@op.net
CJTrack cjtrack@student.adelaide.edu.au
Cryptic Blood tenorsax@auronline.com
Lord Pegasus lpegasus@netcom.com Marek jtstor@planetx.bloomu.edu Nemesis nemesis@crl.com Neuropsychosis poohbear@webbernet.net Purity Control purectrl@ptd.net Rhythm Greene rhythm@wpi.edu Shaithis shaithis@buffnet.net Sirrus rudgep@rpi.edu
N New members members in yellow are division leaders
Snakes Domain World Headquarter 514-676-1342
Disembodied Voices United states HQ 718-279-2766 The Missing Link European HQ Not-availabl Dank! Member board 607-844-4661 Rise 9 Member board 604-431-0562 The Rebel Base Distro Site 718-967-5422 Highlite Distro Site +31-252-622203 Node 2 +31-252-622874 fnal fantasy Distro Site 209-492-0776
Twilight 96-97
January, 1997 Memberlisting
Senior staff:
Deeply Disturbed deeplyd@sweb.com
Egoteq egoteq@usa.net
IllusionX assyst@primenet.com
Snake Grunger fbernier@aei.ca
Ansi artists:
Cardiac Arrest mdrom@interport.net
Coug coug@zipcon.net
Corinthian corinthian@dark.tor250.org
Everlast ever@lynx.ca
N Exulted
N Greatfull Dead
NLord Drakul Email adds will be in next
N Mendator month
NPixel Pusher
N Reanimator
Sensei anders.sellgren@mbox300.swipnet.se
Spirit of illusion soi@mail.geocities.com
NStone the crow Terminator2 term2@nevada.edu Wired carlh@vfive.com Zarkon zarkon@axess.com VGA:
Quisling c698914@showme.missouri.edu Yaro Coders: NNivenh Omega-X Pixel Dreamer c684852@showme.missouri.edu Private Parts pparts@juno.com NThe Chosen One NVibrance Internet/telecom/misc Code Zero czacid@vampress.tmok.com Dislogic N Ellis dee N Luthor Mister E. revival@one.net Sabby sabby@alienz.org Social Distortion Analogue Mind Bender tcarey@fast.net Nova fractal@istar.ca
Xenoc zafranf@mediasoft.net
Zorro dzawitz@patriot.net
aMUSIC amusic@beryl.kapatel.gr Arcade chris.le@juno.com
Arclight arclight@geocities.com
Beaner beaner@op.net
CJTrack cjtrack@student.adelaide.edu.au
Cryptic Blood tenorsax@auronline.com
Lord Pegasus lpegasus@netcom.com Marek jtstor@planetx.bloomu.edu Nemesis nemesis@crl.com Neuropsychosis poohbear@webbernet.net Purity Control purectrl@ptd.net Rhythm Greene rhythm@wpi.edu Shaithis shaithis@buffnet.net Sirrus rudgep@rpi.edu
N New members members in yellow are division leaders
Snakes Domain World Headquarter 514-676-1342
Disembodied Voices United states HQ 718-279-2766 The Missing Link European HQ Not-availabl Dank! Member board 607-844-4661 Rise 9 Member board 604-431-0562 The Rebel Base Distro Site 718-967-5422 Highlite Distro Site +31-252-622203 Node 2 +31-252-622874 fnal fantasy Distro Site 209-492-0776
Twilight 96-97
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