this image contains text
:::: .TT ....i Double Zero TUS::: ,: TTT+: :: TT 7 : . 7 :::i 4 : -. d
b. Q , : : :+, ,.. ,. ,7,.. /.. .. ,.. ...,+,T b ::Q 7 : .d .., 7 : : : i: . Q+ Q : i:b. +7 7 :i..., .T+. .d::7 :: d .. : TQ + . .. TT. Q4 ,. :b Q+b. , : Q : 4TT
: , T +ji + ,. ..7 : 7
, +,.Q7 .+TT .I
..+ +T ::+. ,d+iT
::::, 7 :
ii :. :: 4
iiii ,.. :b +TT 7
::::::: The Usual Suspects +,.. .
:::::: Ascii Powers .., d0
--- -- - 25 Lines... A pure weird TUS! work...
Well... dont really have to say anything, the ascii speaks for itself .
Maybe you dont understand this, your problem...
Im always THIS IS ART, NO BULSHIT, GOOD ART... i a suspect. i ::i Special Greet goes out to Dicyple, The King i :: Usual Greets goes out to: Nestor, Jashiin, i .
Cleaner, Prosthesis, Cain, KonamiThe god, i :: ::
Rest of T he U sual S uspects peeps, all i ::i :
those UniqueArtistic ascii artists, and to i :: : ::
Secular, and to every one who still draws Ascii... :::
What is he doing? Is he doing what I think he does, or what you think? NO!
b. Q , : : :+, ,.. ,. ,7,.. /.. .. ,.. ...,+,T b ::Q 7 : .d .., 7 : : : i: . Q+ Q : i:b. +7 7 :i..., .T+. .d::7 :: d .. : TQ + . .. TT. Q4 ,. :b Q+b. , : Q : 4TT
: , T +ji + ,. ..7 : 7
, +,.Q7 .+TT .I
..+ +T ::+. ,d+iT
::::, 7 :
ii :. :: 4
iiii ,.. :b +TT 7
::::::: The Usual Suspects +,.. .
:::::: Ascii Powers .., d0
--- -- - 25 Lines... A pure weird TUS! work...
Well... dont really have to say anything, the ascii speaks for itself .
Maybe you dont understand this, your problem...
Im always THIS IS ART, NO BULSHIT, GOOD ART... i a suspect. i ::i Special Greet goes out to Dicyple, The King i :: Usual Greets goes out to: Nestor, Jashiin, i .
Cleaner, Prosthesis, Cain, KonamiThe god, i :: ::
Rest of T he U sual S uspects peeps, all i ::i :
those UniqueArtistic ascii artists, and to i :: : ::
Secular, and to every one who still draws Ascii... :::
What is he doing? Is he doing what I think he does, or what you think? NO!
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