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Due to people not finishing joints that I started, this is all that I have
to release this month.. : The info logo was drawn sometime around
September or something for teeare to use as a header for Purg. I dont
draw many logos, but I had these sitting around so I at least have something
to contribute. Anyway, if you want a really cool logo, send me 5 and Ill
get it done as soon as I can. coug@zipcon.net
Chris B.
1605 S. W. 168th
Seattle, WA 98166
Btw, call BatKave 206-242-7645. :
Due to people not finishing joints that I started, this is all that I have
to release this month.. : The info logo was drawn sometime around
September or something for teeare to use as a header for Purg. I dont
draw many logos, but I had these sitting around so I at least have something
to contribute. Anyway, if you want a really cool logo, send me 5 and Ill
get it done as soon as I can. coug@zipcon.net
Chris B.
1605 S. W. 168th
Seattle, WA 98166
Btw, call BatKave 206-242-7645. :
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